Saturday, November 24, 2007

W is for Elephant!

Colin recently went through a phase of waking up because his blankets fell off of him in the middle of the night. Chris or I would walk into his room and he would be hysterically crying "blankets!!!!". We would quickly cover him back up and he would say "night night" and fall back asleep. It was a 5 second foray into his room, but enough to hinder a good night's sleep for all of us. Especially me since Owen still wakes on occasion to nurse.

So, in an attempt to solve the blanket issue, we decided to buy a new bigger quilt. One that would have more staying power to prevent it from being kicked off. I took out the computer and let Colin pick out his new blanket. It was no surprise that he picked out the "animal blanket!".

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Colin has a few favorite animals that he loves more than all others. Namely: horses, elephants and hippos, in that order. His new blanket does not have a horse (it has a donkey), does not have an elephant and does not have a hippo. After his initial joy at seeing his new blanket, Colin got upset about that fact. He soon spotted the warthog and decided that it was an elephant. In his defense, it's an awful rendition of a warthog and does sort of look like an elephant. However, it is above the "W" which is confusing. So Colin said "W is for for for for Elephant!". He knows this is silly because he's very aware that elephant starts with an "E". Chris and I looked at each other to try to decide if we should push the fact that the warthog, is in fact, not an elephant. But, sometimes battles are better left unfought. So we told him the elephant's name is "Warthog" which would explain the "W". He seems very happy with his elephant named Warthog.

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