Monday, August 31, 2009

the boys show...

is coming up this week. here is a poster that cory made for the show. we actually cut out all the birds and glued and pasted them together. they are 3d, and then he took pictures of them for this poster. he is so funny. libbie is our friend and her voice is so amazing... i am really excited for the show. fictionist is a really great band!
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Monday, August 24, 2009

miss wren...

is off to school. here she is her first day of kindergarten. she was so excited and insisted on doing her own hair. cory and i are going to have to go through a crash course in beauty parlor seeing as i wont be home to get her ready. otherwise she will be a gypsy! everyone has been asking if i am sad that she is going to school... honestly i dont know if it just hasnt hit me yet or if its the new hours i am working but i was totally fine today. maybe its that dylan is there with her just down the hall and i know that her teacher is super awesome and knows us really well... or maybe it will hit me in a week and i will bawl like a baby!
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Friday, August 21, 2009

bakers assistant...

seeing that my little lovelys are both in school now... i have returned to the full time work force. i just started working as a bakers assistant and i LOVE it. the dough feels so amazing and i am learning a lot. i really love to cook and bake and hopefully will learn some new tricks a long the way... the only downfall is bakers hours... 130 am til 8am.... oh well.... i love it!
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sewing for the girl....

so ive talked about my friends new fabric shop... but what i havent talked about is my obsession with sewing. i have done nothing else lately but sew, no running, biking or swimming... just sewing. i think that cory goes a little crazy when i come up stairs with thread all over me.... but look at the girl and her new bird outfit.
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more sewing stuff...

here is a hat that i made. no pattern here just me trying to figure stuff out... it needs more work... but mr dylan loves it. i have also been messing around with some home screen printing.
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look at what happens...

when you are not home to fix your childrens hair. poor dylan and well wren always wants to fix her own these days anyway. ahhhh....oh well the husband tries and i do love that he tries. this is what happens when mom is at work until 8am....sigh
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first day of grade 2...

boy was mr dylan excited.
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a little dress and matching shoes...

my friends little sister is having a baby and we got to see her while we were in toronto... so i had to bring something. here is the little dress and shoes that miss pooch and eric get to put on the girl when she comes...
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cory had a conference in canada and so i tagged along. it was way more vacation and a little conference. toronto is a super cool place... lots of old buildings and cool stuff. we had a super fun time. thanks terri and ladies... you are so hospitable!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

amazing homemade hamburger buns...

and they were so damned good!
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miss lucy lu...

so my little bro and his little fam left us and moved to pa...hershey in fact. trey is starting med school and so this was the last time we saw them before they left. boo hoo... we miss them.
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the children run...

kristy, cory and i took the kids for a little float...they are super hilarious on the river.
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annual snake river trip...

here are the two moosenfarts right before their first run...
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sleeping cheerleaders...

this is how i found the kids sleeping one morning... together on the bottom bunk, wren with her eyes half open and in some great poses.
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