If you listen carefully, you can hear the announcer saying his time at the end of the run! Turn up your sound!
This Saturday was perhaps the last day of skiing at our local ski mountain. It was the culminating parade of Zoomers, the junior racers, who were decked out in their colorful finery and tooting horns. (No pictures, I didn't think I had the camera...but I really DID. I just didn't know it.)
After the parade: a family fun race, in honor of Sally Deaver (an Olympic skier whose parents left a trust to the Ragged Mountain Ski Club!). Sadly, Mom failed in procuring a "low bib number" (which, if you are a librarian means something entirely different than if you are a ski racer), so Sylvan's number was 78. He spent a lot of time in line up top, tossing snowballs at other boys while he waited for his number to come up.
Barred Owl
Saw Whet Owl
Following a beautiful morning of warm sunshine and skiing, we hustled over to the Owl Birthday Party. The birthday girl wanted to be seated on Jonas's lap during the owl presentation by Kate of the Chewonki Foundation. In a word: Cute.
We hear recordings of owl calls, we heard about what they eat (and what eats them), how they got injured and ended up at Chewonki, etc. Owls are put together so amazingly! Do you know that their ears are located at different levels on their head? One is higher than the other so they can echolocate with precision!
This sweet dress was sitting ever-so attentively in front of us. I am a sucker for these girly dresses! It was a full and lovely day and I came home with a little sun on my cheeks.