Friday, June 20, 2008 I come!

Its 9:15, I have laundry to do, shopping, packing, cleaning(of my room) Ipod fixing up, hair needs to be remedied, nails need to be painted, and books to be picked out. Its 9:15 and I'm sitting here, online, scrap blogging! Can we say problem?? I just had to though, I had to do a little layout in honor of Phantom Limb's song "California" it just gets me pumped up and ready to go, because honestly these past few weeks I haven't felt like I was going, it didn't phase me.

It may not be the way I planned on seeing California, but at least I'm still going and I'm sure I will have a good time and be able to just relax a bit? is that possible?

Yeah so, lets see.........................I think I got the perfect sandal last night and the perfect shirt to go with them over at Banana Republic. Now I just need to get the perfect denim skirt. I am so babbling on about all of this, but this is what is going on through my head right now. I am a procrastinator and I have left everything I have to do off to the last minute, I work better under pressure. Well I do believe that's all I had to get off of my chest at the moment, I really have to get my butt in gear now and go.

Bye for now everyone:)

1 comment:

dani said...

LOVE the layout!
good luck with your todo list - and have an amazing time in Cali!!