this year is quite something..maybe because it's the last one...?
guarding last year's present from my sweet buddy (lampu hijau yg best)
along with fyp guidelines -__-"
nukilan rasa hati dalam merisik redha ilahi
I used to utterly loath driving. And I still do, to a certain extend. I hated it so much, that even a car unused at home and a neighbourhood deprived of public transport did not push me to the steering wheel. -- so true, even with my brothers and sisters nagging at home...I'm still not up to it yet.
I remember Ummi threatening me, that she would not give a cent if I were to take a refresher course a few years from now, when I start working, to start driving again. Being adamant that I would be married by then, I simply shook my head and said, “OK”. -- would I be married by then? haha..yang pasti sebelum intern ni mmg tak sempat dah la.
Ungrateful creature hehehe.
I had a phobia against driving. My driving course took twice as long as others, as I kept cancelling lessons with IMKEDA, having cold feet against driving in KL. And while I passed my driving test, I refused to touch the wheel ever again.
Miraculously, two short events changed my life… And put many people in danger (ke?) for quite some time, I think. Kauthar would attest to that.
One, was one day, we were in the car coming back from a program- me with my murabbi when suddenly out of the blue, one of them posed the question- “Apa kata Alya beli kereta?” -- I had this too "Along, kalau awak minta kereta mesti dapat. Minta la dari parents awak" (erk, minta apanye, drive pun tak reti)
Honestly, while my lips muttered a quiet yes, all I thought was how ridiculous the idea was. Not only did I not drive, I did not even like it!
Huu. end of event number 1.
Event number 2.
One fine day, during summer holidays in Malaysia.
The phone rang, and bibik came running to me in the kitchen, saying it was for me. Which was weird, since most of my friends knew my mobile number. It was a kakak, who was the mas’ulah of our big summer program then, who took my number from the database we filled in before coming home for summer- hence the use of the house number.
“Aliyyah, awak datang program kita kat Alang Sedayu tu kan?”
“Haa. Awak ada kereta kan, jadi runner ya.”
If my eyeballs could really bulge out of its socket, it would. Me? Me, the Aliyyah who remembers not the function of the gear. Me, who hasn’t driven for 3 magnificent years.
“Akak, saya dah 3 tahun tak drive..”
“Awak ada kereta kan? Parents awak mesti bagi awak keluar kan? Lesen hidup kan? Haa then apa lagi? Boleh ya. Akak takde orang lain ni..”
That marked, the start of the journey, of how pure hatred slowly dissolved, and a love formed between wafa’ and her owner… -- when would that be for me??
In it, is a deep lesson. An enlightening journey, a beautiful experience..
It is a story of a human’s potential. To change. Of islah. Of hijrah- from a state deep down below the sea level, to emerge victorious for the sake of Allah. -- this is the part that really touched me deep.
----------Barangsiapa berhijrah di jalan Allah, niscaya mereka mendapati di muka bumi ini tempat hijrah yang luas dan rezeki yang banyak. Barangsiapa keluar dari rumahnya dengan maksud berhijrah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, kemudian kematian menimpanya (sebelum sampai ke tempat yang dimaksud), maka sungguh telah tetap pahalanya di sisi Allah. Dan adalah Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. (4:100)