Showing posts with label mullahs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mullahs. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2010

What's Wrong With A Military Dictatorship In Iran?

Secretary of State Clinton told a group of students in Qatar yesterday that the Administration fears that Iran is moving toward a "...military dictatorship". This is--again I stress--a cause for fear.

But why? Is a military dictatorship any worse than a religious dictatorship? Or the farcical "democracy" over which the mullahs preside now?

Two things strike me from this story--the first is that military dictatorship per se isn't a bad thing for Iran--but a military dictatorship presided over by the Revolutionary Guards, is. But say for instance, a group of military officers got together and overthrew the mullahs and drove the Revolutionary Guards out of power--would THIS necessarily be bad because it was a military putsch? I don't think so.

Secondly, I think the Administration is undertaking a not so subtle program of trying to instill doubt in the regime--they are trying to get inside Ahmadinejad's head (sorry if I spelled it wrong--I don't care enough to do so correctly). And to that extent, I think it's worth the effort.
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