So, I know I'm not a great blogger, as I don't post very often. So I'll be posting like crazy the next few days...hopefully.
But now I need to redeem myself as a mother and post about Taylee's birthday (Aug. 16th)...
The only thing she wanted was to get her ears pierced, and this was a big dilemma for me because our family rule (or my mom's, I should say) is you have to wait 'til you're 12 to get them pierced. After a long discussion with Cole, and thinking on it long and hard, I decided it would be ok. I realized this caused some problems with my sister's girls, but I apologize and hope there aren't any hard feelings...
That being said, here are some pictures of Taylee's "Girly" Birthday Party...
And then there was a lot of "posing" to be done!
My little Tater-Bug is growing up so fast! We love her and are so proud of her! Happy Birthday, Taylee!!!!
Caleb: ALL boy, curious, smart, inquisitive, giggles, doddles, tinkers. Likes football, basketball, camping, 4-wheelin', fishing, teasing his sisters.
Taylee Emma
Mom's mini-me
Taylee: Independent, stubborn, princess, great helper, big sister, in charge. Likes soccer, dancing, dress-ups, friends, camping, 4-wheelin', fishing.
Karly Jo & Alexa Mary
Karly (in yellow): accident prone, funny, loving, older by 1 minute. Likes playing dolls, all things related to horses, camping, 4-wheelin', swimming, fishing, going to Grandma's (both sides).
Alexa (in red): silly, mischievous, caring, the baby. Likes the same things Karly does!