Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Devourer of Hope

The Devourer of Hope is finished - we'll he's been finished for a while, but now is photographed as well!

I've re-ordered my piles of skulls as the warp seems to have eaten them all too, so the Soul of Atrocity is still waiting to be constructed. However I also acquired some black spray at last, so will get to some defilery things soon.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

There's No Imagery Like Satanic Imagery, Like No Imagery I Know!

Still need to touch up the metal edging and gloss coat the panelling, but now about 80% done. 

Bonus close up of his face:

Monday, July 22, 2013

I Have Made a Huge Mistake

What mistake is that? Well, I've decided that painting all the armour plates on my Brass Scorpion like this... a really great idea. Yeah, not my best moment.

To start with I draw the core pattern up in white:

I then drybrush with orange around the lines, then retrace the lines in yellow and white:

After that I give the area a light wash with orange ink, then retrace the lines again in orange as well as adding a few lines in orange only. This plate is the smallest and took a little over an hour, but how bad can it be?


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wreck-Age Staker

Here's my first painted Wreck-Age miniature, one of the Stakers:

I decided to keep her fairly earthy colours as I figured she be wearing more home-made clothing than any of teh other factions. To avoid her being completely brown (this isn't the 70's) I added the ex-army type pistol belt and yellow hat.

Fun mini to paint, and she can be yours through the Wreck-Age store or by backing their Kickstarter - only three days to go!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Kaidan Alenko & Shepard (extended cut)

So I finally finished Kaidan and decided how to do the bases for my minis. Every character will have a logo / icon on their base relating to that character.

 So Kaidan get the Paragon icon, being the voice of reason and goodness - for instance if you shoot him on the presidium his reasoning for not moving is that he couldn't let you at someone who couldn't defend themselves. Pretty paragon IMO.

 Shepard gets the N7 logo, or part thereof. I've also jazzed Shep's armour up a little, making it more game-accurate in colour scheme with some lighter grey parts and the N7 on the collar. I also repainted her gun to closer match the Mattock's colour scheme.

 Better view of the bases.

The plan for the others are:

Ash - Alliance Navy logo
Garrus - Citadel icon
Tali - logo derived from the shape of the Quarian ships
Liara - data streams as befits the Shadow Broker
Miranda - Cerberus logo
Jacob - somehow making fun of the Priiiize
Kasumi - something relating to money
Javik - he has no need for such primitive identification. To use symbols in the Empire was punishable by death. He should throw his base out the airlock (Renegade icon).

Still got to figure something out for the Normandy:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Synir og dughters í snjó

I finished Astrid of the Stones from Red Box games:

and added some basing to her and her compatriots:

The snow is just a baking powder / white glue mix. I tried using GW's stuff and it works great for texturising bases, but as snow - not so much. And in the theme of barbarian madness:

view it in fullscreen HD! :D

Monday, June 11, 2012

What is Best in Life? Hasslefree and Red Box minis

So, yes, I finally got back into doing some painting. No, it's not my Mass Effect figures - in all honestly I probably won't get back to them until the Extended Cut comes out and I get my ME mojo back.

First up is Sana from Hasslefree Minis:

A beautiful mini (she's resin) and great to paint. Got some weird reflections in the pics making it look like there are a few white spots, but they aren't really there.

Next up is Ferrus, also from Hasslefree:

Like Sana he's resin, and while not as flawless as, say, a Studio McVey LE mini, there was almsot zero cleanup required - only issue was a bit of greenstuffing required on the joins around their wrists. No flash, and barely any mould lines at all. Crisp details and soft enough to cut easily without being too soft that I'm worried about them sagging in heat etc.

Lastly is Hakar the Horrible from Red Box:

When taking the photos I noticed I got some grey on his right arm and the handle of his axe.

Bummer - that skin's going to be tough to fix.

The plan is to base them with a grass/snow mixture - going to play around with GW's new snow texture stuff and see what happens.

Group shot with a couple of other Red Box barbarians:

 I'm painting these guys up to (hopefully) get a game of Get the Girl, Kill the Baddies in with them and my other generic fantasy figs. Should have some more to show soon.

If that isn't enough to sate your barbarian rage, check out

and take the membership test:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mass Effect Madness! Movies, Miniatures & More!

An anonymous poster asked a while back what minis I was using, so here is a breakdown (they're all Infinty minis unless noted otherwise):

Liara is a Sophotects, Shep an ORC Trooper, Tali an Odalisque.

Single shot of Liara, 'cause why not?

Kaidan is a Zhanshi yisheng.

The Mako, the greatest tank ever* is a Karbardin APC from Antenocitis' Workshop.

* Mako > Thresher Maw
Thresher Maw > Reaper
Mako > Reaper???

Miranda (armoured) is a Yuan Yuan merc. Not sure yet for an unarmoured version, maybe something Aleph.

Jacob, who continues to search for the priiiize, is an Interventor.

Ash is a Swiss Guard.

Wrex is a 'Frogan', via Shapeways. The design is fine, but the limitations of the creation method compared to traditional minis is quite apparent.

Kasumi is a  Kempaitai.

Garrus is a Yaogat.

Vega will be a Janissary or ORC troop, not decided yet.
Zaeed I think will go with a Asawira or Janissary.
Traynor I'm leaning towards Ghulam Infantry.
Kelly I'm undecided as yet, but the Proxies from the Posthuman set look very workable.
Anderson could be the Highlander SAS.
Thane is giving me trouble - there are suitable minis in design but not in pose.
Mordin... yeah, I got nothing.

More Mass Effect Movies:

United We Stand (ME3 spoilers):

Everlasting (Shep loves Liara)

D'aaaaawwwww ^_^

Saturday, March 03, 2012

More Mass Effect Minis

With Mass Effect 3's release just around the corner I've been working on more of my Infinity conversions.




and everybody's favourite, the Mako.

I've also got Ash, Wrex, Jacob and Miranda on the bench. Everybody's primed and a few have base coats on, so should have some more pics soon.