I am sitting on the sofa feeling terrible and thinking of all the things I should be doing, like cleaning out the cellar which we are renovating. Instead I have a headache, a sandpaper throat which feels like small knives dig in each time I eat/drink, and a general ache in all my muscles. I also have a misterious pain in my lower back, at the tailbone level, even though I have not fallen down or injured it. My older boys and husband are camping so at least I dont need to feed the whole family this weekend, the little ones and myself can go a long way with homemade bread and eggs! I have been catching up on my journal and picked up a nurmilinto shawl for knitting. The color is not accurate in the photo above, it is more of a brownish redish color, really beautiful. I have knitted this shawl before (in yellow), and it is one of my most worn shawls on an everyday basis. Quite a brainless knitting as well, exactly what I need right now.
Though these photos can fool you, our weather is not summery at all. Right now we have 6 degrees and pouring rain. We are still waiting for a stretch of days where we can actually walk around in shorts. We haven't taken our sandals out of storage yet! I really have to cut our grass but right now it is full of lovely buttercups and I cannot make myself do it. I keep thinking of all the bumble bees and insects that need the flowers. I have harvested radishes from the garden but nothing else for the moment. It is all growing really slowly because of the cool weather. The first lettuce should be ready in about a week.
On the homestead animal front we have had a couple of happenings. We have another broody hen who just wants to sit and hatch some eggs. I have tried removing the eggs but she will just sit on next days eggs. I decided to let her sit on a couple of eggs and see if she goes all the way. She has been known for not completing the three weeks of nesting that is needed for the chicks to hatch so we will see what happens.
One of the previous chicks that hatched about a month ago was being terribly pecked at (that pesky pecking order!) so we took him inside (I think he is a rooster!) and we took care of the sore for about three days. He was in a cage in our living room floor to our cats great amusement! The sore has healed now and he seems to be doing fine now.
And lastly one of our rabbits has gone missing. She managed to leave the rabbit coop and we haven't been able to find her anywhere. There are no rabbits up here, only hares since it is too cold, but there is a bunch of predators that wont hesitate to eat her up. We still have hope, and keep looking for her each day. She was a real fan of digging huge tunnels and holes.
Hope your weekend is great and healthy!. xxx
Hope you get well again soon. Love the knitting. Perhaps your rabbit returns with a litter of small ones.