Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hello February!

Well February is here and its gonna be a whirlwind for me. I am busy non stop throughout this month, either traveling or going to some sort of event every weekend. No rest I tell you. Then before we know it, March will be here, goodness. It all goes by so fast, its unbelievable. I have really had not much to say lately, everything is in shambles, unorganized, forgotten, whatever the case may be. I do have one very cool thing to talk about.............................................Pagemaps.

The Typists were asked to participate in the February Pagemaps, there are about 10 of us who were sent a sketch and we kept hush hush for a month, and well now we can share because the Page Maps February is up. SO finally something I have made that I can show on my blog:)
I had fun doing this, because lately I have been having a lack of scrap booking design and well, when your given a head start(in this case a sketch) it all seems to come together easier!!

*The Sketch*

*My take on it, you may want to click on it to see it*

Well aside from all of that excitement, tonight I will be working on a little stitched up goodness for a swap partner so that I can send it out.

Also, new interview up at The Little Red Suitcase...........................this time its all about a pretty dress maker. We will also be having our 2nd craft tutorial up by the end of the weekend. It was done by this lovely girl and it has to do with love and Valentines day!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Nothing exciting over here guys!!

I do want to let you all know that there is a new prompt up over at The Creative Type. Its all about Retro fonts. We have one great prize to give away, so if I was you, I would start thinking up a retro type inspired project:)

Also, I forgot to mention the all new interview that has been up over at The Little Red Suitcase. A girl and her Japanese design inspiration. Go see!!!

Also, I am looking for maybe 1 or 2 people to help me out over at The little red suitcase. Basically you would be helping out with interviews and helping me brainstorm ideas. You can email me at:

Let me know a little about yourself, your crafting history, all that good stuff.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A day off.

To have a day off is the best feeling now a days. I commute so much in and out of the city, its just great to be able to sit at home and catch up on things without rushing around, at all. Wonderful, wonderful. I have my list all set up for the what to do's today, all fun stuff of course. I have to finish up a secret project before Friday, get some more interview questions out there for The little red suitcase, put together an interview and get it ready to post by the end of the week and basically drink coffee, watch movies and be a couch potato!

I wanted to talk about the newest thing happening over at The little Red suitcase....................craft tutorials. Very excited about this, because aside from interviewing people about their handmade goods, I also wanted to offer instructions to numerous projects for you to all create. I will be having guest tutorials that will feature a crafter, artist, whatever they may be, and they will bring you a great project step by step for you to do in your own free time.

I am starting off the first one with very lovely lady named Mandi and she will be bringing you a very unique framed in mobile that involves paper snowflakes, my favorite this time of the year! Very fun and very pretty. So head on over and see whats up with that!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The day has come.

Well today is the day, finally, where we see one president leave and another take his place. And this time around, it is a much anticipated time for all. Even if you you did not support Obama , did not vote for him, we really must all unite and try to support him now. He may not live up to his 100% like some have hoped for, but he definitely has something about him that I can feel will be good for us. He has alot riding on him and alot expected from him, and I just hope that he can bring some sort of change to this horrible economy, an end to the war, more jobs for our citizens, and so many other loose ends that need to be fixed. I personally have chills, the outcome for this man is beyond belief. Its not about color to me, its about a man that I feel is honest and genuine.

It really is a day in history that will never be forgotten. I am proud of what we have done. May he be safe tonight amongst that huge crowd and for years to come!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy weekend.

Hey, hey hey! I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. I am currently home at my parents house, its my mom's birthday and she is also helping me put together a small square quilt for my friends soon to be daughter. I have to admit that I ended up with her doing most of the sewing, I just couldn't sew straight. There, it goes to show you that me and sewing machines have issues. Anyway, I will be doing some hand stitching on the back of the quilt, it will make it all the more special:)
I am very happy to say that I finally put up the interview I did with Faythe of Handmade Nation. You can read it hereeeeee. It was hell(not the interview part), for some reason I kept having multiple issues with posting it. But it was well worth it.
ALSO be sure to check out my friend Cynthia's new venture, its oh so creative:) Its called A-gCa, which is a inspiring blog magazine and features artists galore!
Now I need a break:)
Talk with you soon.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a music find.

Need to blog this so I dont forget the address..........................Stereogum. It has some very awesome music finds. Its a must see.


Happy Tuesday.

Hi there! A bit tired today because I tend to stay up late when I know I have to wake up a bit late the next day. So this morning was a mad rush to wake up and shower and then they left me with no time to just chill before I hit the train. Ick.

A few things....................................I just bought tickets to the premiere of "Handmade Nation" which is being shown on Valentines Day at the Museum of Art and Design in NYC. I look forward to seeing this film, as I have expressed before in another post. My interview with the creator will probably be going up on The Little Red Suitcase this weekend. Right now she is busy flying around. BUT, I would highly suggest checking out the Handmade Nation blog and looking to see if they are premiering in your city and definitely picking up some tickets.

Yesterday I received a really great crocheting book in the mail. Its called "Crocheting Course: A complete course" I have finally found a book that shows you how to learn almost every incredible stitch in the crocheting world. Some really fun stuff, I cannot wait to try!!!! I also received my birthday gift from Will, which was this book and is just so interesting to look at. I am still a fan of Kurt and his story is a bitter sweet one.

I have talked before how I am a member of this very cool inspiration blog for the year called "A Year Of Color"(You can sign up HERE) It costs 12 dollars to join for the year and its chock full of projects, inspiration, contests, swaps, and great people. AND 12 dollars is surely not a hell of a lot of money, WELL worth it!! Yesterday I found out I won this very cute ring over on the blog. Its created by Julie, and WOW, I love these rings she makes. There is a tutorial up for us members, but I saw them and loved them but wasn't sure I could make one. Well now I have one for my very own. So thank you guys, I love the blog so far!!!

Last night I was working with some clay, my favorite medium of all time, and I created some cute little raindrops. Right now they are drying up on my art desk and next they will be painted and sealed and then I will share. I have a few more ideas for the clay, and I cannot wait to have a few days off next week!!!!

OK, well I have to cut this short for now, I have only twenty minutes till train time and I must finish getting ready!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just a quickie,

New prompt up over on The Creative Type(USEYOURTYPE.BLOGSPOT.COM)!! Yay to 2009 and another year of type inspired prompts!!!

Also, just watched the Golden Globes, I have to say that I just adore Kate Winslet, I truley do. What a wonderful actress. I have read Revolutionary Road and I look forward to seeing her act the part in the movie, however it really was a rather depressing story. BUT its a powerful story as well.

Thats all folks!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Just had to.

It turns out my headphones broke, which only gave me a reason to treat myself to a new prettier pair. So now I share with you my new white headphones, I am quite in love with them!

Its snowy.

I just put up a great, fun interview over at The Little Red Suitcase. This interview totally makes me want to learn to sew better and create my own little creatures:)

BUT as far as the sewing machine weekend I will be heading out to my mom's where we will spend Saturday sewing a baby blanket for my very good friend!! She is having a baby girl in April and I will be flying out to Florida at the end of February to celebrate with her and her family at her baby shower. I am all booked via Jet Blue and I just look forward to spending time with her, we have known each other since 3rd grade and I am so excited for her to become a mom. So with that said, she needs a special thing made for her by me and it will involve sewing on the machine!!!

Today has been a day of organizing a bit, I finally tackled all of my junk sitting around on my laptop. I also have caught up on emails and other business for The Creative Type. We will be going back to prompts on Monday..............this Monday!! I have missed the blog and all the great girls who help out.

Next I am off to organize my books and my jewelry and then get a few interviews ready to be emailed. So far it has been a productive day. Hows your Saturday so far?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I am just not very interesting.

As of lately, I am so not interesting. Haha, oh well, its good enough for now. I do have a cute little story though, well not a story, but I guess a tid bit of my child caring job life.
So I make dinner.............heated up turkey meat balls and pasta for the 4 year old, and the meatballs have red sauce on them which the 4 year old has never had a problem with in the past. She gets up into her chair and right away gives a fit, "I don't like red sauce" and at this point she is just whiny(we all get like this, even as adults, come on!)
I say "well just lick the sauce off and it will be all gone" and at this point I am not even thinking about how silly this is, but I wasn't gonna tell her to wipe the red sauce off, because then she would be wiping all of her food off.
She then says "oh that's a good idea" with a huge smile, thinking wow why didn't I think of that sort of look. AT that point she is licking the sauce off and is saying "its all gone, that works good". Lol, I thought that was just so cute, she dosent like the red sauce but yet she is licking it off so the meat balls wont have any of it on them, hmmmmmmmmmmm:)

Kids just really do the most amusing things.

In other news, I have been teaching myself to crochet, I am moving slowly along. Maybe one day I will be able to share it with you. I also got rid of a ton of stuff from my scrap booking supplies, I donated it to Make A Wish foundation. I highly recommend that route next time you purge your supplies and are about to do a RAK. I was told that the families will be using the items to make memories with their children, I just thought that was way better then any giveaway on my blog.

I am still scared to sew on my machine, I am intimidated, its true, of a machine. My mom is a crazy sewing lady, she has like 3 machines, and she is a whiz on them. I on the other hand am just clueless and I have a brand new Brothers machine over by my desk that I have really yet to use. I purchased a book to learn some stuff and get a bit comfortable with the whole idea, BUT I just cant do it. Maybe I should just bring it with me to my mom's again, things went better there when she taught me. I think its the same way with knitting and crocheting, I keep telling myself I can teach myself, but really I need someone to sit with me and go over it. Hmmmmmm, maybe my sister!! Hey Cathy, do you hear that??

What else..............................I am just trying to organize my thoughts, bare with me. Oh, I am super excited because I am going to interview one of the authors/creators of "Handmade Nation" If you don't know the book or the very cool documentary that's coming out in the Spring..............well then you need to at least pick up the book to find out what its all about. It is just an awesome read, very inspiring. Its an inside look into the lives of Indie crafters, a peek into the whole movement. I first came across the book back in October, and just fell in love with it and then found out there was a movie coming out. It turned out the movie came first(its still in progress) and the book went hand in hand with it. I am just beyond thrilled, and a little nerve wrecked on what to ask:) BUT I will get there. For new take a look at their very cool trailer for the film.

Well I need to get to bed, we just stood out in the rain for about 10 minutes. We were startled from our room by a parade of fire trucks, ambulances and police. The neighbors had an oil burner back fire. We all thought it was going to be a fire or a gas leak and we were a bit scared. I mean the houses out here in Nassau are really close, I mean you could lean out your window and touch the house next store. So if there was a bad issue, we would have had to leave the house at like 12am. That would not be a good deal. No sir re. So hopefully that's all over because I need to rest up, long day tomorrow of baby watching. My job is great!!!


Monday, January 5, 2009


Cannot sign into any of my MSN or Hotmail accounts. I am so angry over this, isn't that silly? I don't know if I got hacked into my account because of all this silly stuff that's going on at Twitter, I just don't know. So, all my email is UNTOUCHABLE. I have a few interviews in my inbox that are ready to be pieced together for The Little Red Suitcase........................I just don't know what to do. I know this is the least of my concerns and the worlds concerns, BUT at this moment I am highly pissed off. And to top it off, I have a sore throat coming on just after shaking a stomach virus. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

No more ranting for today. Sorry, so sorry:(

Saturday, January 3, 2009


My New Year sure as heck started off with a bang, I somehow caught a very nasty bug and yesterday was a day from Hell!!! My morning started off with just a very bad stomach ache and progressed to a full blown Stomach Virus. I had to leave work and deal with an hour train ride home on the verge of getting sick. I made it home with horrible aches and I slept for the rest of the night. It was just horrendous I tell you. I must have caught it from my friend's house, they had been sick during Christmas time and it may have been lingering in the air there still.

I will be heading over to to order vitamins for the year. Me and my sister spoke about how I need to start taking Vitamin C everyday now that I work with children, I am more prone to germs. That is on my list today.

I have also been organizing my computer, I was inspired by Dani's post this past week. You seem to forget how your computer can become a huge mess as well. Now that the New year is starting, I have to get The Creative Type up and running again and I was so overwhelmed with all of last years emails. I just totally cleaned all that out and kept the important ones.

As part of my desire to learn knitting this year(I have been knitting on and off for 3 years and can only do the basic stitch) I have joined Ravelry. Jen really brought this to my attention, it really is a great community even for the beginners. So thank you Jen!! If any of you are on there.............................add me..................I go by the name Coloredsprinkles .

Man I am still out of it, I went to hit up a slice of pizza and I just checked on the garbage it goes. It looks like a lump of coal. Oh well, I don't even know if I am that hungry.

P.S Just found this lovely site and I treated myself:) It looks like alot of fun, and maybe a kick start to inspiration galore!!!!

I will be back when things get better:)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

and so it went.

*An icy door window pane this morning*

Hello 2009, how are you??? I hope that you bring all sorts of GOOD, but I'm sure you will bring some bad as well. Its part of the whole cycle, without some badness there really couldn't be goodness. We cant all have just 100% perfect happy years, no way!!! So anyway, I had a good time last night during our New Years Eve celebration. We went out to my friend's house and spent the evening with her, her husband, daughter, step dad and brother.............................and party guy Will was there. I'm not gonna lie, we drank, and we were merry for sure. The funniest thing is we played Rock band on PlayStation 3, I never thought in a million years that I would have played them game and became addicted. I mean I wanted to play it all night long, it was just so fun. What started off as someone passing the microphone at me, turned into an all night long sing a thon including a harsh voice this morning. So me and my friend Erin were on the microphone, her husband was on the guitar, her brother was on the drums, and Will, well he was on the couch. They had no Neil Diamond so he just wasn't down, but he watched and laughed and that was that. There were some videos taken, which are hilarious of me singing, OH GOODNESS no one better Youtube those. Yikes. But all in all, it was a great night.

*Erin on mic. and her husband on guitar*
*Her brother on drums*
*and Party Guy Will on the couch*

This morning I woke up feeling pretty darn good, and after a night of snow, it looked beautiful outside. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday, which means just one day of work and then the weekend, I am exhausted.

I am putting together my list still, I am really putting alot of thought into it because its stuff that I really want to accomplish, nothing like going to Italy. I mean I would love to go there, but I highly doubt I will get there this year!!!

But that's my New Years eve low down, it made me realize that I really need to get out more to my friend's house to visit her because I always have a nice time when we are together.

So that's all folks, for now. Night