Thursday, December 9, 2010

2010 Blogging Year In Review

It’s the annual year end list!  Yay!

Everyone will be doing the major news stories.  I’ll be doing the highlights from the ConChrist blog.  Because I’m just that self serving.

Anyway, despite all that has gone on this year, I haven’t done that much blogging this year.  It’s been a “rebuilding” year for me since I’m thisclose to getting my M.Ed. and even closer to the certification.  So by May of next year, I’ll be posting a very happy picture of me holding my well-earned M.Ed. and hopefully about my new job by then.

Okay, this year’s highlights in the ConChrist blog is mostly entertainment – I didn’t do too much in regards to politics, so I couldn’t follow it as closely as I would like to.  So hopefully in the upcoming year you’ll see more on me commenting from the national scene.

I commented on another one of Mark Millar’s works after reading about it in the comments at Hot Air.

My interest in anime and manga gets rekindled after buying my stepson a couple of volumes of a manga last year for Christmas called “Death Note,” and I get sucked into the story.

A NH State Representative named Nick Levasseur (D) makes a Facebook comment that ticks off more than just anime fans. And his MySpace page doesn’t fare any better.

Meth lab blows up in Franklin not even a mile from my house.

I get footnoted in an academic film book.  It’s just that the topic is a little…weird…

Do you have a Sassy Gay Friend you can rely on? runs into Copyright issues over two reviews for the “so bad it has to be seen” film “The Room” on the site.

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