Monday, August 19, 2013 

Happy 5th Year - Sly's!

For sublime seafood, steaks and cockatail, head to Sly's in Carpinteria. Don't forget to try their blueplate specials!

They are celebrating their fifth year in business this's to MANY more. Cheers!

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Saturday, March 02, 2013 

Ascendant Spirits - A Santa Barbara County Distillery

Actually, Santa Barbara County's first liquor distillery since Prohibition is opening up in Buellton.
Steve Gertman and family are opening the Buellton liquor distillery’s doors to the public for tours and tastings this Saturday and Sunday. The venture, located off Highway 101 at 37 Industrial Way, Suite 103, will also be the only legal distillery on the Central Coast, Gertman told Noozhawk. “The industry as a whole is taking off,” said Gertman, who studied at the American Distilling Institute. “This is really a perfect spot.” - Noozhawk
Visit Acendant's website, Facebook page or follow them on Twitter and Pinterest. But, do....sip and sample this weekend!


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Monday, July 05, 2010 

Summertime...and the Pimm's Cup drinking is easy

Summertime here in Santa Barbara means its High Goal Season at the Santa Barbara Polo Fields. And, that, in turn, means its Pimm's Cup Drinking Time!

The Kitchen has memories of Pimm's Cup(s)...and this recipe.

Pimm’s Cup
makes one drink

1 1/2 ounces Pimm’s No. 1 Cup
lemonade (or ginger ale or lemon-lime soda)
lemon slices
cucumber slices
(optional: orange slice, fresh borage and/or mint leaves, apple slices, strawberry)

Half-fill a Collins glass with ice and a few slices of cucumber, borage leaves, or other garnishes. Add measure of Pimm’s, then top up glass with lemonade or soda. Stir gently and add additional ice if neccessary. Garnish with slices of lemon and cucumber.

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Monday, July 27, 2009 

Late Night Happy Hour at Cafe Buenos Aires

Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

2 for the price of 1 after 9:00 p.m.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009 

Horrifying news in the sport of Polo

I have spent a number of summers watching the polo matches out at the Santa Barbara Polo Fields. It really is an exciting game and both horse and rider are true athletes. Bringing a picnic basket out to watch the chukkers...and perhaps drink a few yourself of the Pimm's varietal, is a lovely way to spend a lazy summer Sunday.

However, a horrifying event took place down in Palm Beach, Florida just before the showdown matchup at one of the sport's top events. Numerous polo "ponies" quite literally keeled over and died. It's just too heartbreaking.
In front of a stunned, hushed crowd at International Polo Club Palm Beach, veterinarians tried feverishly today to save expensive polo ponies from death before the featured game of the U.S. Open polo tournament.

Fourteen horses, worth as much as $1 million on the Venezuelan-based Lechuza Caracas team died before their scheduled game against Black Watch.

Two other horses are being treated at the Palm Beach Equine Clinic. Another horse is being treated at the Lechuza complex close to the stadium.

When the horses started getting sick fieldside and collapsing about 45 minutes before game time, stadium officials announced that the polo match was cancelled and an exhibition game would be played instead.

...When the horses started collapsing, veterinarians ran cold water on their chiseled, well-bred bodies to try and revive them. Fans that shoot a fine water mist were also used to get their body temperature down. Intravenous tubes were inserted to help them breathe.
- Orlando Sentinel

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Friday, April 10, 2009 

The Hungry Cat is now serving up lunch

Tuesday-Saturday (11:30 am - 2:30 pm) according to their chalkboard placed strategically on the sidewalk.

Hungry Cat - Santa Barbara, CA (at night)
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

If you're a little blue and need a little liquid comfort, stop by their happy hour (1/2 off specialty cocktails and drought beer drinks Tuesday-Sunday 3:00 pm - 6:00 p.m.) Perhaps they are pouring "the Lullaby," the winning cocktail involving Nutella, steamed milk and Rosangel Tequila concocted by mixologist, Matty Eggleston, from their sister restaurant, the Hungry Cat in Hollywood.

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Friday, November 28, 2008 

Mark Your Calendars - Friday, December 5

Repeal Day - (Or "Cinco de Drinko" as some may call it.)
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the ratification of the 21st Amendment, which repealed Prohibition.

So..get your drink on and party like it's 1933!

San Ysidro Ranch Blood Orange Margarita
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.


1 cup fresh-squeezed blood orange juice
3 tablespoon granulated sugar
8 ounces premium tequila
7 ounces triple sec
1 Blood orange, sliced for garnish.

Make a blood orange simple syrup by combining the sugar and blood orange juice in a small sauce pan; simmer over low heat until thick and syrupy. Allow to cool.

Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher. To prepare a drink, pour 6 ounces into a shaker filled with ice. Pour into margarita glass, garnish with a blood orange slice.

Serving glass: Margarita glass

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008 

Mel's...A Santa Barbara libation Institution

Mel's...A libation institution
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

is calling "last call."

Mel’s Lounge, a State Street institution since 1963, is closing on August 24. - SB Independent

900 square feet with a rent that was raised to $10,000 a month. Ah, that's alot of margaritas on the rocks to serve up. $10,000 a month for 900 square feet. The only thing that can afford to go in there is another stupid chain store.

Another bit of Santa Barbara has been destroyed for the "average, working folk."

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Saturday, May 03, 2008 


start your muddlers...IT'S DERBY DAY!


For richer bourbon flavor, try a higher-proof bourbon such as Wild Turkey 101-proof or Wild Turkey Rare Breed (108 proof). Another variation uses Cuervo Black Medallion. Whatever recipe you use, be sure to use crushed ice, and serve this drink extremely cold, with frost on the glass.

You may want to start with a glass that's spent time chilling in the freezer. Don't forget to serve with a straw for sipping.

8 to 10 mint leaves, plus 1 mint sprig, for garnish
1 teaspoon sugar
2 1/2 ounces bourbon
Sparkling water
Crushed ice
Twist of lemon peel, for garnish
Confectioners' sugar, for dusting
Chill a (tall) Collins glass in the freezer for 10 minutes.
Combine the mint leaves, sugar, 1 ounce of the bourbon and a splash of sparkling water in the chilled glass. Use a spoon or wooden muddler to gently crush (muddle) the mint into the mixture.

Add a handful of crushed ice and stir vigorously. Add the remaining 1 1/2 ounces of bourbon and a splash of sparkling water. Fill the glass to the brim with ice (tightly packed), then use a bar spoon or knife to agitate the mixture until frost appears on the outside of the glass. Garnish with the mint sprig and lemon twist, and dust the top with confectioners' sugar. Insert a straw and serve immediately.

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Saturday, December 22, 2007 

Best Eggnog...Period.

broguiere's eggnog and huell howser!
Originally uploaded by chotda.

Broguiere's Eggnog. The champaign of the 'nog.

I picked up a bottle ( bottle) at our local Santa Barbara Gelson's but it sometimes gets a little bit difficult to find. (Chowhound has posts on folks searching for the liquid gold stuff....)

Broguiere's Farm Fresh Dairy
505 S Maple Ave.
Montebello, California
(323)726-2957 fax

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007 

It's pouring rain here tonight

It begain earlier this afternoon and has not let up. The sound of a faucet either being turned on full force or just dripping permeates the senses. Moist, cold air tickle the throat. Flash flood warnings abound. It's been so long since we've seen rain, we've almost forgotten what moisture from the sky looks like.

It would be one of those nights that I would enjoy being in the kitchen, cooking up something yummy...and chocolately. But, alas, I live with a person who is "territorial" and makes, via her actions, the kitchen "off limits."

Sometimes I just don't get why people have to be so pushy, insecure and competitive... over such silly, stupid things.

Finally finished sending out the Christmas Cards....I could probably send out a few more, but, alas....ran out of time. Isn't that always the way though? I'm sure they are on their way to getting really soggy.

I've been busy writing little articles for our weekly paper, The Independent, so alot of my "writing" has been done outside "blogtopia"....but I am finding out how much I truly enjoy putting "pen to pencil" (or fingers to keyboard) and creating something "tasty." I need to do more of it.

And, yes...I am beginning to put together a little New Year's Resolution list.

Ahhh...but back to dreaming of hot chocolately things...with a little "kick."


After a day of snowboarding in Colorado, Mar Jennings writes that he craved a cup of good hot chocolate, but with a twist. Back home in Connecticut, he came up with this apres ski cocktail for aging athletes, like himself, who are over 21.

Mar's Dreamy Winter Delight
  • 2 oz. Brady's Irish Cream liqueur
  • Splash of Celtic Crossing liqueur
  • Canned whipped cream
  • 1 serving hot chocolate mix
  • Cinnamon, ground or stick
  • Fresh chocolate shavings to garnish
Warm a mug by pouring boiling water into it and letting it sit for a minute or two. Pour the two liqueurs into the warm mug. Add prepared hot chocolate. If you like your chocolate really hot, warm the liqueur first, but be careful not to boil it.

Garnish with whipped cream. Add cinnamon. I prefer to place a cinnamon stick through the whipped cream. As a bonus, top with chocolate shavings. — From "Life On Mar's" by Mar Jennings - Connecticut Post

Mmmmmm....couple that with a madeleine...or two...or three....

MAReleine cookies.

What you will need:

  • 1 stick butter (unsalted)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon zest

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Grease and flour the madeleine pans. (These can be of various sizes). Melt the butter and let it cool down. Beat together eggs, sugar and salt, then add the vanilla. Gently fold in the flour using a spatula. When blended, fold in the butter very carefully, but quickly so it does not settle at the bottom of the mixing bowl.

Spoon the batter into the pans and bake for about 8-10 minutes or until golden brown.

Turn out onto a cooling rack and once completely cool, dust with confectioners sugar.

Your Madeleine cookie may be stored in an airtight tin for up to 4 days. If you wish as an alternative, you may substitute the lemon zest with orange zest.

And there you have it!

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Friday, September 21, 2007 

Flickr Photo Friday

San Ysidro Ranch Blood Orange Margarita
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.


1 cup fresh-squeezed blood orange juice
3 tablespoon granulated sugar
8 ounces premium tequila
7 ounces triple sec
1 Blood orange, sliced for garnish.

Make a blood orange simple syrup by combining the sugar and blood orange juice in a small sauce pan; simmer over low heat until thick and syrupy. Allow to cool.

Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher. To prepare a drink, pour 6 ounces into a shaker filled with ice. Pour into margarita glass, garnish with a blood orange slice.

Serving glass: Margarita glass

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Friday, April 20, 2007 

Get your hats and juleps ready

It's almost post time again at Churchill Downs...

Early Times Mint Julep

* 2 cups sugar
* 2 cups water
* Sprigs of fresh mint
* Crushed ice
* Early Times Kentucky Whisky
* Silver Julep Cups

Make a simple syrup by boiling sugar and water together for five minutes. Cool and place in a covered container with six or eight sprigs of fresh mint, then refrigerate overnight. Make one julep at a time by filling a julep cup with crushed ice, adding one tablespoon mint syrup and two ounces of Early Times Kentucky Whisky. Stir rapidly with a spoon to frost the outside of the cup. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

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