Tuesday, August 27, 2013 

McConnell's Ice Cream...Reigns Supreme

in its hometown Santa Barbara. Here's the scoop on whats the haps with our little town's crown creamery.... 

They have a new downtown location at 728 State Street... and they want everyone to join them for a GRAND OPENING!

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013 

McConnell's is Hiring! McConnell's is hiring!

Since 1949, McConnell's Fine Ice Creams of Santa Barbara has been making and selling the world's finest artisan ice cream. They are about to open the first company-owned-and-operated store and are in need of a kitchen assistant. 

Job Description: Part time dessert prep. Some dessert/pastry experience preferred. Or a passion for pastry, and an eagerness to learn. Training available for the right candidate. Looking for someone who has a meticulous personality and an eye for perfection. They are proud of their ice cream and need someone to join the team who puts quality first. Advancement possibilities. Compensation TBD and commensurate with skill. 

Please cut/paste your resume 
in the body of an email to: 

Include a brief cover letter explaining 
why you are right for this job.  
We will not open attachments. 
No phone calls, please. 

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Sunday, January 13, 2013 

Local Ice Cream hero Jim McCoy passes

Go enjoy some local McConnell's Ice Cream in his honor. 
Jim McCoy, the former longtime owner of one of Santa Barbara’s best known businesses — McConnell’s Fine Ice Creams — died this week, according to his family. McCoy, 81 passed away peacefully at his home Tuesday. McConnell’s Fine Ice Creams was founded in 1949 by Gordon “Mac” and Ernesteen McConnell. McCoy bought the company in 1962 after Gordon McConnell died, and served as president for nearly 50 years before selling it himself in 2011. - Noozhawk

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Friday, May 20, 2011 

McConnell's for Sale?

Tub O Ice Cream
Originally uploaded by Mike Saechang.

Say it ain't so!
Southern California is one of the world's biggest markets
Established brand since 1949
Currently sold in 500 markets and restaurants
Two retail stores (not included)
1,500,000 in yearly sales (was 5,000,000)
Close to a break even during this recession
Owner retiring, OWC
Dream lease, name your terms. 
- BizBen

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