Showing posts with label get paid to post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get paid to post. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sponsored Tweets - Is it the end for it?

Since the last year several companies took advantage of Twitter's ad-less service and introduced their service to advertisers and publisher (members of twitter). It seemed to be a prosperous business for everyone who jumped on the bandwagon - publisher, advertisers and the companies who handled the transactions - be it, Sponsored Tweets, MyLikes, Magpie, Revtwt, Twivert, Twittad, Paymetweets and many more.

Some of the mentioned services pay you
  • a fixed price for each tweet, no matter how many clicks your tweet received (Sponsored Tweets has ClickWatch enabled which means, if the target of 1,50 $/click is not reached, the tweet will be sent out 24 hours later again),
other services pay you
  • for each click the given link received,
  • for each follower that views your tweet
  • or for each sale a user that your given link generates.
In the last months Twitter officials already announced that they themselves want to introduce advertisement in Twitter. In the last few days more details got into the light that Twitter will offer its own ad platform.

It's not that clear yet how it will work out as they are just in the Beta phase but it seems like the ads will be published in your tweet depending on what you tweet (keywords & #hashtags).
A Twitter official told on a press conference that it will be explicit clear that a sponsor paid for the ad and it will be made relevant and useful, so the user doesn't think of an ad!

With 50 million tweets per day, around 600 tweets per second, it's a big opportunity for Twitter to start earning money instead of losing money. But it seems like Twitter will allow users to opt-out of Ads in their own twitter time line for a small fee.

In the end it all depends if the users of Twitter accept the "paid ads" or if many will leave Twitter as soon as they discover ads in their time line (depending for which company). Not sure if this will also lead to a kind of "click fraud" as the users may not know for which company the shown ad will be, if the user can delete this ad like any other tweet you have sent out to your follower and if the pricing of Twitter's own ad platform might be competitive with the ones who are already in the market.

If you think of Kim Kardashian who seems to charge 10.000 $, Holly Madison which charges 1.250 $ or Shoemoney who gets 176+$ for a Sponsored Tweet, they will opt out of this service but it seems that Twitter has to look themselves in which user account they can place the appropriate ad not only depending on keywords and Hashtags but also followers and the activity of these followers (click-through rate).

What do you think?
  • will you stop using Twitter when they built ads into your twitter stream?
  • will you pay a small fee to get rid of Twitter's own ads?
  • will it affect your use of sponsored Tweets in the future?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Second myLot-Payment proof -February 2009-

Finally we got our second Payment from MyLot, the first myLot-payment for myself!

The Payment was made by myLot for the time between mid-November until end of February (in between this time i couldn't be that active because of the things that have happened in the last week of January until the first week of February, read the two stories here and while waiting for the delivery of our baby boy in the mid of February i just earned an additional dollar in February ;-) ).

The Payout-amount was 17,57 US-$.

Now we are waiting for the new stimulus package to see how it will affect the earnings process. It seems it has to do with "tasks".

Tasks could mean we get some exercises from the myLot admin each week or month that we have to fulfill (means being more active so that myLot could earn more money, too, by getting more page impressions and therefore can sell more displayed ads!).

Let's wait and see. You will be the first to read it here in my guide for myLot which new earning opportunities are waiting for us.

For easier access simply follow my blog, subscribe to my RSS-Feed or bookmark my blog and you get updates automatically.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Get paid to post/write: Guide for MyLot -Part I-

Hello, this is the Guide for myLot, a get paid to post/discuss/write-Webpage (my favorite ) with over 166.600 members!

For now there are 5 parts (including the new "Stimulus Package" from myLot with higher earnings amount in the future called "tasks") about the most common issues for new members.

Part I: Registration, more interests = more earnings?, Your myLot-Homepage, personalize it (this page)!

Part II: Earn money with starting discussions, make friends and understand the basic steps to earn money, so that your discussions or responses don't get deleted (or your money for this work will be deleted too)

Part III: Earn money with responding to discussions, some bonus items (after 100, 200 and 500 postings)

Part IV: Earn money with myLot each day by being an active member, tell others about my guide for myLot!

Part V: Earn money with myLot using the new "stimulus package" called "Tasks"!

myLot Payment proof for December 2008, payout on 14th January 2009

myLot Payment proof for February 2009, payout on 13th March 2009

Ok, let's start with it!

In myLot you can
  • post your discussions,
  • ask the other members questions,
  • respond to your discussions,
  • answer the questions of the other members or
  • respond your own opinion on their discussions,
  • make friends worldwide by adding them as your friends and
  • earn money by doing the things i mentioned just now.

Register at

The first step is your registration at myLot:

They ask you about your Name, Nickname, Password, e-mail and the Paypal-e-mail so that they can payout the money when you reach 10 US-$.

After you typed in these data, you're already logged into your myLot-account.

Don't forget to open the Welcome e-Mail in your e-mail account to approve your myLot-account!

Choose your interests!

In your MyLot-Account is now the MyLot-wizard active:
There you can choose your interests which are important because based on them you have automatically access to your preferred discussion topics, for example:
  • Roles that you play in life
  • Food and beverage that you enjoy,
  • Things you want to do in life,
  • favorite websites
  • Hobbies
  • working places
  • Music groups/artists, Pets, Books, Video games, traveling,
  • Movies, TV shows, products, technologies, cars and so on.
I suggest around 30 - 100 interests for the beginning, from each topic 2 - 5, afterwards you can add more by clicking on the link "interests" (or when you respond to a discussion you don't have in your interest list yet, myLot will ask you if you want to add it, i suggest to click on YES :-) ).

After you added as much as you felt comfortable with , you can have a look on your "Homepage" by clicking on "home".

Your start page

There you find usually on the right side
  1. Today's top discussion
  2. discussions from your interests (which you choose just in the beginning)
  3. from your friends (in the beginning sometimes none if you didn't get referred to myLot)
  4. discussions you started
On the left side you'll find
  • the activities from your friends (their responses, comments, when they get best responses, which discussion was the highest rated yesterday and so on)

Personalize your Homepage

In the right corner of your Homepage you'll find the link "add content".

You can add other items like
  • news,
  • weather,
  • discussions,
  • interests,
  • blogs,
  • private messages.
I choose for myself some of the news, "discussions i responded to" and "private messages".

The best way to earn money in myLot is by helping others. That means
  1. add them as your friends when they reply to one of your discussions

And now to the next four parts of my guide to learn how to increase your earnings and having a lot of fun in myLot!

Part II: Earn money with starting discussions, make friends and understand the basic steps to earn money, so that your discussions or responses don't get deleted (or your money for this work will be deleted too)

Part III: Earn money with responding to discussions, the bonus items (after 100, 200 and 500 postings)

Part IV: Earn money with myLot each day by being an active member, tell others about my guide for myLot!

Part V:Earn money with myLot using the new "stimulus package" called "Tasks"!
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