Monday, January 29, 2007

Lady Luck

Lady Luck was with me on Saturday.
My presentation at school with my project partner Andreea went very well.
Neither of us stumbled or stuttered.
The whole thing was over in 15 minutes and thankfully no one asked us any questions.
Even the professor didn't put us on the spot.

Later that night I went to play poker with my sister, two cousins and their spouses.
I had quite a few good hands but two hands that were freakishly rare.
During a hand of seven card, I was dealt four jacks with a pair of aces as the kicker.
The even more freaky hand was a game of five card stud. We needed jacks or better to open and trips (three of a kind) to win. I was dealt three fours.

Two great hands that I have never had before.

A wonderful night filled with great food, good fun and tons of laughter.


tkkerouac said...

Hi Connie, come on over to see my over 40's blog. Where are your photos?

Crafty Connie said...

I HATE having my picture taken and don't own a digital camera but thanks for asking.

Crafty Connie said...

I hope to buy a new digital camera after I do my taxes and see what kind of refund I will receive. Then I can take pictures and post them.