Monday, June 30, 2008

so yeah....

I am having some sort of problem uploading my images from my computer onto blogger. I don't get it, because when I go to Flickr or any other site where I can upload my images from my hard drive, I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM! So it must be Blogger, right?! Below you will see random postings of pictures, some more images of Haight and Ashbury. There really were so many cool store fronts, lots of colors, I should have taken more. Next time, next time. I'm still in California with a chance of staying at least a week more, I'm about ready though to get back to NY, I'm tired of living out of a suitcase and sleeping in a twin size bed. I'm ready to be all creative and stuff, but my supplies are like some 1000 miles away or so. I have been doing alot of reading, which is good, I'm on a reading roll now constantly going from book to book, it feels good. I found a really cool book shop on Haight, it had about 30,000 used books from floor to almost ceiling. I picked up two good reads(both pertaining to England 1500's, my current interest) I rather have a worn in, loved book then a brand new one. It just gives it more character and you don't have to worried about breaking the spine or spilling on it, trying to keep it all new and what have you because its already done for you! One good thing to report, the smoke has seemed to lift from the surrounding areas around here in Livermore Ca. I wont say that there are no more fires, I believe there are, but we can now see all the beautiful mountains that are around us, plus the air is much more breathable.

Well 1 more day and I'm heading back on a 6 hour flight with a suitcase full of typical souvenirs for all my friends and family. It has been a good experience and I'm ready to get back to business.

And there will be more photos to follow, don't forgot to check out the ones below this post.


viewfromtrolley, originally uploaded by coloredsprinkles.

and some more.............

bobmarleyHA, originally uploaded by coloredsprinkles.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Oh, all the colors of San Francisco.

These are some images of Haight and Ashbury. Loves it there the most, great colors, great atmosphere. More pictures to come of San Francisco.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Look out.................

San Francisco tomorrow for me:) Excited, cannot wait!

Internet is working here at the house, just when I'm gonna be leaving in 3 days. Just my luck.

OK off to map out my day trip and then off to bed.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


In California, smokey, kind of bore(who would've thunk?), but doing alright. Going to San Fransisco this weekend, woo hoo:) That is all I want to see. Lots of Random palm trees, mountains with nothing on them except a few stray trees, lots of laid back people(its true what they say) lots of old, classic cars(super cool) I pretty much feel like I landed on a new planet, and I keep waking up at 4:30, 5am. I'm running on Eastern time still.

I have a week left. Be back with pictures sooner or later, back to checking up on all Internet going ons.

Friday, June 20, 2008 I come!

Its 9:15, I have laundry to do, shopping, packing, cleaning(of my room) Ipod fixing up, hair needs to be remedied, nails need to be painted, and books to be picked out. Its 9:15 and I'm sitting here, online, scrap blogging! Can we say problem?? I just had to though, I had to do a little layout in honor of Phantom Limb's song "California" it just gets me pumped up and ready to go, because honestly these past few weeks I haven't felt like I was going, it didn't phase me.

It may not be the way I planned on seeing California, but at least I'm still going and I'm sure I will have a good time and be able to just relax a bit? is that possible?

Yeah so, lets see.........................I think I got the perfect sandal last night and the perfect shirt to go with them over at Banana Republic. Now I just need to get the perfect denim skirt. I am so babbling on about all of this, but this is what is going on through my head right now. I am a procrastinator and I have left everything I have to do off to the last minute, I work better under pressure. Well I do believe that's all I had to get off of my chest at the moment, I really have to get my butt in gear now and go.

Bye for now everyone:)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

2 days and counting

Ok, im not even packed. I dont even have enough shorts for this trip, and my ipod is lacking big time in the music department......................2 more days and counting I need to get my butt in gear. This is a much welcomed trip, I definetly need some away time, everyone does every now and then, right?

I recieved a surprise from the ever so sweet Dani........................a gift certificate to SIS. Thank you, thank you, Dani!!!!!! That was just too nice, definetly made my day especially since im about to venture out to a school excursion, wads o'children being really loud and all that good stuff. BUT hey I can handle it:)

I do have to say that I was pretty happy when I recieved her name in the Secret Sister swap, I adore her style and I knew I could have fun with her package( swap package that is).

Ok, ok, so I did a layout today, AGAIN at Scrapblog. Yes Im addicted and proud of it. And I know im not the only one, its just so much easier right now for me.

Time to share. The image appears to be blurry, what in the world? oh well.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So this is my 2nd time participating in OLW(One Little Word) challenge. The word for this one was "Strong"

Heres my take on it using Scrapblog as my trusty scrapping supplies:)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Things will change

This weekend was a pretty darn good weekend. I was able to visit with a very close friend of mine and we winded up going out and just have fun(something I am really not into these days). It was nice to let loose and spend time with someone I rarely get to see. I mean I even danced, that's right...........................danced!!

This past Sunday was Father's day and I was able to spend it with my family, we had some good dinner and Strawberry Rhubarb pie(not the cheesecake my sister made and then dropped half of on the ground, lol) She will read this and maybe get a bit mad, but whatever.

I caught two movies I have not seen in forever while staying over the folks home, I saw Blair Witch and Interview with a Vampire. Its been ages!

I found out I won my first challenge I ever entered over at OLW, I needed some good news today because it was just full of bad news and storms.

Here is the layout I entered, I kicked it digi, seeing that I have been addicted to scrap blog. The theme was to celebrate their one year anni and the word was "ONE" I had fun with this one, and I won Karla's Simplicity kit(I believe) So thank you Karla:)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Books and tea

the time is coming................

Wow, so I'm leaving for California next Saturday(June 21st)!!!! I cant believe how fast that went, I am super excited but also very nervous. Taking off in a plane always frazzles my nerves, its because you know that you are not in control, and your way up high in the sky in a metal can pretty much.
So I have made the decision to just get all my creative overflow out on Scrap blog until I return from Cali, its fun, easy and pretty much mess free. I will be stressing majorly the next upcoming week about getting everything together so there will be no time for me to dilly dally in actual scrapping. I feel like I am getting what I need out of the program and I'm really liking the effects I if I could only print them out!!!
I will be in California for 12 days, and when I get back I'm sure I will be ready to make tons of goodness.

Ok, so I need some tunage suggestions. I recently deleted everything on my became so regular and boring, so all 1000 and something songs are now kapoot, clean slate.

HELP!!! I want to have a somewhat fully loaded ipod, throw me out some artists, songs, whatever the case may be.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fruity Pebbles anyone??

Yes sooooo, Fruity Pebbles are like crack. I never ever eat "junk" cereal, we were never allowed to eat it growing up. It was always Rice Crispies or Raisin Bran or some cereal along those lines. Even now as a grown up I still veer towards so called healthier cereal, one of my favorites being Kashi Shredded Wheat sort of thingies.

So I'm cruising the supermarket yesterday and I saw the bright colored box of Fruity Pebbles(its a guilty pleasure of mine) and I just had to have them. They will probably only last like a 2 days in this house, but at least for those two days I can try and get it out of my system. Another one of my supermarket pick ups yesterday was pickles, not the warm, shelved ones.............the ones in the refrigerated much better. I think I could probably live off of pickles and Fruity Pebbles, not together though(ick) but you get the gist. Um, yeah, that's a rather odd post about sugary cereal and pickles, hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Yeah, and I woke up this morning and went right to the Fruity Pebbles and had a bowl along with some coffee, and right now I feel like I can move mountains. Sugar and caffeine, what more could you ask for?????? Hopefully it gives me the motivation I need to mop the floor, blahhhhhh. However it did give me the energy to once again create over on Scrap blog....................can we say Scrap blogging problem here folks???????? I so need to rip into my non cyber scrapping supplies and whip some things up, but at the moment I have been sucked into all the goodness over there, I just cant help myself.

P.S I just have to add that I am secretly jealous of all the girlies heading over to the Sisiversary, dang it, im turning green with envy. Maybe next year, but I hope they all have a great time, laughing, scrapping, staying up late and just having fun:)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

To early, to lazy...................

To get the glue sticks and scissors out. Possibly later. We are experiencing very high temperatures today and everything seems to be closing down early so that people can retreat to cooler places. That means for me, freedom ends at 2pm and child entertaining mode switches on. We have hooked up the Wii that was her present this past weekend for her birthday, quite addicting if I do say so myself, OR Will might say. I have caught him playing it over and over. The bowling game seems to be one of his favorites. I remember the days when I used to play Utopia on the Intellivision, it used to seem so cool back then. Then there was Nintendo, and then Sega with Sonic, oh how I loved Sonic the Hedgehog, he was a speedy little fellow.Now, you have this interactive gaming system that actually makes you get up and move, very sneaky of those Nintendo people, sneaky indeed:) I guess its better then all the other regular gaming consoles, kids wind up exercising without even knowing. Take for example the Hannah Montana game(oh lordy) It has her getting in a real workout without even knowing, it makes you dance and move and the whole time she is feeling like she is on stage singing to the masses. That is Wii for you , I feel like I just did this huge plug/advertisement for the dang thing.So I'm sitting here in the am, fiddling as usual on the Internet. I'm trying to get my ipod fully loaded for my trip to California and of course I get sidetracked with checking in on my favorite blogs, forums, and now..........................Scrapblog.For now I present you with a new scrapblog page.
Hands on, paint on fingernail, messy art to follow, possibly later on.KEEP cool, ya hear???

Monday, June 9, 2008

fully fustrated

Its been very hard to concentrate or even just have fun making things. At the moment, in my job and where I live I am extremely frustrated and stressed out beyond belief. I have no clue what to do about the situation, well I sort of do, its just hard to get my butt in gear. Things have been going on that I am totally against and I feel I am being pushed to think differently. I have allowed myself to be involved, and I just want out.
Even at this moment I am having problems expressing my feelings and actually typing them out. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess what it comes down to is, I don't understand people. Or maybe its just one person in particular. I feel like I just want to shake some sense into them, or maybe I'm better just walking away.

I am soo aggravated.

AND this is sooo not an uplifting, positive, worth reading post.


Thursday, June 5, 2008


So yesterday I was driving behind this guy or girl(wasn't quite sure, couldn't see them) They kept throwing pieces of plastic wrapper out their window and it really peeved me. When I first noticed they had thrown one piece out, I pointed at them(yeah pointed, I had a 10 yr old in the car) and then they kept doing it and I kept pointing at them and doing like the tisk tisk thing. It was like they were doing it on purpose.

The little girl I watch said to me "its so rude, these people are killing our planet and I'm not happy about that" . I mean even a 10 yr old gets it, duh!

Well when they finally turned, I just laid my hand on the horn, it was the best I could do. What is wrong with you when you cannot just keep your trash in your car till you find a garbage can??? How rude, disgusting, disrespectful is that??? I just don't understand why some people feel that they can do such things, they must just be ignorant to the situation at hand. The fact that we are rapidly becoming warmer and the earth is becoming highly polluted and changing in negative ways.

I ask you this...................................are you F*****G stupid and selfish? Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

OK I'm done, I ranted, I'm good.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

In the meantime

And in the end we shall achieve in time,The thing they call divine
When all the stars will smile for me
When all is well and well is all for all And forever after

Maybe in the meantime wait and see
We love the all the all of you
Our lands are green and skies are blue

When all in all were just like youWe love the all of you

And when I cry for me I cry for youWith tears of holy joy

And did I ever say Id never play
Or fly toward the sun

Maybe in the meantime, somethings gone

Well that sounds fine so Ill see you sunshine
Give my love to the future of the humankind

Okay, okay, its not okay.
While its on my mind theres a girl that fits the crime
For a future love dream that Im still to findBut in the meantime." - SpaceHog- "In the Meantime"

40 brownies and some grey paint later......

This week has been super super busy THUS far. We are having a huge birthday party here this weekend and there is alot to do to prepare for it.
Aside from all of that, I had a good weekend. Went and visited a friend on Saturday, took some pictures of the beach and just watched movies really.

I also made a little collage sort of thing with the lyrics from "In the Meantime" by Spacehog. It was a birthday present and that song happens to be one that we are used to singing while driving around especially during the summer time.

I am pretty much lost for words at the moment, I guess its all the other things I have on my mind(such as things I have to get done, and im sitting here blogging)

I'm sort of taking a break from making stuff at least this week. Not gonna blog to much either.

I have alot of doings that must get done.
And that's that!!!

Have a great week.

My dream cottage by the bay:)