Saturday, August 24, 2013 

SBCC Cooking Classes

Looks like there is a great lineup of culinary classes for SBCC's Center for Lifelong Learning. Some that struck my fancy....

American Riviera Cuisine: California and the Classics Materials Cost: $40.00 Class Cost: $81.00 
Instructor: Michele Molony 
Start 09/20/13 Friday 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm; 4 sessions starting September 20, 2013, ending October 11, 2013 Location: Santa Barbara, Schott Campus Rm. 27 Culinary Lab 

Chocolate Mania 
Materials Cost: $40.00 Class Cost: $81.00 
Instructor: Elizabeth (Lys) Vereycken 
Start 11/06/13 Wednesday 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm; 4 sessions starting November 6, 2013, ending November 27, 2013 Location: Santa Barbara, Schott Campus Rm. 27 Culinary Lab 

Cooking Fresh from the Farmer’s Market 
Materials Cost: $15.00 Class Cost: $23.00 
Instructor: Suzanne Lemagie 
Start 10/05/13 Saturday, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm; 1 session starting October 5, 2013, ending October 5, 2013 Location: Santa Barbara, Schott Campus Rm. 27 Culinary Lab 

Meet, Mingle and Cook 
Materials Cost: $10.00 Class Cost: $23.00 
Instructor: Suzanne Lemagie 
Start 09/10/13 Tuesday, 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm; 1 session starting September 10, 2013, ending September 10, 2013 Location: Santa Barbara, Schott Campus Rm. 27 Culinary Lab 

When Life Gives You Lemons 
Materials Cost: $30.00 Class Cost: $61.00 Instructor: Elizabeth (Lys) Vereycken Start 09/11/13 Wednesday 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm; 3 sessions starting September 11, 2013, ending September 25, 2013 Location: Santa Barbara, Schott Campus Rm. 27 Culinary Lab

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Tuesday, March 05, 2013 

Pascale's Kitchen


If you have not taken a cooking class from Pascale Beale, you are missing out. But...have no fear...she has a newsletter just out that hightlights when her next classes are coming up...and more!

And yes, she tempts you on Pinterest, too.

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Monday, December 17, 2012 

Julienne Restaurant cooking class!

Monday, January 7, 20136:00pm 
138 E Canon Perdido St, Santa Barbara, California 93101 

Seafood Cooking Class: Cured Salmon Steamed Shellfish Sea Scallop Cookery Recipes, instruction and dinner included. Pre registration is required so give us a call ((805) 845-6488) to book your spot! 
Cost is $100 per person.

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Monday, May 21, 2012 

The Spice Sessions

Cooking classes from The Spicy Gourmet
Classes are conducted for 3–6 students. This is truly a hands on experience where you learn to combine spices and spice roasting techniques, as well as creating authentic spice blends such as Garam Masala and other “curry powders.”

Together we will choose three to four dishes from a selection of authentic regional classics from my menu. You might opt for spicy mulligatawny soup, thakkali isso (shrimp in a coconut-tomato curry), annasi (curried pineapple with cumin and fenugreek), chicken tikka masala, deviled beef with cardamom and cloves, or fried rice with eggs and turmeric.

The classes start at $75 per person and Dinesh provides the selected organic food, spices and expertise.

We will cook several superb dishes and then enjoy your creation together
Invite a few of your friends, form a class, and we will journey into the sumptuous world of spices. Ask about wine pairings for your menu.

Contact Dinesh, set a date, and let the culinary journey begin!

(805) 448-7961

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Friday, May 11, 2012 

Pascale's Kitchen - Cooking Class in the vineyards

There is an amazing opportunity to take a cooking class from our favorite chef Pascale Beale in the bucolic vineyards of Zaca Mesa. Not to miss opportunity.

Saturday, May 26th Noon - 2pm
at Zaca Mesa Winery, Foxen Canyon Road, Santa Ynez Valley
Enjoy the vineyard and its beautiful views on a warm spring day with a gourmet picnic and the acclaimed Chef Pascale Beale.  She will prepare a lovely spring picnic featuring dishes from her latest cookbook:  A Menu For All  Seasons~Spring.  Along with an amazing picnic, Zaca Mesa wines, each guest will receive an autographed cookbook from Pascale.  Each guest can choose their own cookbook; Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring.
Cellar club members - $75 non-members $85

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Thursday, June 10, 2010 

SlowFood Santa Barbara and Shepherd Farms Cooking Class

Summer Solstice Sizzles at Shepherd Farms
Cooking Class & Dinner at Shepherd Farms
Sunday June 20th, 3 to 7 pm

Summer cooking should be simple, taking advantage of the bounty to prepare and enjoy gorgeous, delicious foods that don't keep you in the kitchen all day. Join SlowFood Santa Barbara as we prepare a summer solstice meal using Shepherd Farms' seasonal crops, then enjoy our meal amongst the brimming summer fields at Shepherd Farms.

  • Homemade Herb de Provence Focaccia
  • (you'll learn how to make this super easy dough, and get to chose your own toppings)
  • Shepherd's Salad With Crushed Pistachios, Summer Oranges, & Fresh Ricotta
  • Grilled Summer Squash & Sweet Onions
  • Grilled Locally Raised Organic Chicken Rubbed with Garlic, Lemon & Rosemary
  • Apricot Galette
  • Iced Fresh Mint & Verbena Tea

BYOB if you want alcoholic beverages

Cost: $85 per person. 10% of profits goes to the Santa Barbara School District's
Healthy Lunch Program directed by Nancy Weiss.

For more information, please email

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009 

Have you ever wanted to write a cookbook?

Janice Cook Knight can show you how with her Cookbook Writing Workshops!
Every Recipe Tells a Story: Cookbook Writing Workshop
Turn your own recipes into memoir – whether you’re writing a book for publication, or to preserve your family’s food history.
Cookbooks tell the story of a culture, a family, or reveal a particular passion - what's your angle? We will write in class, test student recipes, and help you develop your own cohesive theme.

Six Wednesdays,
April 22 – May 27
6-9:30 pm

Cost: $295

For more information
contact Janice at or 805-884-0302

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009 

Mexican Cooking with Chef Monica de Alba

Wednesday July 8, 2009 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
1023 Bath Street, Santa Barbara, CA

Cuisine of Mexico

Casa Dolores - Center for the Study of the Popular Arts of Mexico

Join our Host, Chef Monica de Alba for a workshop of the fresh cuisine of Mexico

Menu includes:

Chicken Tingas - A tinga is a special kind of stew fromPuebla that's most often made with pork, but alsomade with other meats. This version will be made with chicken in a smokychipotle sauce and served ontostadas with black beans.

Nopalitos– A refreshing salad made from fresh cactus pads.

Tomatillo Salsa – Traditional salsa made from tomatillos (husktomatoes), a tomato like green fruit.

Horchata– Pleasantly sweet rice drink flavored with cinnamon.

We will enjoy our delicious dinner in our charming and historical adobe (the oldest in Santa Barbara), chef de Alba will provide recipes of the prepared dishes to all participants.

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