Sunday, August 18, 2013 

Step aside Cronut

The doughsant is here in Santa Barbara!

Word has slowly been spreading about a fluffy, tasty pastry that's the creation of a Santa Barbara Spudnuts - KEYT


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Tuesday, June 26, 2012 

The Inn Crowd with Chef Budi Kazali

Local Hotelier and Chef Budi Kazali will have his own show on local TV Station, KEYT
The Inn Crowd with Chef Budi Kazali,” which will debut at 6:30 p.m. Saturday (June 30), is a cooking show peppered with a healthy dose of fun, easy gourmet recipes, breathtaking scenery and magnetic personalities, according to Executive Producer Ira Distenfield. 

The show centers on Kazali, an award-winning chef who is known for his unique fusion of French and Asian cuisine, his passion for fresh ingredients, and his ability to bring people together around gourmet foods and recipes.- Lompoc Record

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Monday, May 09, 2011 

No Cat Theifs allowed

You ROCK, Robert!

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Sunday, July 25, 2010 

Santa Barbara Foodbank Needs Our Help

Donations from food manufacturers and a drop in cash donations are the main reasons for the shortage, according to officials at the the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County.

With unemployment high, and the economy tight, more families are seeking help simply trying to put food on the table - KEYT

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