Saturday, January 10, 2009

Its snowy.

I just put up a great, fun interview over at The Little Red Suitcase. This interview totally makes me want to learn to sew better and create my own little creatures:)

BUT as far as the sewing machine weekend I will be heading out to my mom's where we will spend Saturday sewing a baby blanket for my very good friend!! She is having a baby girl in April and I will be flying out to Florida at the end of February to celebrate with her and her family at her baby shower. I am all booked via Jet Blue and I just look forward to spending time with her, we have known each other since 3rd grade and I am so excited for her to become a mom. So with that said, she needs a special thing made for her by me and it will involve sewing on the machine!!!

Today has been a day of organizing a bit, I finally tackled all of my junk sitting around on my laptop. I also have caught up on emails and other business for The Creative Type. We will be going back to prompts on Monday..............this Monday!! I have missed the blog and all the great girls who help out.

Next I am off to organize my books and my jewelry and then get a few interviews ready to be emailed. So far it has been a productive day. Hows your Saturday so far?

1 comment:

dani said...

My Saturday was nothing like this!! Kudos to you for all your productivity!