Here we go! A step by step guide to making these lovely flower brooches !
they are so cute & versatile and super quick to make !
Lets get crafting!
This is what you'll need :
An old cereal box (or some cardboard of that weight)
some clothes pegs (not essential but handy)
A tin can (full or empty!)
An egg cup
Fabric glue
A fabric marker
some nice buttons
You'll also need -
your chosen fabric (or fabrics) about a fat quarters worth.
a scrap of felt
Rotary Cutters OR a craft knife (I found the craft knife easier to work with)
A cutting board
& a brooch pin (forgot to include it in the photograph!)
Step 1 - Draw a circle the size of your eggcup on the cardboard and on the felt scrap
Step 2 - Using your scissors cut them both out
Step 3 -
next lay your brooch pin on the remaining felt scrap
and mark the felt about 1/8 inch inside the hinges.
Step 4 -
carefully make 2 little slits in the felt with your craft knife or scissors
and thread through your brooch pin as shown below
Step 5 -
glue your felt and pin to the cardboard circle you cut out in step 1
Dont be skimpy with the glue especially around the pin!
Step 6 -
turn the piece over and cut out the fabric in a circle around the cardboard.
no need to be too exact but give yourself about !/2 an inch all around.
Step 7 -
Still using the scissors snip some V's from your fabric
Step 8 -
glue around the outside of the circle and fold the little tabs in towards the centre.
Step 9 -
When the felt is all glued down set aside to dry.
This is how I dry mine below - positioned between two CD cases
with the eggcup on top to hold the felt in place
Step 10 -
Whilst the glue is drying on your brooch back start cutting out your fabric. Use the food can as a guide and cut around it with your craft knife or rotary cutters on a cutting mat. If you don't have a sharp knife or rotary cutters you could also draw around the circle and cut out with scissors but be sure to cut inside your lines as they will be very obvious in your finished flower.
Step 11 -
you'll need eight circles - they can be all different fabrics or all the same - its up to you!
Next take your felt circle from step 1 and fold it in half and then fold again. mark the tip of the quarter folded circle with your fabric marker - this is the centre of your flower base and helps you line up the petals when you are assembling the brooch.
Step 12 -
take one of your petals - add a sot of glue in the centre then fold in half,
dot of glue - fold in half again , another dot of glue and fold in half again.
Your 'petal' is now one eighth the size of a full fabric circle.
Step 13 -
This is where the clothes pegs come in !
Clamp your petals in the clothes pegs and let them dry
While the petals are drying you can empty out your button collection
and have a look at what buttons you might like to use in the centre!
Step 14 - Assembly -
When they are completely dry lay your petals down on the felt base.
Decide how you want to combine your fabrics (if using more than one type)
and if you want all the folds lying the same way
or if you want t so what I did here and face every other fold together.
Lay your petals around the outside of the base when you are ready to start glueing
so you don't forget your earlier decisions !
Glue the fabrics to the base centred on our centre mark we made earlier.
When the flower is assembled let it dry
- sew or glue on your button centres and then glue the flower to your base we completed in step 9.
You can pin these flowers on your coat, your bag, your hat or a scarf , you can also leave the pin out & simply glue them onto things too like picture frames or garlands - they make great hair-clips too!
they dont have to be made from patterned fabrics they look great in plain fabrics too !
Here's a plain one I made to attach to a bag earlier (I just used the same fabric as the handles) ...
If you have any questions about any of the steps in the tutorial above then please do leave a comment
and I'll get back to you a soon as I can !
Thank you for visiting & come back soon !
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Siubhan x x x