Wednesday, January 16, 2008

the one and only attempt with....

foam curlers. dylan and wren were shocked that wren's hair looked like mommas. and that she looked like a poodle. yes, once again the foam curler disaster strikes. argh!!
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mel said...

I do not know how to use foam curlers. I tried on Avery once, and ended up having to wash her hair before church! All that torture for nothing! Wren looks like she enjoyed the curly hair!

Alycia said...

We love the foam curlers on Sydney, but she has really long hair. Wren looks like she has an old lady perm! she is still cute though. Your kids have awesome eyes! love ya! :-)

Shelly said...

k you need to try the velcro curlers, you don't get quite as much curl and you don't have to sleep on them!! Way better! I cannot believe how curly her hair went-wow! So fun...

mybanburlery's said...

yeah wren has really long hair was before i chopped it all off...but i think that she just has too much natural craziness already in here was out of control.

Morrells said...

I love these pic's so dang cute! I just love Wren I could eat her all up! Your blog is cute!