Showing posts with label taking stock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taking stock. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2018

taking stock. the catch up edition.

whoa mumma! it's been a while... great plans to blog once a week were completely thwarted by busy life stuff!
anywho, in attempt to get you all caught up on the last few months, i thought i'd go through pip's taking stock list.
here goes!

big sunflower, filling the frame
tray of biscuit balls, waiting to go into the oven
birds eye view of a stack of pancakes, topped with berry compote and a quenelle of cream
a collection of four mini knitted jumpers, with a fifth on the needles
a stack of books and magazines on a bedside table with a reading lamp attached to the nearby bed
ag cuddling his bunny and hunting small eggs on the floor

Making : tiny weeny knitted jumpers for the wool gathering annual retreat next month. and a shawl. and a kid's jumper i started on new years eve and still haven't finished... oops!

Cooking : dinner. every night. i'm stuck in all sorts of ruts right now, but the days stop for no woman! we still need to eat dinner, and even though takeaway is super tempting... our budget (and waistlines for that matter) strongly favour the home cooked meals!

Drinking : a whole lot of tea... i started the year wanting to cut back on my coke consumption, because they really add no benefit to anyone's health or wellbeing... and boy did i start strong, only one in january! then i decided to do feb fast for added sugars in february, and only fell off the wagon once or twice, and then march hit and boy did i indulge! time to cut back again now though! need to keep reminding myself just how terrible that brown, fizzy, sweet rubbish is for me.
so yep, tea. drinking lots of tea!

Reading : a book on homesteading that caught my eye at the library a couple of weeks ago... it's on the bench and i read a couple of pages while i'm waiting for things to cook or while ag is happy playing... so about 6 pages in total ha ha!

Next read : see above picture ^
we recently moved into a house we purchased at the end of last year! and in the unpacking process, i've made myself quite the reading pile! i'm not entirely sure where to start, but i know not bringing my phone or laptop to bed with me at night is probably the best place to start! such terrible habits i'm in with them both!

Wanting : to do all the things... looking around our beautiful lounge room, there are still quite a few bits and pieces that need work... the doors and trim still need painting, there are piles of boxes speaking to me from just inside the study door. oh well, they can wait a little longer!

Looking : forward to being completely settled in... one day ha ha!

Playing : a lot with blocks these days, and with rocks in the front yard, and at the park. toddler life is full on, but full of play!

Deciding : on designs for the laundry cupboard/linen press. need to make the best use of the space we have, without spending a small fortune. can not wait to have some functional storage in there!

Wishing : time didn't go so darn quickly! the days fly by sometimes and i wish they would just slow down ha ha!

Enjoying : having an 18 month old. he is just so cute and so busy all the time, and the discoveries he makes about his world just make me stop and slow down and discover with him. it's amazing!

Waiting : for this sleeping through the night thing to kick in... anytime now with consistency would be just fine ha ha

Liking : getting back to blogging for a second. i've written so many posts in my head, it feels nice to finally get one out!

Wondering : if i can keep some consistency with it...

Loving : having our own space to do anything we want with! it's nice to be able to do exactly as we please!

Pondering : garden options. and ways to connect with my neighbours and new immediate community.

Considering : doing a spot of baking this afternoon. i wonder if my biscuit recipe would go ok gluten-less... we will see!

Buying : a single skein of yarn. my first for the year! i'm trying to use as much from my stash as i can, but a project i have in mind (not from my knitting plans for the year, mind you) calls for a contrast colour, the likes of which i just did not own... soon i will though and i'm hoping to cast on right away! maybe i can share my progress with you soon!

Watching : 'santa clarita diet' on netflix. it is SO funny! and a bit gory at times ha ha. but mostly hilarious. i love drew barrymore, and timothy olyphant is so spunky. i love his portrayal of his character too as i'm pretty sure the last thing i saw him in was 'deadwood' and his character in that was SO different!
i've also been rewatching 'parks and rec' because it is the best! i love all of the characters so much, they're all so great!

Next watch : maybe a rewatch of 30 rock? if i can find it on a streaming service. stan or netflix, please hook a lady up!

Hoping : that i can get this blog post, and a little knitting done before nap time is over...

Marvelling : at how quickly a cup of tea disappears ha ha!

Cringing : at my complete lack of self control when it comes to chocolate. i just need to stop buying it!

Needing : to do some yoga. i don't know why i always put it off when my body loves it so!

Questioning : when i'm going to find time to give myself a little manicure. my nails are all different shapes and sizes at the moment ha ha!

Smelling : vinegar and bicarb. toilet cleaning day! always a job i put off, but so nice when it's done!

Wearing : jeans, sleeve-less tee, handknit socks.

Following : ag around and tidying up after him. well sometimes any way... sometimes i just let him run riot and clean up when he's asleep ha ha! trying to teach him to tidy up after himself, it's not going well...

Worrying : about my favourite boots... i took them to have the heels fixed this morning and i'm going to be without them a week! i miss them already!

Noticing : the birds. i thought i wouldn't see or hear as many birds now we're living in town, but there's still quite a few around... especially at 5am!

Knowing : well trying to get to know my limits a little more... trying not to pack too much into one day and knowing when to stop... like here. i think i'll stop right here!
time is running short and my knitting is calling to me!

what have you been up to the last few months? any tips on where to start in my reading pile? or what to watch next?

Monday, August 21, 2017

taking stock.

ag basking in the winter sun in bateman's bay breakfast of thick cut bacon, sourdough, poached eggs, hash browns and beetroot relish at coffee collective a basket of delicious and fresh curry ingredients, ginger, chilli and turmeric knitting away on a motel room bed in albury hand-rolled victorian oats with bass dairy milk and plums from our tree the contents of the 'ultimate candle making kit' from crafty candle supplies

now feels like a good time to touch base and take stock. here goes!

Making : progress on my knitting list. slowly.

Cooking : quite a few dinners as to plan. one or two indiscretions. but mostly to plan!

Drinking : water. well trying.

Reading : into some things a little too much. need to lighten up a little!

Trawling : is a word that reminds me of fishing.

Wanting : to get a v-log started i think... it feels like it might be a nice thing to do. but the logistics involved are kind of making me shudder.

Looking : around at toys on the floor. ag sure has mastered pulling EVERYTHING out. thankfully he's starting to learn to put things away again. kind of he he.

Deciding : what to do with the rest of the evening. more blogging, or a bit more knitting?

Wishing : for the usual, more hours in the day... would get a bit more sleep and a bit more knitting done he he.

Enjoying : having an 11 month old. except for the biting. i could do without that.

Waiting : to see what happens tomorrow... some things might be on their way to changing, but then again, maybe not. tomorrow should reveal a little.

Liking : that i got to spend a few hours today with some pals. meeting halfway is a nice place to meet.

Wondering : why my mouse key has just become so unresponsive... you don't realise how much you use something like that until it stops working well.

Loving : having the fire lit every night. so cosy!

Pondering : a capsule wardrobe type thing. reducing, refining and filling in the gaps. less brain power required on the daily sounds like a good thing to me!

Listening : to podcasts in the car. they make solo drives so much easier!

Considering : what needs to be done tomorrow... and what i can get away with not doing to fit in more knitting time!

Buying : groceries. but only once a fortnight. it's kind of wonderful.

Watching : the handmaids tale on sbs on demand. bit late on the bandwagon but thoroughly enjoying it. in a terrified way...

Hoping : i can avoid any game of thrones spoilers until tomorrow.

Marvelling : at the passage of time. how is august nearly done already? didn't winter just begin??

Cringing : at how much darning there is to do... i need to have a darning week i think. no knitting, just duplicate stitch and hole mending!

Needing : to pick up a book from the library.

Questioning : how i've neglected to share so many knitting projects over here lately! lots of things have been coming off the needles (like those socks on my feet in the background up there...) but their stories have yet to be told. i need to get to catching up!

Smelling : the hyacinth bulbs that have popped up. they were gifted to me last year and i replanted them in a pot and promptly forgot about them. such a lovely surprise!

Wearing : pyjama pants. so comfy.

Noticing : the days getting longer. it's wonderful.

Knowing : i need to create a few regularities to my days... yoga, drinking more water, more outside time and heck, even blogging! a little bit every day will no doubt make for a happier me!

Admiring : kate's beautiful socks. maybe some colourwork socks are in my future... definitely something i haven't tackled in my sock adventures this year!

Opening : that box of candle-making goodies! super excited to get busy making some beautiful candles!

Closing : the arms on my glasses, as i take them off for the night. they're filthy (all the time now thanks to baby sausage fingers) and it's easier to see without them!

Feeling : like i need to give my hair a good wash. and by wash, i mean rinse. i've gone off using shampoo as my scalp has been most unhappy when i have used it and would you know, i haven't even missed it! my hair has been happy without it!

Dreaming : about a yarny road trip, a la julie at wool on wheels. wouldn't it be nice?!

Hearing : a possum on the roof, so loud!! cheeky things have been going to town on the mandarin tree, hope they leave some for us.

Celebrating : turning 29 last week. officially in my 30th year and not quite sure what to think about it he he.

Pretending : like my baby won't be one next month. how quickly has this year flown! gollllllly!

Embracing : simplicity. well trying anyway he he.

what have you been up to lately? keen to take stock too?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

taking stock.

baby head looking out for whales at the beach, dressed in a mama knitted milo vest beautiful beaded shawl snapped at knitting group sewing the bind off of the bottom of my cardigan avocado on toast with a cup of tea, big glass of water and a mug of broth knitting away on a milo vest in the beauty shop waiting for a massage

and just like that, it's nearly been a month between drinks! despite having blogging on the mind, i've been neglecting to actually sit down, with my laptop and get to typing. and then of course, the longer it went, the harder it seemed to get back to it.
but i just couldn't let it go any longer!

a little taking stock action, as a means to catch y'all up on where we're at, and to get me back in the game he he!

Making : lots of things, since i last posted, there's been a couple of milos off the needles, and a cardigan for myself. not a lot of sock knitting though so i'm running a bit behind on my pair of socks a month plan...

Cooking : some pretty terribly boring meals to be honest. even a truly terrible one. off my game in more than one area apparently he he!

Drinking : too much soft drinks. back on that bandwagon unfortunately. time for some cold-turkey time.

Reading : blog posts! for the first time in a while, my blog reader is empty! tempted to add a few new blogs to the reel... any recommendations?

Trawling : the real estate app. my heart loves a fixer-upper.

Wanting : to get motivated, set up some routines... my brain is instantly rebelling against any boundaries i give myself at the moment though. good on ya brain.

Looking : around at my trashed lounge room. how does a 9 month old make so much mess? he's not even crawling yet!! Deciding : what to do with the afternoon. need to go op-shopping for some curtains for ag's room and have some friends i want to catch up with too. can we do it all? we shall see he he!

Wishing : time would just slow down a bit! we're midway through june already!

Enjoying : baby giggles. how can you not?

Waiting : for said giggly baby to wake up. hopefully after a bit more of this post gets written he he.

Liking : this chilly weather. the fire is going, we can rug up in woollies, so cosy!

Wondering : what we should have for dinner. probably need to add grocery shopping to that list of things i want to do this afternoon!

Loving : re-watching game of thrones before the new season starts next month. i do it every year as my memory is terrible!

Pondering : lunch options. vegemite and avocado on toast is on high rotation at the moment.

Listening : to a kookaburra outside.

Considering : a wee road trip tomorrow.

Buying : things to keep us cozy. hopefully some curtains to keep the warmth in for ag's bedroom. and a door snake to keep the drafts out from the front door!

Watching : the fifth season of orange is the new black. taking it a lot slower than in previous years... hard to binge watch shows with a baby around!

Hoping : the kookaburra doesn't wake the baby. little ag is not a happy chappy when he gets woken up from naps!

Marvelling : at just how quickly the days disappear. what have i even got done today?

Cringing : at my inability to get my shit together some days.

Needing : to clean the oven. it's terrible!

Questioning : what it means to be feminine...

Smelling : not much at all. blissful when you're thinking about poo many many hours of the day.

Wearing : my new cardigan constantly. oh and handknit socks. all day every day.

Noticing : birds. specifically rosellas on my drive home this morning. they were hiding all over the place!

Knowing : that things will work out eventually.

Thinking : about bulk shopping. what we could use and such.

Opening : the fire door to put more wood on.

Closing : some of the 8 trillion tabs open on my phone.

Feeling : the cold a lot more already this winter. last winter i was pregnant, and although it seemed cold at the time, maybe it kept me cosier than i realised!

Celebrating : my little bro getting a new job. well we did over the weekend anyway he he.

Pretending : i haven't deleted a couple of these prompts... it might have happened, oops!

thanks pip for the little list to get me back into this blogging lark! now to keep it up!

Monday, March 20, 2017

taking stock.

chunky thighs and vegie sticks, some strawberries too! a quick shop for celery, onions, mushrooms and potatoes, ready to go home in my basket using a sharp blade to cut some swirls and whorls for a screen printing project beautiful blue green water on the golden sand two big baskets of apples, presenting a world of opportunities

Making : lots of things, in the kitchen and craft-wise too. maybe i'll have to share a bit of creativity next week...

Cooking : quite a bit, there's bread proving on the bench, i've all the makings for a stock, and some thoughts on what to cook to accompany the asian style pork belly we've got planned for dinner are ticking away in my brain.

Drinking : a hot chocolate. treating myself while i sit and type in the relative calm of NOT home.

Reading : actual books! would you believe it? i've just finished 'fight like a girl' which was quite thought provoking and eye opening and stimulating. and i'm just about to start on 'big little lies' after being recommended it by a friend.

Trawling : facebook a bit too often... i think i talked about this last 'taking stock' too, but haven't done a thing about it. deleting the app now!

Wanting : a few more hours sleep. i think this will definitely be my default for the next few years he he.

Looking : at instagram a little less these days, that might change now i've deleted the facebook app though! hopefully not though, it's nice to check in and out without feeling like i need to see every single post which was my default for an embarrassingly long time.

Deciding : on some big picture things at the moment. work-wise, life-wise, it's all up in the air... that would normally terrify me but i'm dealing with the unknown better than i would've thought.

Wishing : people could be a little kinder to one another. it would sure solve a lot of heartache on a global scale don't you think?

Enjoying : not having to stress about money too much at the moment. and letting go of the stress when it crops up...

Waiting : for some images to load. one thing that is not great about country life, internet speed.

Liking : that even though the internet is a bit slow, there's lots to look at while i wait. bees buzzing, birds chirping. the complaints list about this country life is a short one, that's for sure

Wondering : if i know someone local that has a tomato machine i could borrow for a couple of days... i have a hankering to get busy saucing some of the mountains of tomatoes we have around us, but don't think i have the patience to sieve them by hand like i did last year!

Loving : how the skein of wool i dyed last week is knitting up. what a tease, i'll show you more next week he he.

Pondering : what kind of socks to cast on next month... my plan to knit through my sock yarn stash by the end of the year is well on track, cranking out a pair a month!

Listening : to the birds, some sweet cafe tunes, the traffic, people's conversations and low down in the background, the ocean. bliss.

Considering : my plans for the rest of the day. i know what needs doing... but i'll be flexible and roll with what the day brings i think.

Buying : well bought... i broke the yarn buying drought when my fave yarn shop was having a sale. looking forward to picking it up this week! now, no more purchasing! at least until the end of the year. i have my eye on one of these. the perfect antidote to christmas craziness, knitting 15g of sock wool a day! crazy stripy christmas socks for the family he he.

Watching : quite a lot of netflix... we just hooked it up to our playstation, and it's super easy to watch now. we've done 'the crown' and now working our way through 'iron fist' at a rapid pace.

Hoping : for a good week!

Marvelling : at how well one can function having not gotten more than 4 hours sleep at a time for months!

Cringing : at the number of flies currently buzzing around me... they're mighty sticky today!

Needing : to stop eating so many sweets... unlikely to happen in my sleep deprived state though, think it's the only thing keeping me going he he.

Questioning : everything. a lot. there are a few issues lately i've been vacillating wildly on. think it's driving poor bb spare.

Smelling : something delicious being whipped up in the kitchen in this cafe, might need to be off soon to make some lunch!

Wearing : this! who says you can't wear handknits in the warmer months?

Noticing : how distinctly uncomfortable i was in the city last week. we were there for a couple of hours while ben went in to chat to his boss. so many people, so much hustle. just not for me anymore.

Knowing : we're in the right place for us right now. yep. it is known.

Thinking : i've been sitting for too long! my coccyx lets me know these days... boo!

Admiring : parents everywhere. making it work on the daily. it's hard work and i feel like i've got it super easy! feeling lucky!

Getting : excited to catch up with some folks i haven't seen in a while later in the week.

Bookmarking : airbnb places. hoping for a little getaway soon...

Disliking : these flies. seriously! shoo!

Opening : packets of seeds. time to get some winter seeds into pots and on their way!

Closing : the doors and windows, and then opening them again, and then closing them again. the weather has been more than a little mercurial...

Feeling : ready to pop back home and see my fellas. it's good to have a bit of time out, but equally good to chat and play.

Celebrating : easter soon i guess... looking forward to some nice family times for sure! and maybe even some catch ups with friends who are like family. my fingers are crossed!

Pretending : i'm not interested in the new seasons of terrible reality shows that have started recently... for the most part, i've convinced myself... fake it til you make it right?

Embracing : my hair at the moment. it's crazy... curly and frizzy some days, smooth and sleek on others, and the greys, well they seem to be taking over he he. definitely other things to think about at the moment, but i'm hoping to maybe do something drastic soon. we shall see!

what have you been up to lately? care to 'take stock' too? there's a blank list over on pip's post if you want to join in!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

taking stock.

pair of calves, white and grey in colour the last light on a night last week green tea and matty's socks taking a dip with ag to cool down after a hot day a bit ol' bowl of wonton soup. delicious plums from the tree, preserved in jars for winter.

taking a minute or two to take stock with pip to fill you in on what's been going on around here.

making - a shawl, and socks, and too many plans.
cooking - quite a bit actually... after a quick stocktake of our freezer, we realised we had a fortnight's wort of food in there. lots of home cooked meals for us!
drinking - way too much soft drink. must cut back really... it's just so delicious and is also a nice caffeine hit (i'm not a coffee drinker...)
reading - too few books. need to put the barefoot investor on hold at the library after a recommendation from some friends yesterday, and to work my way through the pile on my bedside table too!
trawling - gumtree. always. currently looking for a wardrobe for ag. we're moving him into our bedroom in the next few weeks and need somewhere to keep all his duds. which reminds me, i had plans for a house tour, perhaps that can be next weeks post!
wanting - to spend a little bit less time reading rubbish on my phone. might be time for a little social media detox again perhaps...
looking - into a few different ways to bring in some cash... and stay home with the baby. bb is too! so nice all being home together and hopefully we can keep making it work.
deciding - on what to do for the weekend. a few family members are coming down this way so should be nice to catch up!
wishing - teleporters existed already. or self driving cars were mainstream... i like to visit friends in town, but it is a BIG drive!
enjoying - ag being almost 5 months. he's so delightful and for the moment, almost exactly where i left him.
waiting - on the washing machine to finish. washing is pretty neverending hey?
liking - that even though the summer veggie patch is pretty pathetic, we're still getting a few bits and pieces on the daily.
wondering - what the future holds... not sure why though, things will happen the way they will happen.
loving - having so much freedom. my days are pretty much whatever i'd like them to be... with a cute tag-a-long to boot.
pondering - which cast on to use for the socks i'm intending to cast on tonight, i want them to be nice and stretchy to fit over my heel and ankle nicely... these ones fit me really well, and are easy to get on and off, but do you think i noted down what cast on i used? nope! fool!
listening - to ag chat while he plays with his toys next to me. delightful!
considering - making some baby clothes... have you ever? any recommendations?
buying - way too much food while i'm out and about. need to be more prepared to save our dollars for more important things!
watching - call the midwife. feeling recovered enough from birth to be able to watch it now he he.
hoping - the dishes get done while i'm out later this afternoon... one must always have hope.
marvelling - at how much has changed in our lives in the past year. this time last year, we were 9-10 weeks pregnant, and only vaguely contemplating
cringing - at what's going on in the states at the moment. and feeling grateful we're so very far away!
needing - to streeeetch. our dining chairs are not the most comfortable to sit and type on he he.
questioning - our needs, constantly. particularly when the wanties hit.
smelling - veggie curry. or what's left of it after i finished eating my lunch. delicious!
wearing - jeans and a jumper. in february. go figure.
noticing - how much dirt is on the floor. i think i could happily vacuum everyday, except that i hate vacuuming.
knowing - ag won't be almost exactly where i leave him for much longer. in the time it's taken me to write this much, he's done a 180 on his play mat...
thinking - about dinner. the thoughts of food are constant. i've only just finished lunch!
admiring - zero wasters... slow steps nicole, slow steps.
getting - a bit annoyed at myself for continually forgetting to drink water. it's really important.
bookmarking - yoga videos, chocolate pudding recipes, baby onesie patterns. all of the things really.
disliking - poosplosions. just when you think you're safe, bam!
opening - and shutting the pantry door. nope, still no chocolate in there.
closing - the lid on the washing basket. if i can't see you, you're not there dirty washing.
feeling - a bit itchy about all of the things that are lying around here in the kitchen... 10 minute tidy up is imminent!
hearing - the wind picking up. this weather man...
celebrating - a birthday on the weekend hopefully, with the family that are coming to visit, looking forward to it!
pretending - the baby isn't still in his pyjamas at almost 2 in the afternoon... he is. no shame.
embracing - slooooooow tuesdays after big mondays he he. pyjamas and all.

what have you been up to recently? care to take stock too? there's a blank list over on pip's post!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

taking stock

i thought i'd play along and take stock with pip because why not!?
i've nothing but time at the moment ha ha.

pink blossoms on an unknown fruit tree in the orchard the very beginnings of a new project in a beautiful green yarn healthy chocolate pudding with berries and crushed nuts with a silver knitted swatch on the needles in the background a wee collection of purple blossoms, lavender and hebe, from my friend's garden

Making: quite a few things actually... there's a couple of new projects on my knitting needles, which i'm hoping to share tomorrow, and i'm working on a little baby-centric sewing project too!

Cooking: and prepping all of the food. there's a few meals in the freezer pre-cooked and ready to go for when the baby comes, like bolognaise and lasagne, and then some slow-cooker go-bags too. they can just be dumped in the slow cooker at the start of the day and cook and cook, low and slow and be ready to feed us when we'll need it the most.

Drinking: lots of tea! it's been lovely to have the time to have a pot of tea. and i bought a fancy milk frother a few weeks ago too. it's nice to have warm, steamy and frothy milk with a beautiful chai. or to skip the tea all together and have a hot chocolate. i found a delicious low-gi, vegan hot chocolate mix at the source and it has been a lifesaver!

Reading: lots of books. i've been giving the local library a good work out, borrowing lots of books about natural dyeing, eating less sugar and simplifying things. it's quite lovely to have such an expanse of books at my fingertips!

Wanting: to do wayyyy more things than i have energy for at the moment. slow and steady and making compromises when i need to. phew!

Looking: around at all of the new spring growth on everything. it's pretty amazing huh?

Deciding: on names. yep. it's tricky stuff!

Wishing: my belly wasn't quite so itchy... poor skin is pretty much stretched to it's limit!

Enjoying: the thought of being able to eat whatever i feel like in the next little while. it's been a long time!

Waiting: ... sure am!

Liking: the pandora app on my phone. bb's big computer is currently down for the count so i'm 'borrowing' his speakers currently and playing nice tunes when it feels right. it's a little lovely.

Wondering: what the plan is for dinner... waiting to hear from bb as to what he is up to. i'm never not thinking about food really...

Loving: slowly reading through the new lunchlady edition while i eat breakfasts and lunches... it's so rad! seriously contemplating treating myself to a subscription...

Pondering: just what life will look like on the other side...

Listening: to dad start on some renovations in the shed next door to our house. they've been a while coming, but should look great when they're all done!

Considering: plans for the future. everything is, and has been, on go slow with the baby waiting, but next year, next year could be an interesting one...

Buying: as little as possible. we've been very lucky to get a lot of baby stuff secondhand, either free, or at a fraction of the sticker price, and that is just the way i like it! keeping our budget under control and reusing precious resources!

Watching: so much tv! lots of down time and knitting time means lots of tv time. i've managed to catch up on shameless, bust out awkward, gotten hooked on australian survivor and make a good start on homeland.

Hoping: some pals that have been going through some tough times are doing ok.

Marvelling: at how many times an hour one person can need to use the bathroom... it's a lot fyi.

Cringing: whenever i have to prick my finger. will be very happy to be rid of this nasty gestational diabetes stuff.
Needing: to keep the fire window really clean. need to see those beautiful flames to be truly cosy he he!

Questioning: everything. over and over. my poor brain is tired from running around in circles. the waiting game is driving me slightly batty i think...

Smelling: the lavender in the wee posy of flowers a friend brought with her when she came over for lunch last week. such a lovely gesture.

Wearing: mostly normal clothes... i've been very grateful to still fit into most of my wardrobe (i do miss my jeans...) and not have had to buy a whole load of maternity clothes. biggest purchases have been a few bras and singlet tops with clippy things which should help out on the breastfeeding front. phew!

Following: not a lot. not trains of thought, not conversations... baby brain is real folks.

Noticing: how dirty my glasses get constantly. super annoying!

Knowing: i should be really trying to get lots and lots of sleep... easier said than done though!

Thinking: i'll be lucky to get through this list... lots of prompts, not a lot of brain power he he.

Admiring: the efforts of those folks who are zero-waste. i'm trying to take baby steps towards that goal, but there's quite a bit of organisation needed. hoping once the baby arrives, i can get a bit of a routine happening and take some more steps towards reducing our waste more, little by little.

Getting: things tidy. well trying... the tidy up is a constant, daily task.

Bookmarking: lots of baby knitting patterns. naturally...

Coveting: a wee little dilapidated country cottage on a real estate site. i've had it open in my browser for quite a while now. i'm sure someone will buy it one day and break my poor dreaming heart, but until then, i covet, and wish, and hope he he.

Disliking: heartburn/reflux. have been copping it for about 20 weeks now and i am DONE! very much looking forward to satisfying portion sizes and sleeping soundly. well as soundly as you can with a newborn around he he.

Opening: the doors and windows when the weather allows. not this morning, but last week? the doors and windows were constantly open.

Giggling: at all of the movement going on in my abdomen. and occasionally wincing... strong little tyke in there!

Feeling: strange with the lack of control i have over certain aspects of my life at the moment. again, waiting game doing my head in a bit. everything is up in the air!

Helping: things move along with lots of long walks, sitting on my fit ball... all making me feel like i'm doing what i can.

Hearing: the radio. lots of early-mid 2000's music making me groove and putting a smile on my face.

Mixing: up lots of batches of the healthy chocolate pudding in that photo up the top there. so easy! just whizz up a banana, an avocado, a heaped teaspoon of cacao/cocoa and a date if you feel the need for a wee bit extra sweetness. i've been eating it with berries and chopped nuts or seeds AND freezing it in icy pole moulds. it is delicious!

Slicing: up paper and framing it! bb and i splashed out and spent a little of the money we were gifted for our wedding and bought frames for all of the zillion things we had put aside... there was quite the collection but now they're just about all ready to go... let the hangings commence!

Celebrating: my auntie's 60th yesterday. it was ace to catch up with lots of my cousins and a couple of my aunties and uncles. there was also delicious food and lots of cake that i snaffled a wee mouthful of. portion size is everything when it comes to affecting blood sugar levels i've found...

Forgetting: lots of things. all the time. much walking into rooms and trying to remember why i needed to be there a second ago he he!

Pretending: i can't see the cobwebs in the corners... nope, they're definitely not there!

Embracing: the little community that we have in our new home. family nice and close, and an abundance of awesome like-minded folks all around too. i've been to a few different knitting groups, have an idea of some spinning groups i'd like to check out in a few months time and have met so many lovely folks who are passionate about locally sourced food and products. it makes my heart so happy!

phew! made it!!
these lists do always test my endurance a little he he. a whole lot of introspection and thinking required.

if you want to play along too, pip has a blank list at the bottom of this post.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

taking stock.

why hello! it's been a little while, complete radio silence on this here blog...
working an extra day a week has certainly eaten into my free time for blogging, as well as my energy reserves for such things too.

i thought i'd join in with pip tonight and take stock with what's going on in my brain and life at the moment...

Making: myself crazy thinking about buying a house. i just kinda want it to be done and dusted and simple and ours. buying a property is complex shit man.

Cooking: not a lot. big lack of meal plans happening around here at the moment, hence my radio silence. struggling to think too far into the future at the moment.

Drinking: chamomile tea. trying to shush the loud in my brain at the moment.

Reading: blog posts. trying to catch up and stay on top of my reader.

Wanting: a few more hours in the day.

Looking: forward to march and a few less work hours.

Playing: the waiting game.

Deciding: to try and avoid dairy for a week or two. i have a theory it might help my flaky and psoriasis-y scalp. fingers crossed.

Wishing: my nails would stop peeling. they keep catching on everything!

Enjoying: sleeping. it's not happening for quite long enough on a day to day basis, but it's nice when it happens.

Waiting: for what seems like eternity... waiting for paydays and real estate agents and interest repayments and work days. adulthood is not so fun actually...

Liking: lots of photos on instagram. always.

Wondering: how long i could actually last working 6 days a week. physically, mentally, emotionally...

Loving: this quite mild summer. i am not a fan of endless spells of super hot days. at. all.

Pondering: what to get up to on my day off this week. i have a feeling it might be a little bit of exercise, and some grocery shopping. excitement plus!

Considering: playing along with chantelle and her photo a day challenges for the whole year... would be cool to have a photo for everyday. well most days anyway, i tend to run a little behind ha ha!

Buying: as little as possible. though food. that's where all the money goes!

Watching: all of the reality tv. well not all of it. the block and my kitchen rules and the great british sewing bee. that's it but it's keeping me busy!

Hoping: my mumma might come for a visit this weekend, i haven't seen her for nearly a month!

Marvelling: at how my kombucha is doing. i am churning out the stuff now that i'm in the groove! just need to remember to drink it!

Cringing: at how much housework is piling up around here. washing, ironing, cleaning, dishes, vacuuming... it never ends!

Needing: to ride my bike more. it bothers me that it's languishing in my garage.

Questioning: decisions made, words spoken. constantly.

Smelling: fresh, sun-dried linen on the bed. the best!

Wearing: one of bb's t-shirts. so comfy and cosy.

Following: along with fringe association hat-a-long, and contemplating casting on an audrey hat.

Noticing: how i can't seem to focus on just one thing today. it's annoying and i feel like i'm doing many things poorly. and forgetting important things.

Knowing: i should be going to sleep.

Thinking: about all the things i want to be doing, but don't seem to have the time at the moment... baking, cooking, experimenting, gardening, visiting. endless list really.

Admiring: people with their shit together.

Sorting: out nothing. i have all these organisation-y plans, but no time!

Getting: creeped out by mr. sampson. he enjoys jumping around and making strange noises to keep things lively.

Bookmarking: lots of wedding related bits and pieces.

Coveting: time in the garden. it's seemingly hard to come by at the moment, but i love when i'm out there.

Disliking: early mornings, late nights. it's really dumb but i keep doing it.

Opening: the new issue of pompom magazine. i bought a subscription last year, and they wrap up each copy and put a little thank-you sticker on it. it is adorable and never fails to make my day.

Giggling: at kayte's posts. she is a funny lady!

Feeling: a bit silly for forgetting to take water to work with me today. i barely drank anything all day. very very silly! Snacking: on dark chocolate with mint. and being annoyed when i realise after munching away that over half the block is gone. and that it contains dairy. gah!

Comforting: myself with lots of hugs from bb and sampson. the latter of the two is not so generous with his hugs, but they're nice when he feels like bestowing them on me.

Helping: my full brain by brain dumping a whole heap of stuff here in this post. well done if you've gotten this far.

Hearing: bb heading to bed. it's late, i should be heading there myself.

are you taking stock too? do you have enough hours in your day? have you ever bought a house and found it tricky to navigate? do you think these questions at the end of a post are a bit silly? (i like them, but my brother thinks they're silly, we'll see little brother, we'll see! :P)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

taking stock.

taking some time to take stock today. answering a couple of prompts about what's going on around here at the moment.

Making: a pair of socks.

Cooking: nothing. dinner should be happening. but i'm holed up in bed instead.

Drinking: copious amount of water.

Reading: blog post after blog post. cleared out my reader this morning, there were posts from over a week ago, oops!

Wanting: the gusset decreases on the aforementioned socks to be done! sooooo slow!

Looking: out for the kitty. he's playing outside.

Playing: episode after episode of anything and everything. netflix has my heart.

Deciding: on whether to get the dishes done or not.

Wishing: there was a dishwasher fairy.

Enjoying: the new edition of pompom. i had a little read of it in the sun. too lovely.

Waiting: to hear from bb. he'll most likely be working late again tonight. poor thing.

Liking: lots of pictures on instagram. all of the hearts.

Wondering: when my oven will be fixed... it's been weeks!

Loving: and hating the fact that it's a month until christmas. scary and exciting all at once!

Pondering: new knitting projects. always and forever.

Considering: plans for the future. working out what kind of house to buy and whereabouts is super tricky!

Watching: new girl. and outlander. and gilmore girls. i can't commit to just one show!

Hoping: my brain plays nice this month, less severe headaches would be lovely.

Marvelling: at how dirty my floors are. gross.

Needing: to vacuum. and mop. and i need some energy to do those things ha ha.

Smelling: the jacket i was wearing last night to rescue the cat off the roof. in the rain. everyone talks about how smelly wet dogs are... wet cats... terrible.

Wearing: pyjamas. it's never too early for pyjamas.

Following: paul west on instagram. swooooooooooon.

Noticing: just how green everything is. the sunny days punctuated by rainy ones are making everything lush.

Knowing: that it is definitely bed time. Thinking: about the weekend after next, heading away for our anniversary.

Feeling: anxious as i haven't booked anything for the weekend away. eep!

Admiring: this blog series. lots of handmade gift ideas.

Sorting: out my ballet schedule. lots of classes to catch up on, only 3 weeks to get them sorted!

Buying: nothing. at this second.

Getting: sick of the facebook app on my phone. it doesn't get on with my phone at all.

Bookmarking: recipes. always.

Disliking: my silly scalp. psoriasis. not fun.

Opening: my new pompom magazine! i bought a subscription a few months ago and every issue is wrapped in tissue paper with a little handwritten thank you sticker on it. so cute!

Giggling: at gilmore girls. i'm really loving that show.

Feeling: a bit full. i popped into the city to have a most excellent lunch with a friend.

Snacking: on leftover cake from the tupperware party i went to on sunday. it was packed up in vintage tupperware *swoon*

Hearing: sampsons little bell jingling as he runs and plays outside. hopefully it keep the birdies nice and safe.

do you want to take stock too? pip has a blank list on her latest taking stock list if you want to play along!