Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Picture updates...better late than never!

This past weekend Cody's brother Ryan and our 2 nephews Austin & Kaden came to St. George for a baseball tournament. We enjoyed having them here! The weather was great, Kaden played some great baseball with his dad coaching and Austin got some great mountain biking in with Cody! The kids were just excited to have their cousins here even though they sure missed Aunt Jan & Tallie who were back in Idaho for Tallies softball tournaments.

Caleb playing in the dirt at the park! (He loves the dirt & just being outdoors!) Love the St. George Spring weather!! We have to take advantage of the weather before the heat settles in!

Jessica and her best cousin Kate! Jessica actually calls Kate her best friend! They have the cute matching dresses thanks to Grandma Chipman! We love it when Aunt Amelia & Uncle Jason make the trek down from Farmington, Utah!

Another picture to go with the ones below when Grandma & Grandpa Schmitt made the surprise trip from Shelley, Idaho to St. George. The kids celebrated an early Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa. We are very lucky to have such wonderful Parents & Grandparents!
Happy 42nd Anniversary, Rob & Sheri!

Grandma & Grandpa Schmitt with Annalise & Alyson. Always exciting when they get to spend time with their Grandparents who they love very much!

Annalise & Alyson performing at their piano recital! This was Alyson's first recital! Both girls did so well! We were all very proud of them!

Grandma & Grandpa Schmitt with Jessica & Caleb when they came down and surprised us all about 2 weeks before Christmas!

Annalise took a Jazz class from August to December. She is a great little dancer. This is a picture from her Christmas recital.

Alyson took a tap/ballet class from August to December. Here is Alyson with 2 of her little friends from her class. She had a lot of fun and danced beautifully in the Christmas recital!


The Meachams said...

The kids are getting so big and cute! I hope all is well with your family! :)

Hafen Crew said...

Your kids are so cute!! I saw your page on Sara's so I thought I'd check in and see what you're up to. I think we need to talk grandma and grandpa Hafen into getting a cow and some sounds like they are the grandkids favortied things.