Cutest Blog on the Block

Showing posts with label journaling bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journaling bible. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Bible Journaling using a Paper Napkin

I will update the photos when I correct Anxiety!! But you get the idea!! LOL

Why yes! I am posting about Llamas again tonight! LOL

For my birthday, my sister in law, made me a beautiful cake. She found some adorable plates and napkins at Dollar General. I loved them so much, I wanted to save one forever. 

I used it in my Journaling Bible with a verse from Proverbs.

Proverbs 12:25 New International Version (NIV)

 Anxiety weighs down the heart,
    but a kind word cheers it up.

We all know that when we suffer from anxiety it puts a heavy burden on us and affects us in our every day life. It's hard to focus, socialize, cope with life, and simply smile. But a kind, encouraging word can help us and warm our hearts. If someone is suffering, please don't point out their faults. The worst thing you can say to someone is, "Are you doing your part? Are you living right? Maybe if you didn't do this, or say this?" 
Don't point out someone's flaws if you fail to see your own. I'm just speaking from experience.
 God does not want us anxious and suffering from life's burdens. 

Here he says:

Philippians 4:6-7 New International Version (NIV)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Have you used paper napkins in your Journaling Bibles yet?

I love using them! It's so easy and so pretty. 
Simply peel off the 2nd layer of tissue, cut out your design, and apply it with clear Mod Podge. 
Quick tip: I use a sponge applicator to apply the mod podge to my page, then carefully lay the napkin down. Dab it very carefully w/ the sponge to adhere to the page. Do not wipe, or you will tear your napkin!! Ask me HOW I KNOW!? LOL

And there you go.....

Thanks for stopping by! 
Have a blessed night!

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Be Obsessively Grateful-Bible Journaling

Good day to you! For the past couple of years I've been keeping  a little gratitude journal. By little, I mean it fits inside a Passport size traveler's notebook. I don't write it in daily, but I do several times a week. I find so many things to be grateful for, but at times, I find myself down and looking at all the trials and challenges I face and tend to ask myself, "Why me?!" 

Since I don't have the answers to the "Why me?!" question, I've tried to remind myself to focus on the good, to find the blessings in everyday, great or small. 

I've got a sign at my desk that says, "Be Obsessively Grateful" it serves as my daily reminder. 

Today I'm sharing 1 Thessalonians 5:18,  "Give thanks with a grateful heart."

May you be inspired to Start each day with a Grateful Heart!

Thanks for stopping in! Have a blessed week!!!

Friday, August 03, 2018

Handmade Gift Tag

WooHoo!!! It's FRIYAY!!!!!

I was wrapping a gift the other night and realized I didn't  have a card for my bag. Here's the scenerio: I live about 10 miles from the nearest town, it's 9:00pm, and I"m in my PJ's. What do I do??

I MAKE a tag!!!!

I grabbed a piece of scrap cardstock, cut it to size and punched a border along the bottom using a Martha Stewart border punch. I found a piece from a vintage hymnal, cut that to size and adhered it. I then added a butterfly (epherema) and a printed Beloved Society Girl. I had some butterfly ribbon in my stash too. Why not add that!!!? :)
I finished this off with a mini tab, a handmade paper clip, and some polka dotted ribbon. All in the comfort of my pj's. LOL

I also made her a bookmark for the Journaling Bible I gave to her. 

And added the tag to her gift bag. 

Have a great weekend!!! Be blessed!

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Bible Journaling-Psalm 147:4

Happy Thursday to you!! Today is actually my Friday, and I'm really looking forward to a slower pace these next few days. 

Today I'm sharing 
Psalm 147:4

"He counts the number of the stars;
He calls them all by name."

What a mighty God we serve that  HE knows how many stars are in our universe, and he calls them all by name! 

I have 3 kids and sometimes can't get their names straight, imagine ALL the stars have a name and our Lord Almighty knows each and every one of them!! That tells me, that HE knows me!!! I am one of many, many "stars" yet he calls me by name and knows me!!!
Page details: Beloved Society girl from Illustrated Faith Print and Pray Shop, printed stars, glitter, glitter washi and a scrap from a vintage hymnal. 

Thanks for visiting! Have a blessed Thursday!

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Bible Journaling--Ruth 3:18

Well, hey there folks!!! I know it's been way too long since I've updated this blog. But like I've said, LIFE HAPPENS. 
Today I'm sharing 
Ruth 3:18 "'Wait my daughter, until you see how the matter turns out."

I'm really loving this verse right now. I stress. about. everything. I KNOW I shouldn't, but I do. :(
I always pray for peace and trust in God's will. 

When I read this verse, it really spoke to me. 

Page details: Variety of letter stickers, Beloved Society girl: from Illustrated Faith Print and Pray Shop.  Cross stamps: Illustrated Faith, Word Stickers: Tim Holtz, Crown Stickers: unknown

Thanks for stopping by!
Be blessed!!

Friday, June 01, 2018

MICRO Bible Journaling!

I found these little palm size bibles and love being able to do a little journaling in them, and then pop them in my purse to read while on-the-go. 

Here I'm sharing Proverbs 31:25...

"Strength and Dignity are her clothing, she laughs at the time to come."

Have a blessed Saturday!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Bible Journaling

Good afternoon, 

I've been trying to pop in here and share some bible journaling entries, but life always seems so busy. 

Today I'm sharing

Hebrews 11:6

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

It pleases God when we turn to him and ask for prayer, guidance, strength, etc.
It pleases him even more when we seek him and truly have faith in Him and believe and trust Him. 

Details: Image: Illustrated Faith Print & Pray shop, Acrylic paints and Washi Tape. 

Have a Blessed Day!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Trade and Create Swap

Good evening!!! This past month, I had the pleasure of participating in a Trade and Create Swap group. 
I received some awesome crafting supplies from my swap partner Brandi (@the_happy_door) and was required to create one thing with all or some of the supplies. I loved the color combo SOOO much, I created a few things!!! LOL

Starting with this photo frame:
I painted it with the pink Acrylic paint. I was going to try and distress it, but I clearly need more practice! I added ric-rac and some fabric flowers. I used the patterned cardstock as a frame for one of my photos. 
I also covered some chunky clothes pins with the patterned cardstock and made a cute planner clip with one of the rosettes. 

In my Journaling Bible, I used some of the patterned paper at the top as Washi Tape and covered the dress on my Beloved Society girl to match. I used the pink Acrylic paint as the background. I finished it off with a cute rosette paperclip. 
This is in Isaiah 55:9

And here are the supplies she sent. I was stumped on how to use the cute patterned banner, but I'm sure I will find use for that very soon!!

Thanks for stopping by!
Be blessed!!

Monday, February 05, 2018

Bible Journaling: "Under His Wings..."

Good Monday morning to you!! Today is a special day for many reasons:
ONE: God has given us a new day of life, and has so much mercy on us. TWO: It's my Hubby's birthday! Another year of life, praise God. And THREE: I am happy to announce I was selected to be a Design Team Member for the lovely FLORA JOY DESIGNS

Leah has the most beautiful images, and they are so versatile. You can use them for Bible Journaling, Planning, Cards, and so much more!! 

I chose to use the FEATHERS collections for my Bible Journaling entry this week:

Psalm 91:4:
"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."

 Image details: Watercolor images, Floral Banner and Feathers by Flora Joy Designs:
(link above), Watercolors: Gelatos, word stickers: Tim Holtz, letter sticks: Recollections, Floral/Pearl paperclip: Handmade by me. 

Thank you for visiting!!! Have a blessed day!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Bible Journaling:" When the Brook Runs Dry"

Good evening!!! Do you ever hear a sermon and have an "Ah-ha" moment?! It doesn't happen to me everytime, but when it does, I think to myself, "This WAS for ME!!" 
This past Saturday I was running errands with my husband and we were listening to one of our favorite stations: 1100am KDRY

The sermon wast titled "When the Brook Dries Up." As the Pastor was explaining this verse I could feel it pertaining to my life, and the life of many I know.

As you can see, my Bible Journaling entry for this verse is "simple" compared to other entries I have shared. This is because I was so focused on the sermon and taking the notes, I simply wanted to remember the sermon and not focus on all the pretty details to go on this page.

1 Kings 17:7
"But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall anywhere in the land."

Thanks for visiting!! Have a blessed evening!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Luke 15:10 "There is rejoicing"

After spending almost a week reflecting and praying about all the bad things happening in our world, one incident in particular : the tragic shooting at the 1st Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, TX, 
I came upon this free printable. It was featured as a Facebook freebie from BIBLE JOURNALING MINISTRIES

I looked up the verse printed on it:

LUKE 15:10

 "In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

As I read this verse, I could only take comfort in the thought, that God willing, through this tragedy and other hardships people are experiencing....there are also others that are repenting and being saved. 
So in other words, through the loss of those precious lives, others are being "saved." Angels are blowing their trumphets and rejoicing at those that are turning from their ways, giving their hearts to God and choosing to confess that the Lord is their savior!

I ended up printing my image onto Vellum and painting with some pretty opalescent watercolors. To give the wings some shimmer, I outlined them with a Sakura "glitter" gelly roll pen. 
I added some Gold washi from Target along the edge and finished it off with some beautiful rhinestones from Recollections. Journaling Bible is by Crossway.

The page charm was an old earring that had lost it's pair, I ran it through a gold paperclip. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 
I pray that everyone has somewhere to gather or visit!
May God bless you on this day and always!

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Bible Journaling: "I Can Do all Things..."

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

As I look back at this week, and think of things that have happened, feelings I have felt, I think to myself...."only by the Grace of God do we get through these things." 

We have all been there....hurt by someone we love, let down by someone we depended on, saddened by an event in life, worried about things to come,etc, etc.
But the one thing we can count on is the promise of God's word. 

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me."

Philippians 4:13 

Thanks for stopping by. 
Be blessed.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Bible Journaling: "He is my Refuge and My Fortress"...

When a world seems to have gone crazy, when unbelievable things happen, what should we do?
I often ask myself this, and then remind myself to turn to God's word. 

This past Sunday, the most unimaginable thing happened. 26 people were killed while in church, praising and worshiping God. Small town, everyone knew everyone, it was supposed to be a safe place. 
One young man, who was filled with evil, took the lives of so many innocent children, parents, and grandparents. 
I have been so saddened by this, and have asked God "Why??" 
All I could do was read this verse over and over, and remind myself to trust God. 

Psalm 91:2 says:

I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust."

I'm speechless by this act. Still in shock and disbelief. I know I can never feel what they are going through, or know what they are facing. But I'm praying for them. 

Friday, November 03, 2017

Bible Journaling: "And the Two Shall Become One"

One year ago today, I had the honor of watching my eldest son marry his bestfriend. Even more special is my husband, officiated the wedding. It was a beautiful day even though storms were in the forecast. Thank God it did not rain until later in the night. The wedding was beyond beautiful and all the work we had put into it was so worth it. My daughter in law, Amber, did a wonderful job preparing for this special day. They are a wonderful couple and I wish them many more years together. 

Watching these two unite as one was an indescribable joy, I was one proud Mom and thankful to God for this day.
 In honor of their 1st Anniversary today, I prayed for them this morning and worked on a bible page made especially for them.

In Genesis 2:24 its says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

Bible: ESV Journaling Bible by Crossway, Photo was printed on vellum, floral/pearl paperclip was handmade using a button, fabric flower and gold paperclip. Gold placemat underneath the bible was part of their table centerpieces at the wedding. 

Happy 1st Anniversary Caleb and Amber!
May God always be the center of your marriage and may your love for one another grow deeper and stronger with each passing year. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Oh Happy Day!!!

Oh Happy Day! I have really enjoyed creating these little bits of art and finding that there is always a verse in my Bible to pertain to real life. Only because HE is real in my life!!!!

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other. Just as God in Christ also has forgiven you!

Continue to pray for all of those affected by Hurricane Harvey. I thank God we only had wind and rain. May everyone remain safe and recover from this hurricane.

Be blessed!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Bible Journaling in my Tiny Notebook

Good Sunday evening to you....I have really enjoyed journaling in this #2 Wide Foxy Fix notebook. I thought this was a Licorice..but now I'm not sure. The leather is so soft and flexible. I am really loving it for my MINI Bible Journaling, Junk Journaling, and writing in my little Prayer Notebooks. 

Creating with my hands is what I do! I find it such a wonderful stress reliever. 

I have always loved this verse in 
1st Thessalonians 4:11
"Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you." 

I have all these paint chips laying around, at one time we were trying to decide on colors for my craft room and for the church. I wanted to put them to good use. So I've really enjoyed creating these little bits of art. 
The only downside to this, I don't like my handwriting!!!! Yikes!!! LOL Something I will have to practice on for sure!!! 

This past weekend, our Texas coast was hit hard by Hurricane Harvey, I continue to pray for God to put His mighty hands on all of those in need! 

Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed week!

Friday, August 11, 2017

I am Mother, Mom and Mama Bear....

Good morning!!! Feels so wonderful to be off today! I definitely needed this day! I slept in which felt awesome! I hope your day is going just as well!

Do your kids have nicknames for you?? My eldest, calls me "Mother", my middle child calls me "Mom or Maaaa" and my youngest, has always called me "Mama Bear". But no matter what they call me, my purpose in their life is the same: to love, protect, nuture, guide, and pray for daily. Motherhood is a  gift from God I have always been grateful for. My kids have always been my life. They are all grown up and  on their own now, but I will forever be their Mother, Mom and Mama Bear!!!

I was praying for them the other night, and found this verse in 
Genesis 28:15:

"Behold I am with YOU and I will keep you wherever you go and I will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised YOU!"

I know this is God speaking to us. He never leaves us and one day we will return to Him. But it's not until our journey here on Earth is through. Until He calls us home to be with him.
I don't know how long I will be in this world, but I do know, that until I'm gone..I will love my God and I will be a Mom to my 3 wonderful kids ( young adults). They don't like when I call them kids! LOL!

    Details:  Bible Journaling in my #2 Foxy Fix, Stamped Image: Hampton Art, Washi Tape: Illustrated Faith (gift from my sweet friend Terry!), Mug Rug (handmade by a sweet pal: Kelly), DieCut Arrows: Illustrated Faith, Handmade ribbon paperclip, Metal flakes for confetti: leftovers from my Son's job. Padre Island coffee mug: a gift from our Church friends: Carlos and Rosa. 

Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, June 09, 2017

"Micro" Bible Journaling

Happy Friday to you!!! Hope you had a great week!
I don't think there is such a thing as "Micro Bible Journaling", I just made it up at this instant! But I do want to share this with you.........

 I wish I could say I came up with this idea..but I didn't! I was inspired by Tai Bender of Growing Meadows.  You really should Google her work, you will fall in love too!!!!

She does the cutest bible journaling in a little book of Psalms. She also uses a little traveler's notebook, but I don't know the details of it. When I saw it, I thought..."I love that!! It's a great way to carry God's encouraging words with me daily!!!"

#0 Foxy Fix Sugar Cupcake

 I didn't have a little book of Psalms, but I did have my Micro Foxy Fix, and found that it worked perfectly! I bought some water color paper, cut it down to size and made a booklet with it. I bought water color paints on Amazon, and pulled out my rubberstamps!

      I have really been enjoying this process, because I love creating, and reading God's word brings me comfort. Now when I'm feeling stressed, anxious, sad, angry, happy, etc....I can pull my Micro out of my purse, and be reminded of God's promises. 

Feather stickers, pink tassel, gold Washi Tape and binder clip are all from
Target's Dollar Spot.  Organza paper clip is handmade. 

Thanks for stopping by!! Have a blessed weekend!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Bible Journaling: Proverbs 3:13

Good evening to you! I hope your week is going well. I'm popping in this evening to show you a Bible Journaling page that I worked on this past Sunday. 

I'm using

"Blessed are those who find wisdom,
    those who gain understanding,"

Godly Wisdom is the ability to discern between right and wrong, God gives us the ability to seek wisdom by reading His word.
 In James 1:5 it says, "Ask for Wisdom and it will surely be given to you." By seeking God's wisdom, through His word, we gain an understanding. By meditating on His word and practicing it in our lives we gain wisdom from the Lord and this helps us understand the circumstances in life we may encounter. We may not always understand WHY, but we do understand that His WILL works in our favor. 

I absolutely LOVE woodland critters, especially Owls and Foxes!! My niece had a baby shower this past November and she found these super cute invitations and paper napkins at Hobby Lobby. 
I thought they were so adorable and knew I wanted to use them in a crafty project. 
I saw a YouTube video by Growing Meadows and Tai Bender used clear Gesso to mod podge a napkin to her bible page. After seeing this video, I couldn't wait to try the technique using these napkins. I haven't been able to purchase clear Gesso, so I used Clear ModPodge. The cute green Pom-Pom paperclip is from PEACHY CHEAP DEALS.
 Every day is a new deal, so if you see something you like, grab it right away!!!!
I also used various stickers that I had in my stash. 
I use an ESV Journaling Bible by Crossway. 

Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed week!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Bible Journaling in "The Traveling Bible"

Hey there!! I's been over a month since my last entry!! But I've been a busy girl! 

I wanted to share a really neat idea with you....
I joined a group on Facebook called The Traveling Bible and found it's a really neat idea in relation to Bible Journaling. 

There are a few Bibles circulating the US and each recipient decorates a bible page, signs it, and sends it on to the next person. 
Here is my entry: 

Psalm 91:4

"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection"

I tried a new technique that I believe Tai Bender of  Growing Meadows shared. It was using a printed paper napkin on your bible page. The directions stated to use Clear Gesso, but I live out in the boonies and could only find Clear Mod Podge at my local Walmart. It worked fine for my project. 
I used some printables from Illustrated Faith Print and Pray Shop. I love all of these printables!!!

I also used acrylic paints and applied them with an old WalMart gift card. The letters are actually cardstock alphabet cutouts and I traced them with a thin black marker. The word "his" are alphabet stickers by Recollections.