Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2007

NOW I Get It!

I was having a difficult time trying to understand the Christian Right's obsession with Israel both pro and anti because it seems there are two distinct camps and at least a few others in between with equally bizarre and extreme views.

This music video has cleared the matter up considerably.

Caution: Not for the kiddies or workplace viewing. If Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell is in the room, give them a pan to drool in and save having to mop the floor afterwards.

Why I Love YouTube

Blog-cruising I ran across this music video at The Sudanese Thinker and being the nosy, always curious person I am I had to troll YouTube for what else I might find. Here's just a small sample I wanted to share, hope you enjoy.

From Sudan:




An Ethiopian group singing what I'm told is a Sudanese song

Much more out there go have your own look, funny what you find when your eyes are open.