Showing posts with label Terrorists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorists. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Maps of Terror: August 13-18, 2017

There was a pattern to the recent terror attacks: Turkish restaurants and sites.

During the week of August 13, 2017, there have been a series of terrorist attacks around Europe, EuroAsia, and Africa - in Spain, Turkey, Finland, Germany, and Burkina Faso. There have been many terrorist attacks, worldwide this August. (Please see here.)

Here is a brief overview of this week of terror, in words and maps, for some locations.

Several foreign nationals were among 18 people killed in a suspected Islamic extremist attack on a Turkish restaurant in Burkina Faso’s capital Sunday night, August 13, 2017.

Meanwhile, in Istanbul, Turkey, a suspected Daesh terrorist who had been arrested on suspicion of preparing to carry out a suicide bombing, stabbed to death a policeman on Sunday, August 13, 2017. The suspect was shot dead after killing the policeman, according to Turkey's Anadolu news agency.

On Thursday, August 17, 2017, the big media attention was on the terror attacks occurring in Barcelona, Cambrils, and Alcanar, Spain. Please note hostages reportedly taken at luna de Istanbul restaurant in Barcelona.

On Friday, August 18, 2017, a man was stabbed to death in a shop in Elberfeld, near Dusseldorf, Germany. The incident took place on Kipdorf in Wuppertal-Elberfeld, in the city in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Knifemen killed two people and targeted five women, including one pushing a baby in a pram, in a stabbing spree in Finland. Armed police scrambled to the middle of Turku as a knife-wielding group reportedly rampaged through the city – as a manhunt was launched to find the attackers.

You will note that in four of these attacks - an Istanbul restaurant in Spain, a Turkish restaurant in Africa, locations in Turkey, and in the Finnish city of Turka, the Turkish link & name game is there.

Turku is a city on the southwest coast of Finland at the mouth of the Aura River, in the region of Southwest Finland. Turku, as a town, was settled during the 13th century and founded most likely at the end of the 13th century, making it the oldest city in Finland.

The Finnish name Turku originates from an Old East Slavic word, tǔrgǔ, meaning "market place." The word turku still means "market place" in some Finnish dialects. The Swedish word for "market place" is torg, and was probably borrowed from Old East Slavic, and was present already in Old Swedish.

The name of Turkey is based on the ethnonym Türk. The first recorded use of the term "Türk" or "Türük" as an autonym is contained in the Old Turkic inscriptions of the Göktürks (Celestial Turks) of Central Asia (c. 8th century). The English name Turkey first appeared in the late 14th century and is derived from Medieval Latin Turchia.

The Greek cognate of this name, Tourkia (Greek: Τουρκία) was used by the Byzantine emperor and scholar Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus in his book De Administrando Imperio, though in his use, "Turks" always referred to Magyars. Similarly, the medieval Khazar Empire, a Turkic state on the northern shores of the Black and Caspian seas, was referred to as Tourkia (Land of the Turks) in Byzantine sources. The medieval Arabs referred to the Mamluk Sultanate as al-Dawla al-Turkiyya (State of Turkey). The Ottoman Empire was sometimes referred to as Turkey or the Turkish Empire among its European contemporaries

The recent past....

The following map published in 2015 predicted areas that might experience terrorist attacks.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Beyond San Bernardino: What Force Awakens?

What has been awakened?

The San Bernardino event occurred on December 2, 2015. According to the traditional behavioral contagion/copycat timetable, watch the window of December 16, 2015, for more trouble. In addition, on December 18th, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a worldwide premiere that delivers too large of a publicity opportunity for a terrorist organization or individuals to ignore. Some say Sunday, December 20th is significant because of some Sandy Hook links. 
I don't know, but this is not over.

Be alert. Be safe.

"Star Wars" gets something very right -- the notion of religious authority in Islam.
Take Obi Wan Kenobi, for example, and his relationship with Luke Skywalker -- as well as Skywalker's relationship with Yoda. (Ignore, if you must, the filming of the most pertinent Jedi scenes in Tunisia, an Arab-Muslim country with a very long tradition of Islamic spirituality, or Sufism). The notion of the "Jedi Knights" is built very much on the quintessentially Muslim phenomenon of tariqah Sufism -- or the spirituality of the Sufi order.
Put aside the fact that all the Jedi nights have a garb that is basically a North African djellaba, which became popularized by Western adepts of Sufism in the 70s and onwards -- actually, let's not put that aside. But in any case -- it is abundantly clear that the small, green, Yoda is the Sufi master -- the murshid, or guide, that takes young Skywalker through the different levels of spiritual advancement, as he pursues the Absolute, al-Samad -- one of the attributes and "Names" of God in Islam. Or, if you prefer, "the Force." ~  "'Star Wars' or ISIS: Which is more Islamic?" by H.A. Hellyer, CNN, May 12, 2015.

The original Muslims at the time of Muhammad were in many ways similar to the Jedi of Star Wars. In fact, Muhammad did not himself use the word "Allah" (God), which derives from Christianity, but several different poetic synonyms for the one universal consciousness, or the Creation, which he often referred to as Al-Qaadir = the primal power, the destiny, which is quite similar to the term "the Force."
This word, basically "the Force", remains one of the "99 names of Allah" respected in Islam.
There may thus be an analogy in the collective subconscious between the training of Anakin by Obi-Wan Kenobi, with Anakin later turning to the Dark Side of the Force, and the development of these extremely barbaric and evil Islamist groups from Islam, such as ISIS and As-Shabaab, etc., i.e. the Force Awakens, and unfortunately that means that the Dark Side, Darth Vader/ISIS is trying to build its empire. 
Another noteworthy similarity: The Muslim greeting "May peace be with you" = the Jedi greeting "May the Force be with you." ~ Matthew Deagle

The Tunisian city of Tataouine, which has allegedly become a waypoint for IS fighters coming and going from their Libyan bases, is the inspiration and namesake of George Lucas's desert planet [Tatooine]. Source.

Colonel Mokhtar Hammami of the National Guard added: “I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that all is normal – in fact we’ve seen a big influx of foreign tourists and Tunisians.” He said the area around the sets was being patrolled by 1,500 troops…There are worries the inaccurate report [that Tataouine was overrun with ISIS fighters] will have further damaged the country’s tourist trade, already rocked by the attack [on March 18, 2015] by two Isis gunmen on the Bardo museum in Tunis which left 23 people dead. Source.

A murder-suicidal frenzy does not depend on strategic leadership, but only on the existence of the army of "lone nuts". ~ Maadi

Saturday, November 21, 2015

It Could Be Tomorrow! Black Sunday

Terrorism is a creeping phenomenon. It grows and evolves; changes and adapts. It lives off the fear and multiples the fear to spread. 

One part of the Paris terror attacks of Friday, 13 November 2015, targeted a European football (to North Americans, soccer) stadium. There were three suicide bombings outside the Stade de France (the national stadium of France) in Saint-Denis, a northern commune or suburb of Paris.

We are living in a time in which the potential for stadium terrorism is real and the threats are taken seriously. On Tuesday, November 17, 2015, the friendly soccer game between Germany and Netherlands was cancelled with just 90 minutes before kick-off, at the Niedersachsenstadion in Hannover, Germany. German chancellor Angela Merkel was due to be in the stadium for that match. Another stadium in Hannover, the TUI-Arena, was also evacuated. The music band Söhne Mannheims were set to play there that evening.

In Belgium, on Tuesday, November 17, 2015, a game between Spain at Belgium was cancelled due to the heightened security alert caused by the Paris terror attacks.

In the American psyche, through popular culture, a real fear has been that there will "soon" be a terrorist attack at a NFL game, in a major American stadium. With all the threats against Washington D.C., will it be at a game around the USA's capital? The Washington Redskin will play at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina, on November 22, 2015. What will happen tomorrow, on the anniversary of the John F. Kennedy assassination? Hopefully, nothing.

Nevertheless, this psychology for this forecast goes back to the 1970s. Long before the 2002 film, The Sum of All Fears, had an atomic bomb that was obtained from a Syrian go off at an NFL game in Baltimore, there was 1977's Black Sunday.

 But there's something in the air, and the terrorist organizations use this something.

 The tagline for the movie Black Sunday is "It could be tomorrow!"

Tomorrow is Sunday.

The International Skeptics Forum noted in 2011 that a certain researcher (its not important for this discussion to identify who) said that "there may be a nuclear bomb detonated during Superbowl XVL and if not tomorrow, at a future mass event, where hundreds of millions of viewers will be watching....[The] prediction is based on his interpretation of decades of pop culture, which he sees as the primary means of conditioning the populace, in the tradition of conspiracy theorist, James Shelby Downard, whose works examined perceived occult symbolism, twilight language and synchronicity behind historical events in the 20th century."

Black Sunday is a 1977 American action-thriller film directed by John Frankenheimer, based on Thomas Harris' novel of the same name. The film was produced by Robert Evans and starred Robert Shaw, Bruce Dern and Marthe Keller. It was nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Motion Picture in 1978.

The novel that started it all.

The inspiration of the story came from the Munich massacre, perpetrated by the Black September organization against Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympic, giving both the novel and the film its name.

In the realm of syncs, a number of some significance, in recent years is 42, and its mirror, 24. Black Sunday's promotional photos prominently display a football player wearing "24."

In the film actual NFL footage is used of the Dallas Cowboys playing the Pittsburgh Steelers. In the book, the bomb via a blimp will detonate over Tulane Stadium during a Super Bowl between the Miami Dolphins and the Washington Redskins.

In Black Sunday, Marthe Keller plays Dahlia Iyad, an operative from the Palestinian terrorist group Black September. Although she was clearly scripted to be Palestinian, there was a hint that she was aligned with the German terrorist group the Red Army Faction (also known as the Baader-Meinhof Group or Gang during its early days; the RAF was active in German from 1977 through 1998). 

Black Sunday was banned in Germany and Japan.

Tomorrow is November 22, 2015.

Super Bowl 50 will be played on February 7, 2016, in the City of Santa Clara at Levi’s® Stadium, in the San Francisco Bay Area, California.

For Black Sunday, the landing and hijacking scenes were photographed at the Goodyear airship base in Carson, California with Columbia (N3A); a short scene in the Spring, Texas base with the America (N10A), and the Miami, Florida Super Bowl scenes with the Mayflower (N1A), which was then based on Watson Island across the Port of Miami.

Added 5:30 AM, November 22, 2015, - tweet response to this posting:

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday the 13th = France's 9/11

The date is significant. It always is in a terror attack.

One media report dramatically summarized what happened, as if it was a cinematic plot. One eyewitness said the police on the street, creeping towards the Bataclan, looked like "they were in a movie."

"On a night when thousands of Paris residents and tourists were reveling and fans were enjoying a soccer match between France and world champion Germany, horror struck in an unprecedented manner. Terrorists -- some with AK-47s, some reportedly with bombs strapped to them -- attacked sites throughout the French capital and at the stadium where the soccer match was underway."

What do we know about November 13th?

At least 6 coordinated attacks occurred. Sky News is saying 158 were killed in Paris. All attackers have been killed by law enforcement officers or died by suicide, states Fox News, after reports circulated all night that some were still at large.

Update: By November 14, 2015, the number of deaths was restated as 128 people killed by the terrorists. Reportedly, 8 terrorists were known dead, with 7 of them dying by suicide.

The Bataclan is a theatre located at 50 boulevard Voltaire in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.

Built in 1864 by the architect Charles Duval, its name refers to Ba-Ta-Clan, an operetta by Offenbach, but it is also a pun on the expression le tout bataclan(the whole caboodle), the oldest written use of which predates Offenbach in a journal entry of 11 Nov 1761 by Favart. The nearest Métro stations are Oberkampf on Line 5 and Line 9 and Filles du Calvaire on Line 8.

Some individuals escaping from the Bataclan mentioned they had to get back to their cars parked on the rue La Fayette. The Fayette factor?

My Friday the 13th tweet, send out a few minutes before 10 AM Eastern USA, I now find haunting: "Woke to a red dawn...."

We're there visual precursors, syncinematically?