It's May again, and time for Me-Made Made 2016! I love this challenge, whilst I do wear something handmade most days I often tend to wear the same things in rotation, this challenges me to look at my wardrobe as a whole and dig deeper to find forgotten items. I'm thinking in particular about accessories - I often overlook them, so this May I will be donning scarves and brooches in abundance!
This is my pledge and I will try and do a round up each week of my progress.
'I, Colette of / ColetteMoscrop on IG, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '16. I endeavour to wear something I have made each day for the duration of May 2016, I often forget about the accessories - I need to dig them out! I also plan to make at least two new items of clothing during May.'
Are you joining in? I'd love to hear about your pledge!