Harvey Bradley writes that he and his wife Barbara will be riding a tandem from London to Paris in July for the active and practical 'hope' that Christian Aid offers to communities that are already experiencing the effects of Climate Change.
Hope can sound quite a flimsy thing in response to drought, flooding and other climatic changes - but it can inspire inventiveness and creativity where negativity and despair once reigned. Alastair McIntosh in his very readable book, 'Hell and High Water - Climate Change, Hope and the Human Condition' (2008), comes to this conclusion and shows how hope has worked on the Isle of Eigg to transform a diminishing community to one of growth and community enterprise.
Christian Aid offers schemes in Bangladesh, India, Africa and South America to help farmers change their farming methods to cope with changing climatic conditions. In Zimbabwe, for instance, £55 provides training for a group of five farmers in conservation farming, meaning their families can increase the food they grow by up to 500%! £11 provides drought-resistant seeds for one family which ensures the next harvest provides them with enough food to last through the year.
One last quote: "creative applications ... [may] thrive in conditions of pluralism and hope, rather than in conditions of universalism and fear." Mike Hulme, 2009.
They aim to raise £3,500 through their 300 mile tandem ride for 'hope'. If you can help, please visit http://www.justgiving.com/HarveyandBarbara-Bradley.