Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life Happens along the way -

I had so many good intentions to get all my Halloween things finished -because as much as I like them -- Christmas is my favorite time to create . So here I am , when I was ahead - now I am behind lol . SO , I am going to post my little halloween girl , even though her special stage etc never got finished -- and It was gonna be so cute too !! If that gets done , eventually I will post it . MY brother had a mild heart attack last week ( no real damage the dr says - thank Heaven )and had a stint put in . He is home and doing great -- it truly is amazing -- but of course God has blessed him so much - he is a wonderful man .

So my plans have changed -- other things have been priorities -- and next week we are

supposed to go to the Mtn FAir -- for several days -- So my blogging will be sparse - I wish I could make myself post daily - but don't want to just blab -always want to have pics etc --

Ok enough whining . Here are a few pics of my finished -( Gracie -Lou -) after all she is a southerner-lol -


Sherry said...

I'm glad that your brother's heart attack wasn't serious...enough of a reminder to take care of his health! As for Gracie-Lou...I'm like you -- I start well for Halloween and then fall behind and get wrapped up in Christmas! Enjoy the fair!

Unknown said...

Kathy I have to say I LOVE your paper doll girl..waaay cool!!! I am sorry to hear about your brother but thank God he is ok! Have fun at the fair!
