Friday, August 26, 2011 

Das Williams needs help in trying to Save McGrath State Beach

The public is being urged to help keep open McGrath State Beach in Oxnard, which is scheduled for indefinite closure Sept. 6, by voting for it in "America's Favorite Park" contest.
....It's a special place to our community," said Williams, standing near the Santa Clara River natural preserve. "It would be tragic to see a park like this close." - Ventura County Star
And it's so try to help keep McGrath State Beach open!! 
Go to the following link and vote....often.

McGrath State Beach is one of the best bird-watching areas in California, with the lush riverbanks of the Santa Clara River and sand dunes along the shore. A nature trail leads to the Santa Clara Estuary Natural Preserve. Two miles of beach provide surfing and fishing opportunities, however, swimmers are urged to use caution because of strong currents and riptides. The park offers campsites by the beach. - California State Parks

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