Showing posts with label Old Glory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Glory. Show all posts

Friday, 7 March 2014

Pictish Raiders

From the north they came ...

A month or so back, I realized I hadn't put up any pictures of the Pict raiding force I finished last year, so when I got the time I arranged some terrain and took some photos. Then things got in the way, as they have a tendency to do, and it took me a good while to sort out the pictures – but this week I finally took the time to finish the last few of them.

The whole warband ready to raid (click for larger image).

The force consists of the following models: one Lord with a champion and standard-bearer (the last one is for decoration only and have no effect in the Dux Britanniarum rules), one minor Noble, one group of four bow-armed skirmishers (should be crossbows according to the rules apparently, but there you go), one group of four skirmishers armed with javelins, one group of four skirmish cavalry and four groups of six raiders each.

Here is the Lord Gartnait son of Girom with his champion Caltram son of Uoret to his right. Behind him stands the trusty standard-bearer Lutrin and to the left stands proud Erip son of Domelch, a minor Noble.

Skirmishing cavalry, armed with javelins.

Skirmishers with bows.

Skirmishers with javelins.

First group of raiders.

Second group of raiders.

Third group of raiders.

Fourth group of raiders.

The miniatures are an eclectic mix of Black Tree Design, Gripping Beast, Old Glory and West Wind. Shield transfers and banner from Little Big Men Studios.

With the long (looong!) awaited Raiders supplement for the excellent Dux Britanniarum from Too Fat Lardies finally being about to be released – "in the beginning of April" is that I'm hearing – I'm getting very excited to at last be able to field this force.

Thanks for looking, have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Pictish Raiders 2

The Picts are still pouring down from the North: I have finished the second unit for my Pictish Raiders force. You can read more about the project in the first post. These are a small group of skirmishers armed with javelins.

From left to right: Old Glory, BTD, Westwind, BTD

This is a nice mix of miniatures: Black Tree Design, Old Glory and West Wind. The fellow of the right is a very simple conversion. He was originally armed with a sling, but I cut the sling away from his right hand along with the peg for the shield on his left hand. I then drilled out both hands, bent the right arm back a bit, to make the pose better, and finally glued the javelins in place. Nice and simple.
Here are some more pictures:

Finally a warm welcome to the new followers: 1/72 Figures collect & paint, Chris Stoesen, fireymonkeyboy, James Brewerton, Paul´s Bods, Thaddeus, thehermit, Wiatrog. Quite the crowd! I hope you will like the blog and find much inspiration here!

Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for reading.