Showing posts with label sparkle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sparkle. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

{Before I get started with today's news, I just wanted to say that I changed my commenting to not allow anonymous comments anymore (sorry Mom, CJ & Trudy...) due to annoying spammy comments. I hope that I set it so that it still lets the rest of you in though! Let me know if it doesn't and you're unable to comment.}

Things have been busy around here in the last few weeks, finishing both Chrysalis and Sparkle and now things are definitely slowing down. Only a few things on the go now, but for starters I'll show you a picture of Sparkle, all washed up! Crinkly, quilty goodness. :)

This week I started cutting up scraps into 2.5" squares. Now, most people in blog land who are cutting 2.5" squares these days are making Granny Square Blocks. Not me! I love the Granny Square, don't get me wrong, but I'm lacking in solid background fabrics and have waaaaaay too many leftover prints. So what I'm going to do is sew these together randomly into somewhat of a Postage Stamp Quilt design and see how many 36" baby quilt tops I can put together, which will eventually be quilted and given to our hospital foundation.

{this is just a fraction of them...}

Two other items to note:
  • I received the mini vacuum attachment that I ordered from ebay, for the purpose of keeping my new sewing machine in tip top shape, and I think it's going to be great! I used it briefly yesterday, just to try it out, and it's nice to be able to get into those little nooks and crannies. I'll update as I use it more.
  • Connecting Threads Essential Cotton Thread - I'm not sure if I'm sold on it, yet. I used it for quilting the Sparkle quilt, and really had no problems at all. However, when I opened up my machine to clean it out after finishing that project, there was SO.MUCH.LINT in my machine. Like literally balls of fluff inside my bobbin case and feed dogs, etc. It was kind of shocking. I had cleaned the dust out before starting to quilt this, so what was in there was only from quilting the Sparkle. I worry that there's fluff and fuzz also in the upper thread workings of my machine, which is obviously much harder to access. One other thing about the thread - it is called a 50wt., but it definitely seems heavier than what I'm used to. I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing, it just wasn't what I was expecting.

Looking forward to seeing what the rest of you have been up to!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sixteen Sparkles

Finally, a Sparkle wrap-up! I was such a keener at first, cranking out sparkles left right and center, and then totally stalled out as I waited for my batting to arrive in the mail. I think I might be the last Sparkler to finish! But here it is, and I'm so happy with the result. I think this may possibly be the worst day possible for taking photos, a very dreary west coast day, so I did my best with indoor shots. Beware of photo overload!

{Shows the full deal, but not really the quilting details at all}

{A different view, shows quilting a bit better}

This was my first time using free motion quilting on a large project. I saw this loopy quilting design on Stitched in Color and decided to go with it. Quilted in rows, as opposed to all-over-no-stopping, I liked it in that it gave me a break after each row! And believe me, I needed breaks! It got better as I went, and overall I was shocked at how fast the whole thing was finished, and how much thread I used!! But then I got to wondering whether I actually used more thread than when straight line quilting, or if my bobbin just ran out faster because of the speed of FMQ? I don't know!

{Ahhhhhh, loops!}

The backing is Michael Miller Antiquity Quatrefoils in "Breeze". It is blue-ish, and doesn't totally go with the blue on the front, but overall it ended up appearing quite neutral and I'm happy with that choice. The binding is just a generic dot print from my local fabric store, nothing printed on the selvedge of this one.


{My chair....this is where I sit to bind all of my quilts!}

Thanks to Jeni and Megan for hosting this fun quilt along!

sew many ways

Eat, Grow, Sew at Blue Bird Sews

Fresh Poppy Design

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Since last week's post, my shipment from Connecting Threads arrived and I busily got down to work on the quilt tops that have been accumulating! First up was Chrysalis. I basted, quilted and bound this one in just a few days. I love it! (more details here)

Next up was the Sparkle top, made following this QAL. I decided to try free motion for the first time on a large project, and chose to do loops in rows like I saw on Stitched in Color last week. I am glad that I chose a design done in rows for my first time, because FMQ on a large project is HARD! Much different than on a small project. I have some weird little jiggedy spots where I didn't re-start very well, but overall it's going pretty good. Can't say I'm very relaxed yet though, and it's definitely not soothing! I have less than 1/4 left to do, so it's actually gone pretty fast considering I only basted this today. I'm trying the Connecting Threads Essential Cotton thread for the first time and I've had no issues with it whatsoever. Seems like a good product and a good value.

That's about all that's on my plate this week. Looking forward to seeing what the rest of you are up to!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Works in progress & a VERY satisfying finish

{measures 40" x 40"}

Ever have one of "those" projects that maybe isn't the most awesome thing you've ever made, but actually getting it finished ends up being so satisfying? My Kaleidoscope donation quilt was one of "those". In fact I think it was just last week that I declared I would not be talking about it anymore, and really I was this close to pitching it. BUT, I was just dying to try machine quilting on my Elizabeth and this was the only project that I had all supplies needed, so I took a deep breath and a) ripped out all previous stitching I had done, b) balled up the polyester batting into a bag and took it out to the garbage can, c) re-pressed the top and backing, and d) sandwiched it back together with a 80/20 batting that I have used before and already know I really like. Machine quilting on the new machine went off without a hitch and it was so enjoyable to just be able to GO and not worry about puckers or tension or anything like that. I am totally sold on this machine!

Okay, so on with W.I.P. Wednesday.

1. Chrysalis Quilt - no sewing progress on it this week, but I did buy my backing fabric and I love it. It is called "Scrappy and Happy" by Janet Selck for Northcott Fabrics. It is absolutely perfect for this project - the orange is a perfect match (even if it doesn't quite look like it in the photo). I don't have batting yet, but this quilt is next up in my queue for machine quilting.

2. Sparkle Quilt - finished the top this week! Next will be to decide what to back it with, and how to quilt it.

3. Sewing machine cover - some progress, but nothing photo worthy yet!

4. Still contemplating the Modern Mini Challenge - I want to participate, because little quilts are so fast and fun to make, but I don't need another mini that I don't know what to do with.....if only I had if I do make a mini for the challenge, I may end up doing a giveaway for it. Would you lovely readers be interested in that?

That's it for me for this week, and I am looking forward to seeing what the rest of you have been up to!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Fresh Poppy Design

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sparkle Quilt Top Finished

I pushed through this weekend and finished my Sparkle quilt top. I had the blocks completed last week, then it was "just" adding sashing and borders. Definitely not my favorite part of the quilting process!! I do like how it turned out though, even with its little wrinkles and puckers here and there. It measures in at about 55"x55", though I haven't actually taken a tape measure to it.

Thanks to Megan and Jeni for such a fun design. :)

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations

sew many ways

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A sneak peek, and some input please!

The Sparkle Quilt top will be finished this weekend! I'm at that tedious adding sashing and borders stage. Ugh. I wish I enjoyed this part more, but I just don't. It may have helped if I had squared up my blocks first....

And now I'd like to ask for some input! I've been collecting a little list of questions, things I'm curious about, things that I often say "I wonder how other quilters do ____ or ____ ". So feel free to answer any or all of these, and let's learn from each other!
  • What sewing machine needle do you generally use for piecing?
  • How often do you use the decorative stitches on your sewing machine?
  • Hera markers by Clover - has anyone in Canada ever found these in local stores?
  • When you free motion quilt, do you use an extension table? I don't have one, in addition my machine does not sit in a cabinet and is not flush with my work surface. I wonder what your feelings/experience are about this. I got some great feedback from Lucy (who FMQ's on her machine as is, no extension table), but I'm sure that everyone's experience is a bit different.
  • What is your preferred basting method? I generally spray baste, but I go back and forth between loving it and not liking it so much. I'm tempted to try pin basting again on my next quilt.

Thanks all!! Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

So much has happened since last week. Last week I was all excited about my new Pfaff machine, and since then that machine has gone back (sadly) and has been replaced by Elizabeth. So far we have had only happy times together and I think my sewing productivity will pick up some pace now!

{some of the fun that my kids and I have been having with Elizabeth's fancy stitches}

Completed Projects:

1. I have completed one project since last week, a mugrug/placemat/kitty rug for my furry friend Max! And for your viewing pleasure, a hilarious picture my friend sent to me that wasn't in my previous post. He is apparently saying thank you. :)

Ongoing projects:

1. Sparkle QAL - I've jumped ahead of the QAL (oops!) and have completed 12 out of 16 blocks. These blocks have been worked on using 3 different sewing machines - I don't know how many projects manage to earn that distinction! haha

2. Chrysalis Quilt - no progress, but maybe soon

3. Modern Halves - no progress (psssst.....if you haven't already you should go check out my good bloggy friend Debbie's modern halves quilt. It's awesome!)

4. Kaleidoscope Quilt - backwards progress :( This is the last time I'm going to mention it in my WIP Wednesday posts. It may suddenly appear finished, sometime in the future. Maybe.

Upcoming Projects:

1. Ideas for a sewing machine cover for my new machine are brewing in my head. I plan to follow Svetlana's tutorial for the general idea, but am not sure of the layout yet. Maybe a plus design or something like this lattice quilt. I am going to use at least some of these charm squares that I received from Elizabeth at the Pieceful Life blog.

2. Finally, I do hope to participate in the Modern Mini Challenge that is being hosted by Jennifer of Ellison Lane Quilts, but no inspiration has struck quite yet. We'll see....I have a problem with making minis and then not knowing what to do with them! Anyone else??

Modern Mini Challenge

Happy Wednesday everyone. I look forward to checking and seeing what the rest of you have been up to!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Completed Projects:

~ Not a quilty project, but rather my sewing machine shopping! Finished!! If you've read my previous post then you already know that I am now the proud owner of a Pfaff Ambition 1.0. Love it so far!

Ongoing Projects:

~ Kaleidoscope Quilt - still no progress, but now with this new machine I am wondering whether I might give the machine quilting another try. Am I crazy???

~ Sparkle QAL - cutting instructions were released last week, and I got a little ambitious, finishing my cutting and wanting to move on, so I cheated (psst...don't tell anyone) and started assembling blocks based on the pictures and the measurements of pieces given. I am using four different fabrics, making 4 "sparkles" out of each, and so far I have all of the dark blocks finished.

~ Modern Halves Quilt - I had quickly made 4 blocks, then realized that my scraps situation was such that this project would not last long, and as an 'ongoing project' waiting for scraps to accumulate, I decided it would probably end up not going. So I took the blocks that I had, sliced and diced them and ended up with this....will probably end up as a baby quilt for charity.

~ Chrysalis Quilt - no progress
~ Asterisk project - no progress

New Projects:

~ Not in the works yet, but my sewing machine will need a cover, don't you think? Something a bit nicer than the plastic one it came with. Maybe something like this....

Sewing machine cover (front)

{Photo used with permission from Svetlana of s.o.t.a.k handmade. Click on the photo to go to Svetlana's Flickr stream, and click here to go to the tutorial for this sewing machine cover.}


I look forward to seeing what the rest of you have been up to this week. Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Been cutting....

Another snow day for us, not as far as school being cancelled or anything like that, but as far as me not having a car because Graham needed to drive it, as opposed to his scooter, to work today!! I didn't have a whole lot needing to be done around home today (though I do need to fold the towels that are in the dryer and bake banana muffins) and the cutting instructions for the Sparkle Quilt Along came out today so I figured I had plenty of time to do the few chores plus get cutting for the QAL!

This is enough for the largest size, in other words enough of the print fabric for 16 "sparkles". I have yet to cut into my solid background fabric, which is going to be cream.

A question for you today.....

In general, do you press your seams open or to one side??

This is not by any means a right/wrong question, I am just curious! I think it's all of the people working on the Swoon-Along that has gotten me wondering. Before I made Swoon, I pressed all seams to one side. Then with Swoon, which has so many seams needing to line up and intersect it made more sense to press everything open and I am so glad that I did! With that project, I got in the habit and liked the results and now I press all seams open, with very few exceptions.

So, just curious, what do you do????