During a debate between congressional candidates Jeb Bradley and Carol Shea-Porter, Bradley got on Shea-Porter's case for not contacting Gold Star Mother Natalie Healey back after she tried to talk with Shea-Porter, but only received standard form letters. Currently, Bradley has a radio ad running with Healey talking about the fact that she never received a return call from Shea-Porter. Debbie Lee, a Gold Star Mother herself, wrote the following e-mail to her family, friends, and members of the press:
One of the questions asked the candidates was about the importance of staying in touch with their constituents. The Bradley campaign had released a radio ad that Natalie had made exposing the lack of Carol Shea-Porter to return phone calls to Natalie after numerous attempts requesting to talk with her.Then, this is where NHDP chair Buckley comes in.
Jeb responded how important his constituents are and referenced staying in touch with Gold Star Mother Natalie Healey. Carol Shea responded that it was important to her and that she had in fact spoken with Natalie. Nat and I both could not believe what we just heard? Carol had just lied publicly on the platform.
...After the debate we approached the stage and confronted Carol about her bold faced lie. She responded that she had contacted Natalie and had just released a press release to counter the accusations in the radio ad. I told her that our sons had given up their tomorrows so that she could have her today and how dare her that she couldn't use 10 minutes out of her day to return a phone call to a Gold Star Mother. At that point she quickly went back stage.
I turned around and in disgust commented that Carol had just lied. A man in the crowd chanted, "Where's the proof? Prove it. Prove it!" I pointed to Natalie who was speaking with media and said. "She's the proof. That's the Mother who Carol refused to call." I repeated to the man "Our son's gave their tomorrows, their futures, so that she could have her today's and she can't even return a phone call? That's disgraceful.And this is why I could never be a Democrat.
He then told me he had served in Viet Nam and had friends who were POW-MIA. I compassionately touched his arm thanked him for his service and told him I was sorry for his loss. I told him that no matter where you stood on the politics of the War on Terror that a Congressman or Senator out of respect should return a phone call to a Gold Star family member. He stated his disgust for what we were doing in Iraq and said "We've all lost things." THINGS????? My son is not a thing. He was a hero who stood out in the direct line of fire 3 times that day and gave his life for this man and he has the audacity to compare his sacrifice with a thing???? I was livid!!! How dare him.
At this point the man in charge of the debate came over and said we would need to take this outside. I could not believe what had just taken place. I knew I was wasting my time and started to walk away when the man I had the confrontation with told me "Your just being used by the campaign." Oh my goodness again, I can't believe the antics of this idiot. He obviously doesn't know that nobody uses me. I turn around and tell him "NOBODY uses me!" You don't raise a son to be a Navy SEAL by having a character that is used by people. Unbelievable! As I approached the other Blues Star Moms and campaign staff that was there they asked what had just taken place. I retold the confrontation with the condescending, heartless man. They asked me to point him out. I was informed that his name was Ray Buckley and that he was the Chairman of the Democrat Party in NH. I was even more appalled that the man who had disgraced my son and insulted me was a high ranking official in the Democrat Party.
But wait! There's more!
Remember the part where Buckley said he was a Vietnam Vet? Well, John Lilyea of This Ain't Hell discovered that his being a Vietnam Vet would have been impossible according to his own Wikipedia page.
Raymond Buckley was born in Keene, New Hampshire in 1959, and is the eldest of nine siblings and half-siblings. He parents moved frequently to find work, and Raymond had attended a different school for each grade through the ninth. His parents divorced in 1972. By high school, his family had settled in Canterbury, where at the young age of 14, he served as the town's Democratic Party Chair (due to his young age, his mother held the post officially). He planned to go to college upon graduating high school, but lacking the finances, he accepted a job offer to work for then State Democratic Chair Joanne Symons. He has been a professional politician ever since.
Unbelievable. Truly unbelievable.
Update: I forgot that this was the guy who was accused of possessing child porn by a competitor, but was cleared of the charges. Here is a video up on YouTube that, if it had gotten wider play, might have derailed his chances at being the party chairman to begin with.