Monday, January 28, 2008


here are heath and my attempts at sleevefaces...go bond girls!
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Saturday, January 26, 2008


tagging huh? these are the types of things that make me think that the internet is evil. ;)
okay so i guess that i will give this a go, if for nothing else....shock factor.

here is smelly's blog seeing that she started this bisnass!

7 things...

uno--- growing up with 5 brothers made being the only girl not so desireable. i tried peeing standing up for years, being with the boys, fighting with the boys, playing football with the boys and just about anything i could to be a boy. i tried stunting my growth by 2 sports bras at a time, pretending that i didn't have the girl plague... you all know what im talking about...and in the end i turned into a girl for the right guy. co john

dos---when i was somewhere around 2 years old i was naughty and ate the little white grapes that were in mommys purse and tried to not only give my self heart failure but my parents and family as well. the little white grapes turned out to be mistletoe and they cause me to go into heart failure. i hear that it was quite a time....i don't really recall it except i think i may remember a jello pudding pop or two at the horspistol. "those white grapes taste yucky!!!"

tres---i love to cook and try out new foods. my dream is to have a bicycle sandwhich cart. since we will always be affiliated with a university, i think that it would be cool to have a little lunch cart and sell sack lunches to students and faculty. i've got a great bike for the job...just need a cart and off i will go.

cuatro---i was terrified when we found out that we were having a girl for our second child. i never wanted to be a girl and the last thing i wanted was to have this little pink ball of girly--ness. i was wrong in being terrified...she's great, but she is still in the early stages of girliness. i hear that it wears off...and i hope she continues to like things that are less than robots. she is a crazy little lady full of spunk and i wouldn't have her any other way. love you my wang wang!

cinco---i snuck out of my house once as a tweener....and boy did i pay dearly for it. sorry, but no juicy details...all i know is that sometimes just thinking about it strikes fear in my entire being. thanks mom.....even though you can be the devil.....i love you...and i can mostly laugh about the whole incident now...although i still want to hide when i think about it too.

seis---i am a gas master....'nuff said.

siete---even though i fought being a girl my whole life....i find myself crafting, screaming, giggling, dressing, and just being a girl. i guess you can't fight it. i still would never choose the color pink over blue, but i like my flare pants and girly style t-shirts. my brothers all complain and give me crap.....but i know they like it...especially the chuck-paw....although he still wants my hair down to my butt. every fathers wish and desire....but it ain't gonna happen, sorry pops.

okay i'm done. here are some people to tag, although i don't know 7 of them. so i will just write lee, michelley, tey tey, crystal, hmmm....all out of blog friends. so i guess you are suppose to link to the person that tagged you, and post on their blog as well as link them like i did at the top. post to the other people that you tagged and then write 7 weird/crazy/dumb things about yourself. wah wah wee wah!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

swimming at the hotel....

is fun to do, fun to do, fun to do. what better way to spend MLK day than at a hotel that resembles the shinning.
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MLK Day....hooray!

because we had a day off...wren wanted to go to the hotel and go swimming. and swim we did. wren got a little braver than usual and jumped in the pool doing a summersault. what a crazy kid.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

the one and only attempt with....

foam curlers. dylan and wren were shocked that wren's hair looked like mommas. and that she looked like a poodle. yes, once again the foam curler disaster strikes. argh!!
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the devil grin....

and the many hairstyles and moves of doobie
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the two monkeys!
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.....and the culprit

one little miss weng weng doodle dang!!
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one very sad....

lonesome partially eaten cupcake....
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throwing rocks....

is fun to do....wah wah wee wah!
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Sunday, January 13, 2008

wind caves cont....

i couldn't resist some more had been a long time since we went on a hike and it was so beautiful outside...! the hike is 2.6 miles round trip where you end up at an awesome natural wind eroded cave. ***sidenote*** notice the matching carharts that the kids are sporting...they are from chuckles "store", and the kids love them and their boots. 'bob the builder' boots.
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the wind caves...

a month or so ago we took the kids on a hike. wren and dylan both hiked it all by themselves...we only had to carry wren a few times. they were little troopers.
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Friday, January 11, 2008


yeah so my kids are amazing dancers. our friend found this outfit at the d.i. and dylan couldn't help himself. the pants are skin tight at the ankles and super baggie in the waist. scary!!
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the fire station...

wren's preschool group took a field trip to the fire station. she was a little disappointed that it wasn't heaths station, but ogden is a little far to drive everyone. she was way pumped to "drive" the fire truck and get a little ride on the gurney.
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