Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Summer in Review...
Happy 2nd Birthday, Caleb!
September 21, 2009 with Grandma & Grandpa Chipman.
Happy Birthday to our Dad just a few days later on the 26th!

Spud Day September 2009 in Shelley, Idaho with all of our Schmitt Family!

Celebrating our 10th Anniversary, (August 7th 1999) in Zions!
Angels Landing is our special place...Cody almost proposed
10 years ago in this exact spot!
Thanks to Mom & Dad Chipman, we spent the night in Springdale and the next day
in Zions hiking and tubing down the Virgin River!
We had a great time and are so grateful for the wonderful 10 years we have had together!

A very special Baptism Day for Annalise, September 5, 2009!
We all love Annalise very much and were so proud of her decision to be baptized!
How lucky we are to have so much love and support from all of our family!

A special moment after the baptism with Grandma Chipman!

Dad, Mom, Alyson, Annalise, Jessica, and Caleb...
looking forward to Anna's baptism.
Our beautiful 8 year old, Annalise Nicole!
A special moment before the baptism with Grandma & Grandpa Schmitt who came from Idaho.

Aunt Tanys, Uncle Kim, and Jason came down from Idaho too!
Jessica's first day of Joy School! She is growing up fast!

Alyson's first day of first grade with her teacher Mrs. Bryant!
Can you tell how excited she was?

Annalise's first day of 3rd grade with her morning teacher Mrs. Henrie...

and her afternoon teacher Mrs. Flint.

Annalise's SURPRISE 8th birthday party at Aunt Lydia's pool!

Annalise had no idea this was happening! It was a complete surprise, especially because mom doesn't throw friend parties...We all had a great time!

Jessica's 3rd Birthday on June 3rd, 2009! Funny thing...Alyson turned 6 on April 6th 2009 and Annalise turned 8 on July 8th, 2009. I'm sure that is called something. Anyway, it was a bunch of Happy Birthdays!!

Our Schmitt Family Reunion July 31st-August 2nd 2009 at Downetta Hot Springs in Idaho!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time goes by so quickly!

I am up waiting for Cody, who is working on a design that is due tomorrow and I am just pondering how quickly time passes and how important each moment of each day really is! I definitely need to take more pictures of the special times we share with all of our family. How grateful I am for family. I come from a very close family of eight children and two wonderful parents who sacrafice so much to give their children every opportunity possible. I hope that I can be the kind of parent for my children that my parents are for me! I am so thankful for a loving husband and father of my 4 sweet children. I am grateful for my husbands family and the closeness we share with them. Family really is everything! I love the saying, What is most important, lasts the longest. That to me is definitely...Family! Families are Forever!
Here are some pictures from summer of 2008...can't believe it has been almost a year!

Milking the cow at Grandma & Grandpa Chipmans house....lots of fun to be had on the farm...pigs, chickens, dogs, cows, 4-wheeler rides, hiking on the hill, and treats from Grandma. There is never a dull moment at Grandma & Grandpas house!

Our trip to San Diego with the Chipman Clan...almost everyone was able to come down where we stayed at mom and dads trendwest time share. Lots a fun memories were made!

So excited for Panguitch again this Spring & Summer. This was last summer in Panguitch with Grandma & Grandpa Chipman. The kids absolutley love it in Panguitch. We are so glad that Grandma & Grandpa Chipman have this fun home. It is a heavenly little get away not far from home! We are looking forward to conference weekend in Panguitch!

One more fun picture from the family farm. The three girls, Annalise, Alyson, and Jessica feeding the baby calf. I have lots of memories as a little girl doing this very thing many times!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Picture updates...better late than never!

This past weekend Cody's brother Ryan and our 2 nephews Austin & Kaden came to St. George for a baseball tournament. We enjoyed having them here! The weather was great, Kaden played some great baseball with his dad coaching and Austin got some great mountain biking in with Cody! The kids were just excited to have their cousins here even though they sure missed Aunt Jan & Tallie who were back in Idaho for Tallies softball tournaments.

Caleb playing in the dirt at the park! (He loves the dirt & just being outdoors!) Love the St. George Spring weather!! We have to take advantage of the weather before the heat settles in!

Jessica and her best cousin Kate! Jessica actually calls Kate her best friend! They have the cute matching dresses thanks to Grandma Chipman! We love it when Aunt Amelia & Uncle Jason make the trek down from Farmington, Utah!

Another picture to go with the ones below when Grandma & Grandpa Schmitt made the surprise trip from Shelley, Idaho to St. George. The kids celebrated an early Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa. We are very lucky to have such wonderful Parents & Grandparents!
Happy 42nd Anniversary, Rob & Sheri!

Grandma & Grandpa Schmitt with Annalise & Alyson. Always exciting when they get to spend time with their Grandparents who they love very much!

Annalise & Alyson performing at their piano recital! This was Alyson's first recital! Both girls did so well! We were all very proud of them!

Grandma & Grandpa Schmitt with Jessica & Caleb when they came down and surprised us all about 2 weeks before Christmas!

Annalise took a Jazz class from August to December. She is a great little dancer. This is a picture from her Christmas recital.

Alyson took a tap/ballet class from August to December. Here is Alyson with 2 of her little friends from her class. She had a lot of fun and danced beautifully in the Christmas recital!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Halloween pics

I fell asleep on the couch right after putting the kids to bed and upon waking up at midnight I guess you could say I felt ready to get some things done....quite often I find myself working on things a little late. Anyway, here are some fun photos from Halloween.

Grandma and Grandpa Chipman with our little skunk, Caleb (Thanks to cousin Ben!)

Jessica, our little care bear (Thanks to Aunt Iva)

Alyson, our barbie princess with wings.....exactly what she said she wanted to be for halloween, we were lucky to find it! Alyson is posed with her awesome teacher, Snow White, I mean Mrs. Sewell.

Annalise, our Black Cat, who as you can tell by her picture, gives you the look, "You want me to wear my costume?" She always has fun on halloween, however in a crowd, especially at school, it takes her a while to warm up to the idea that she is NOT the only one wearing a costume!

Here is the whole crew...Dad with his 4 little trick or treaters

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thanks so much to Elisa & Coty with Simple Elegance Photography! We love the pictures!

These are just some fun candid pictures. This bottom one I couldn't resist with Jessica's sweet smile. It also shows how we chopped Annalise and Alysons hair. I have no more tears when it comes time to do hair.....it is the most amazing thing...where have I been this whole time? Short hair is definitely a good option for our family!! No hair works too! (We love our bald DAD!) Luckily Caleb has a little more hair than his Dad.

Hopefully I can stay on track and keep blogging. This is a great way for me to organize pictures, keep a written record of what's happening, and to share it all with our family and friends. Until next time, I hope you all enjoy our family photos!
Dad and Caleb, our September Birthday Boys!

Perfect Pictures

Caleb just had his 1st Birthday on September 21st. We got to celebrate with all of our Schmitt family in Idaho during the annual "Spud Day" Celebration! We had a blast even through the rain. We have lots of fun pictures that I will hopefully post soon...since I do that so often. We also celebrated Cody's big 33rd birthday. It was 2 happy birthdays for the boys in the family!

Fun New Pictures

Thanks to our good friends and neighbors, Elisa and Coty Chadburn, with Simple Elegance Photography, we have some great new family pictures. They caught our kids in moments that are so telling of their personalities.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Our 5 year old Alyson is just about ready to graduate from Joy School and gear up for kindergarten in the fall and boy is she ready! This is a picture of Alyson with all her joy school friends. All of them have been in joy school together for the past 2 years. Here is an example of how ready Alyson is for Kindergarten. She couldn't wait for her doctor appointment where she would get her kindergarten shots....yes she was excited for the shots. The assistant gave her the shot...she flinched and grunted just slightly and then said, "That felt good." The assistant looked up and said "What did you say?" I think that Alyson thought that the shots would get kindergarten started sooner. She deals with her fears in the cutest way. One time while watching Snow White and being a little scared of the evil queen she smiled, laughed, and said "The witch is so funny, Mom." Alyson is a very sweet and loving little girl.