Wednesday, October 28, 2009

First Official Look: "The A Team"

How freakin' cool is this picture?

I grew up watching "The A-Team" every week, so having other actors playing the iconic ones is still a little weird to me. But this picture gives me some hope as to how this may turn out.

If you don't know who's in the picture, from left to right it's Bradley Cooper as Templeton "faceman" Peck, Quinton Jackson as B.A. Baracus, Shalto Copley as "Howling Mad" Murdock, and Liam Neeson as Colonel Hannibal Smith.

Jessica Biehl is also in the film. The story is she's going to be playing an FBI agent pursuing our heroes, or she's Face's ex-girlfriend. We'll see when the film is released.

In the meantime, I'm going to reserve judgement until the trailer is released.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

There May Be More On The ACORN Front This Week

James O'Keefe, Andrew Breitbart, and Hannah Giles are scheduled to speak at a National Press Club event tomorrow. One of the topics is scheduled to be ACORN and their undercover investigation and possible charges against them.

This part I found interesting:

According to Mr. Breitbart, “ACORN representatives claim James and Hannah were kicked out of Philadelphia. They also said publicly that unlike Baltimore, Washington D.C., Brooklyn, San Bernardino and San Diego, James and Hannah
never even mentioned prostitution before they were told to leave. James and Hannah will be joining me to set the record straight. After Wednesday, everyone will know what really happened in Philly.

Does this mean another ACORN tape will be coming out this week? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

25 Cheap Halloween Costumes

As a public service since Halloween is coming up, I'm presenting this list of cheap Halloween costumes courtesy of Moolanomy.

I actually did one of the items on the list one year, except with a bit of a twist. One year I went as Martha Stewart for Halloween, but since it was around the time that she was under house arrest my costume had the addition of a convict number on the apron and an ankle bracelet.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here's a Fun Story

It was reported yesterday that a business in Danbury, NH was visited by the Liquor Commission because of complaints of illegal spirit sales -- they were licensed to sell beer and wine, but not hard liquor.

Well, the inspectors came. And found that they were, indeed, selling hard liquor without the proper license. But they also found something else -- marijuana, cocaine and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

The owner was arrested, and is currently out on personal recognizance. He's slated to go to Franklin District Court on November 16 to be arraigned.

I covered that area for awhile as a reporter -- I never would have suspected. But apparently it's well known in the area among the natives that the store was the place to go if you wanted drugs. In fact, the hill next to the store was known as "Hippie Hill" because people would go there to smoke pot. I was talking about this with hubby's ex-wife and her parents today when I went to pick up Christopher. They weren't surprised -- ex-wife even told me that as far back as when she was in high school everyone knew that you didn't go to this store unless you wanted drugs.

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