Monday, August 01, 2011 

Happy 60th Anniversary, Gelson's!

Gelson's Market by jericl cat
Gelson's Market, a photo by jericl cat on Flickr.

Designed by Stiles Clements, the shiny new Gelson’s Market was modernistic in design and had the air of a building set in a tropic land. Inside, from roof to floor, the market’s front had a glassed instead of a cement front, an industry first. It was completely air-conditioned and heated. Huge circulating fans and giant heaters guaranteed a complete circulation of clean, fresh air of proper temperature every five minutes. Specially designed fixtures in all departments afforded ample display of the peerless selection of items which Gelson’s handled. 

Spacious aisles — which would become a Gelson’s hallmark — and large shopping carts were available to make shoppers’ selection of merchandise a pleasure. The first Gelson’s also set the stage for what would become Gelson’s tradition of exemplary meat and seafood. The store had an ultra-modern, self-service Meat Department, with stainless steel and enamel cases running the building’s full length. Behind these cases, in full view of the customers — when you’ve got it, flaunt it! — was the meat cutting and wrapping room. - Gelson's

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008 

The Brits starting a Revolution here in the States?

Apparently some feel that the British "Fresh & Easy" stores will revolutionize America's shopping.
Tesco’s Fresh & Easy stores may be small, but their impact on the American grocery industry probably won’t be. Tesco opened 30 of these 10,000-square-foot supermarkets throughout Southern California and in Las Vegas and Phoenix in November and December. And the company says it will open 20 more by the end of February.

...“This is going to be absolutely huge,” said Phil Lempert, a food industry analyst and the founder of, an industry newsletter. “Eventually, Fresh & Easy could have more of an impact on American health than any other retailer.”

What sets this concept apart is not the fresh, high-quality offerings, which are similar to those of Bristol Farms, Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods Market, sources say. It is the fact that those fresh, high-quality offerings are priced low — a kind of amalgamation of the virtues of Wal-Mart and Whole Foods.

...Tesco has promised to open stores in traditionally underserved areas, such as South Los Angeles, which has lacked affordable, quality grocery stores ever since the destruction of its big supermarkets in the 1992 race riots. - Shopping Centers Today

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Monday, June 25, 2007 

Grocery Workers Vote to Strike

Whether they actually do or not, that will be decided later. But the vote is in...and they want to put that on the front table. Keep in mind:
  • Workers haven't received a pay raise since 2002
  • The stores want to up (some by 100%) their medical co-pays
  • The stores want to add a third tier for paying lower wages compared to the current two tiers
  • They are trying to drive out older workers then hire younger, much lower paying employees

Total CEO Compensation
Corporation CEO 2003 2004 2005 2006 % Increase
David Dillon $3.7 Million $4.0 Million $5.1 Million $8.3 Million 124.3%
Steven Burd $1.0 Million $2.3 Million $9.2 Million $7.0 Million 600.0%
Jeffrey Noddle $3.9 Million $5.7 Million $9.5 Million $11.9 Million 210.5%


And last time there was a strike, it seems that the supermarkets were up to "no good"

The California Attorney General brought suit against the big three supermarkets (Vons, Ralph's, Albertson's) for anti-trust violations....and won the case.
Attorney General Bill Lockyer today won a landmark court ruling that holds grocery chains are liable for any antitrust violations arising from a profit-sharing agreement they entered prior to the start of a months-long labor strike in Southern California that ended February 2004.

"This ruling, the first if its kind in history, is a significant legal victory for consumers and law enforcement officials, not just in California but potentially across the country," said Lockyer. "The decision stands for the principle that businesses cannot violate the most basic tenet of antitrust law, conspiring to keep prices artificially high, and then escape accountability just because they broke the law during a labor strike." - California Office of the Attorney General
And Ralphs was fined $70 million for it's additional wrong doing.
Ralphs pleaded guilty in July to felony charges including indentity theft, money laundering, obstruction of justice, false use of a social security number and conspiracy arising from the company's ill-fated plan to secretly rehired striking or locked-out workers during a work stoppage in 2003 and 2004. The court imposed a $20 million fine and ordered Ralphs to pay $50 million in restitution to an 19,000 workers and their unions.

..Judge Anderson remarked that the company's conduct displayed a "pervasive and powerful corporate culture that exalted the value of profits and win at any costs above the rule of law." - California Wage Law blog
You know, if the supermarkets are claiming they have no money to pay their workers, perhaps they should find lower paid executives...perhaps they shouldn't break the laws and pay high fines for doing so.

I prefer the Farmer's Markets anyway. Unfortunately, one of my favorite little grocery stores Lazy Acres is owned by Albertson', buh bye if there is a strike. And, if there is a strike, I will forever shift my "big store" business to Gelson's and Trader Joe's.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007 

Share Our Strength...Sharing the Knowledge

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, many businesses closed in the Gulf Coast, including those that provide food critical to those in need. The New Orleans Food and Farm Network recognized that in order for people to return to the city, they needed access to food, but finding food was an enormous challenge.

With a $15,000 grant from Share Our Strength, the New Orleans Food and Farm Network created the Neighborhood Food Access Map, a project that identifies where to find food from grocery stores, farmers’ markets, restaurants and emergency kitchens. The maps, posted in New Orleans neighborhoods and distributed to community organizations where residents can easily find them, have been such a huge success that an online mapping tool has been added to make it even easier for people to access the information.

Learn more about Share Our Strength’s ongoing efforts to support relief in the Gulf Coast.

An NPR story on the lack of SuperMarkets in the Big Easy.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007 

Sowing the Wild Whole Food Oats

Whole Foods (WFMI) just gobbled up Wild Oats.

Whole Foods Makes Offer for a Smaller Rival- New York Times, NY

....Mr. Mackey — noting that Whole Foods has made 18 previous acquisitions, including Fresh Fields and Bread & Circus — said that the companies would save money by eliminating corporate duplication and that Whole Foods would gain access to markets where it is now weak, particularly the Pacific Northwest, the Rocky Mountain region and Florida.

Wild Oats, though, is the biggest acquisition yet for Whole Foods. Started in Boulder, Colo., in 1987, it has 110 stores in 24 states and in British Columbia and $1.2 billion in annual sales. By contrast, Whole Foods, which was started in 1980 in Austin, Tex., has 193 stores in the United States, Canada and Britain and had sales of $5.6 billion in 2006.

“We think we are going to have a very positive impact on Wild Oats, and we think they will have a positive impact on Whole Foods,” Mr. Mackey said. “We need each other.”

but Whole Foods got herded out of Rancho Burbank, California....
A split City Council on Tuesday night shot down the controversial Whole Foods Market proposed in the Rancho equestrian district, a victory for neighborhood residents who feared a traffic nightmare, but killing a chance for the popular natural foods grocer to locate a store in the city. - LADaily News
There stays the "Neigh"borhood! - LAist, San Fernando Biz Journal

It's Store Wars!

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