Showing posts with label police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police. Show all posts

Monday, December 1, 2008

Unethical parking..

Chennai is buzzing with big traffic these days and we can't escape the clutches of congestion irrespective of the ways we take to reach our destinations. There has been a common voice among the people of the city that has started sounding louder lately against the Traffic policemen, who, in an attempt to make Chennai a traffic-free city, took exactly the wrong course and made Chennai a city full of one-way roads. Thus, if you are a Chennaiite and if you wish to travel from Guindy bus stop to Adyar malar hospital, it is no more an easy task like what it used to be few months back. You are not supposed to take the straight road that connects these two places. Instead, you are required to travel straight towards Saidapet and take a right turn, which would bring you back to the straight road that connects Guindy junction to Adyar. This means instead of followin one edge of the triangular path, you would be diverted to take the longest route from one point to the another on this triangular setup and this incurs you loss of time, fuel, energy and most of all, health. If you have the heart to put a halt for piling up disheartening facts which have been given room by improper planning process carried on by the traffic policemen and consider the imperfectionists within ourselves, we can design so many ways to evade the traffic problems that are posing extreme discomfort to the public. I happened to catch the view of a bike that was parked right at the middle of the road parellal to my street last night. It was one of the busiest roads in the locality that has dedicated all its space for residential complexes. Initially, I thought it belongs to a policeman since the rules had been changed (AGAIN) and the street had been turned into a one-way. Indian policemen have the habit of using their bikes, registered to Government, as barricades to prevent the entry of vehicles into certain streets. Later, I realized it belongs to a man who was so sincere to the person who called up to his mobile phone. While this man was busy with his conversation over the phone, I found 3 cars standing one behind the other, waiting for this mobile man to show some generosity towards them. After having a glance at the chaos that was about to be created at that place, he turned away to concentrate more on the conversation. After few seconds, there was a complete congestion on the street because of the blockade dropped in by these 3 cars in the front. As a result, the adjoining main road suffered a big congestion that led to a big inconvenience to all those who decided to pay a visit to the area. Thus, a small irresponsible act could lead to a big hassle in the environment surrounding the cause. Thus, being responsible isn't a choice. That is the rule to be followed by not only the policemen but also by every single person who is called a citizen.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rules derailed..

I hope you can see clearly who the man at the front is. He is an official in the Indian Democracy. His job is to make sure people in the society stick on to the rules laid by the Government. The rules that they deal with are related to traffic and other procedures that should be followed by everyone using the roads which some say are MAINTAINED by the Government (and still they look pathetic :-P). Hence, in short , this man in Khaki and white on the bike registered to the Government can be put equivalent to a guardian. Rather, guardian of society and rules laid by the Government. I happened to go to Marina beach few days back with one of my friends. When I was driving back home, my ride was interrupted by the flashing red signal. I was almost the first one to bring my bike to a halt just before the stop line. After the signal timer flicked for few seconds, I found someone trying to get on to the front of the lot waiting for the green using the small passage on my left which was not even sufficient for a bicycle to go through. I told myself "Wow! What an aspirant!!! He wants to be the first even at a signal!!" Finally, this man's bike stopped after completely crossing the stop line, the meaning of which he totally didn't understand. You can find the stop line in the picture and the man in the front on his bike as if he his on his way back home after winning the whole world. And you can also find that no one else in the picture had crossed the stop line. From his shoes, pant, shirt, helmet and the color of the bike, I recognized who he is. That was when I felt really bad for the people in our society. A man who is supposed to protect the rules has decided to crush the same under his feet. Several men at the same level as this brute in the picture above stand together at signal junctions just to catch hold of those who they say don't follow the traffic rules. And nowhere have I seen a rule that says these men carry an exemption from these rules and they need not follow what they say is mandatory for the public. I couldn't resist my frustration and I was completely annoyed. But, I couldn't do anything other than take a snap of this immorally molded moron. Had it been a common man crossing the rule, I bet the traffic constable at the other end of the signal would have extracted something from his wallet. What makes the difference here? It is just few things which our Government servants lack. They are supposed to be called the Government SERVANTS. But, their actions make us feel they rule the nation. This is because corruption is all powerful in this nation. It is way above people and society. When even the one who is responsible for keeping the rules intact is not prepared to stand by the book, who else can be considered for filling the most essential niche here? I've had several bad experiences with these beggars in uniform who catch at signal junctions me just to suck my pockets dry. May be this is the reason why I consider my feet more important than these brutes with bulky bellies. Some of my friends even advised me not to put these pictures here on my blog as they fear I might push myself into grave danger. But, I can't help it. I can prove anyone I am flawless just by showing them this picture which I love to keep staring at for the whole day. And I can justify whatever I've told about these roadside vagabonds. The man in the picture is just another creature who makes his living on the roads using what he gets from the society. If you still don't know who he is, I'll tell you about him. Ahh..He is totally insignificant. He doesn't have much importance for me to really talk about. I don't think he deserves any explanation. Leave it. I wish to continue this hunt for these senseless scavengers in Chennai. ;-)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Terrorism unplugged..

While terrorism is busy expanding its wings over large grounds in the country, Indian Government seems to be a sitting duck incapable of countering militant activities in the nation. With the fateful incidents that have been happening in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, for the past three days, the terrorists have found a new way to get their hands on various parts of the country. The militants from the so called Democratic neighboring nation called Pakistan, who infiltrated India through the seaways, claiming themselves to be local Indian fishermen, successfully made fools out of the coast guard patrols and other security forces along the Western coastline and proved the world they are sons of cowardice. If there is someone who should accept complete responsibility for what has happened in the past 50 odd hours, it should be Indian Home ministry, which didn't attach much importance to the infiltration news tipped off by the Indian Intelligence. When the Honorable Home minister, Mr. Shivraj Patel was asked about the message the Government received from the Intelligence bureau, his reply was they are to decode the mail sent by the militants. This statement misled me and I thought the militants had sent a coded message regarding the attacks in advance. Later, I came to know the letter which Home ministry said it was trying to decode was in pure English. I don't understand. What were they trying to do? Decode English? Funny. And now comes the role for the head of the country. He appeared in front of the TV channels and once again, delivered the same old "India can never stand terrorism and it will draft laws to take stringent counter actions to stop terrorism" message. When I started my under graduation, I heard the PM give out the same statement and now, I've finished B.E and still they are planning for a strict law to curb terrorism. At the end of the day, while the Government was busy moving its head for the so called strict law, terrorists accomplished their mission in Mumbai. With a death toll crossing 120, it has become a black page in the book of Indian history. Now, I feel even the Kargil war would been a comparatively easy go for the Indian army because Government was not there in the battle field to control the actions of the army men. Hundreds of commando forces and military men stormed into the hotels that went into the pockets of extremists for the last couple of days. During the course, three of the most esteemed professionals belong to police department lost their lives. Later, when the Government realized the situation has broken the boundaries, it called for military and commandos to bring back things to normal. While these men were busy fighting the terrorists within the hotels amidst gun shots and broken properties, our politicians were busy releasing irrelevant and senseless reports. They even misguided the people by giving them false assurance, which is that India is always a safe heaven. Unless Government comes out of its shell to show real care towards the country's development and safety, leaving behind all its efforts to appease muslims by being lenient towards the Islamic terrorist who has been captured by the policemen, India can never be considered a safe heaven. As long as this pathetic attitutude prevails in the nation in the form of Government, India would remain the most vicious hell for years to come.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Roaring road accidents..

Road accidents are happening at an exponential rate now a days and your vehicle bumping into one of them will be the most unfortunate thing ever. It’s always better to get prepared before hand and auto body shops city of industry makes that easy for you. Collision Repair expert comprises a big chain of auto body workshops that effectively bridge their customers with the best auto repair shops in the town. They have incorporated strict quality measures within their network to ensure that they provide the best to their customers. They personally call back every customer and evaluate their experience, based on which a rating is given to every auto body work shop that is publicly posted in their website. You can also fix appointment online and be assured that your vehicle is in the best hands in town. With Chennai fast developing a sophistaceted and modernizied metropolitan city everyday, accidents have become very common on the roads that people don't even care to help the ones who got their heads into these unfortunate twist provided by their fate. I would like to see the Traffic department coming up with innovative, useful and really sensible road rules to overcome these accidents that often prove fatal for some people. Instead of forcing the bikers to wear helmets, the Government can give bringing in the vehicle lanes on the roads some thought. You would find such lanes only on roads with heavy traffic. But, that makes me wonder why there are no such lane discipline rules available for Grand South Trunk road that connects the city to other southern parts of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu Police department should realize their purpose which is to ensure safety of society and public and they should also understand their hands can be put to good use other than saluting higher officials and blocking drivers for not following the rules which seem to have been designed only for the benifit of these vagabonds in khakis.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The playboy police..

Yesterday, Tamil Nadu witnessed the incapable and inefficient act of Tamil Nadu Police department. Honestly, the cops never acted appropriate to the situation and they stood watching the incidents which shouldn't have been allowed to be staged within a college where Law lives. Dr.Ambedkar's Law college is one of those average law colleges available in the state where reservation plays a bigger role than law. Hence, reservation gave way for hooligans to enter the college in the name of students. I don't know what the issues were all about. But, I could see few arrogant and uncontrollable brutes attacking fellow students using highly dangerous weapons. A student was viciously attacked by the group of people whose appearances were not even a step closer to students. The student tried hard to protect himself from these ruthless criminals who seemed too brave when several around them are there to support them. They think world would place them as high as Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexander. But, they never realized the fact that they are actually cowards who tried to attack weaker people in groups. When these cowards were busy with the brutality, the policemen watched the happenings without a motion. I was watching these incidents on the TV and these policemen were watching it it live. Then how can you call me different from these pathetic creatures in khakis? Give me a good reason to differentiate me from these policemen. I don't understand what the Police department is trying to do. They catch hold of people who don't follow traffic rules but they let go those who produce extremely violent actions in front of them. Our policemen need a little tweak-up and they should be taught what they are supposed to do when they are in khakis. I guess movies like 'Khaaka Khaaka' and 'Vetayadu Vilayadu' carried these policemen away and they are now too far from their actual jobs. I really doubt who these people are who called themselves students. Are they followers of a political party and is it that why the policemen didn't take any actions to curb the unfortunate incidents that took place in front of them?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rules gone wrong..

Of late, we find so many changes in the traffic rules that are applicable within the city limits of Chennai. Helmets are made mandatory for bike riders. I always talk about this helmet issue whenever I talk about traffic policemen and anything related to them for I've dropped some bucks in their pockets, sometimes for not sticking on to the rules and sometimes for sticking to the rules but failing to convince these jerks in uniforms. At the end of the day, I hate them to the deepest core! Anyway, let me take you through the anomalies in the traffic rules we follow in Chennai. There are hard proofs available to stand firm on the fact that there is no coordination between the traffic police department, the oil ministry, health ministry and in fact, the whole Government. Today, the trend that is invading the minds of traffic policemen is "One-way or no way". Almost 30% of the main roads in the city, which were once used for two-way traffic, have been made one-way which, according to the police department, is an attempt to regulate and diversify the growing traffic in the city. Recently, I had been to Egmore and found that almost all the Roads at the junction had next to Pudupet had been turned into one-way roads. Something told me it's not going to be an easy task to reach the Commissioner's Office. I drove straight and when I was about to take a right, I found that the road is being used for one-way traffic and I had to go straight further. This isn't area with which I am quite familiar. So, I had no idea about the small roads in between the main roads which might probably take me to the destination in my mind. I reached the junction and now the rule is different. I am not allowed to take a right turn, though the road on my right is available for two-way traffic. The journey, straight down the road, continued with my bike running low on fuel. I reached another junction, where the signal timer continued flicking through the numbers for more than 2 minutes. At last I took a right turn, which was exactly the same I should have done 5 minutes back. Now, my destination lied to my right and I needed to take a right turn somewhere. I found a right and also a board that said 'No Right Turn'. But, the funniest part of the rule is that U-turn was allowed at that place. My journey on Kilpauk high road continued. The next right turn was a one-way. So, it kept me moving straight. Finally, the end of a long stretch came to an end and I found that I had reached the place from where my journey from Mount Road to Commissioner Office at Egmore. Thus, what I was left with in the end was a 'Pradhakshanam' around the Commissioner Office. I sought after the help of an auto-rickshaw driver, who, I was sure, would know even the smallest of streets in the city. He made me reach the place through a small street. Thus, I had a 5KM ride on my bike which should actually have been a 300 meter journey. Isn't this an idiotic act that puts down all the purposes of the oil ministry to bring down the oil prices? I was in great demand for petrol for my bike. Demand is the reason for the price hike. I could imagine the number of people who would have faced the same misery on bike as I did. That magnifies the demand which in turn gives Government no room to reduce the fuel cost. Since the entire traffic towards Egmore is diverted to Kilpauk High road, the congestion at the junction at the mouth of the main road has increased to several folds. Thus, the amount of exhaust gases let out in the atmosphere obviously goes up, which makes the conditions highly unhealthy. Thus, all the efforts of the Union Health ministry is made to go up in flames. I doubt whether Mr.Anbumani Ramadoss has the knowledge that smoking in public doesn't add as much smoke as the vehicle exhausts does to the atmosphere when the vehicle engines are put on idling at junctions and when the runtime of the vehicles on the roads increase due to congestion, which in turn leads to same effects on one's health as smoking. This reflects the complete lack of coordination between the different parts of the machinery called Government. Thus, the state has become a vehicle with the wheels at the rear end trying to go back while the wheels at the front pushing the system forward. And the system, which is the society here, stays right at the place where it was before the processes started, leading to stagnation!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The police story..

I can talk for any number of days about my experiences with cops. When I say cops, I am not mentioning to those who are responsible of upholding law and order in the place. I am referring to those traffic police officers in Tamil Nadu who are no different from scavengers of money. I have seen traffic police catching people for driving over the yellow line on the road which separates the two sides of the road and acts as a median. I happened to find another funny incident, which proved rather unfortunate for the guy who was riding the bike. The signals in Chennai are fitted with timers and people are requested by the scrolling texts at the signals to switch off their vehicle engines if the counter shows more than 20 seconds for the Green to flash. I was standing right next to this rider. He killed his engine and removed the helmet. He took out the hanky from his pocket and started drying his hair which was completely wetted by sweat. The policeman at the signal saw him without the helmet. That was enough for him to get whatever he expected from this poor man who would be around 25. The policeman walked steadily towards the rider and took the vehicle key from the key slot and walked to the tree shade available near the platform as if he is the Mr.Coolest. This man walked to the policeman and asked him the reason for his senseless act. I overheard what the policeman said and it was 'You were not wearing the helmet'. I could see what that reply would have done to the young man and he was trying to tell him he removed the helmet since it was a red. Now, the rider started to get furious over the entire thing. He said he the engine was killed and that means he wasn't driving. The policeman was not prepared to lend ears to what this young man had to say. Finally, the sergeant returned to the spot after a sumptuous afternoon meal and got to know what happened from the traffic constable. That was when they started demanding Rs.100 as a fine for not wearing the helmet. I thought this guy was cornered. But, to my surprise, I found this guy telling the two policeman that he would get the vehicle from the court after facing the charges there and demanded a Tow van for the safe parking of the two wheeler and even stated that it is the duty of traffic police not only to tow the vehicles but to make sure the vehicles are safe and asked them for the receipt for the tow service. I stopped my bike closer to the platform, about 20 meters from the place where the three men stood, and was watching the grand Tamil Nadu Police department's defaming diplomats demanding (literally begging) for money. The traffic constable brought the bike which was obstructing other vehicles all this while, from the middle of the road to the platform. The policemen started to threaten him that he would be required to pay more in the court and asked him to act sensibly. The youngster let a jolt pass through the policemen when he asked them to take a look at the sticker near the taillight of his vehicle. After that, I was surprised by the way the two policemen let this man go without paying even a single penny. I was waiting for the guy to pass me by so that I can see what gave the policemen the big jerk which made them look like two stupid clowns on the road. I was so happy to find someone literally slap the police officers in front of a huge crowd with the word 'PRESS' behind his bike. Now, I know what I should do to escape these beggars next time. Soon, you can find the 'PRESS' graphics at the rear end of my bike. :P

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Government vegabonds..

Today, I had a bad experience with the traffic police officers again. This time, I felt I was really unfortunate for having bought a bike because I think I would have paid more than the cost of my bike as fine amounts to the cops. The traffic police in Chennai are so damn desperate that they are willing to do anything stupid with the public in order to squeeze the money out of people's pockets. There are police officers who stop those who are wearing helmets and have got all the proper vehicle documents just to scratch a piece of buck out of their wallets. This time also, I didn't do anything wrong. I received a call from one of my college friends and I had the time to bring the vehicle to a halt along the roadside and attended the call. After the conversation ended, I kept the mobile locked between my left ear and the helmet so that I can immediately attend the calls if I receive any. After a 2 minute ride, a traffic constable appeared in front of me and signed at me to bring the vehicle to him and that was exactly what I did. The mobile inside my helmet found exactly the wrong time to fall down and that was when fate turned its attention towards me. The constable asked me 'Talking over the phone while driving?'. I said I wasn't and I even gave him my mobile to check the information of the last call which I received from my friend. He checked the time and was pretty much convinced that I didn't go against the rules. But, what runs in him is the Indian Police blood. That made him argue with me and he put forth a question 'If you were not talking to anyone, then why the mobile phone inside your helmet was closer to your ear?' I don't know where I got the reason from. I quickly responded to him saying that my mobile phone's vibrator isn't working and that was the reason why I held the mobile closer to my ear in the helmet so that I would get to know as soon as someone calls me. He wasn't satisfied with the reason because it was not reason that he wanted. It was something else that he had his intentions upon. As an expert in dealing cops and talking to traffic constables, it was pretty easy for me to guess what was running on his mind. I went to the sergeant and explained to him the entire scenario. He understood that I wasn't using the mobile. But, once again, Indian Traffic Police. He wanted me to give what he expected. But, I was not prepared to be fined for a mistake I didn't commit. I kept arguing while the sergeant started filling up a form using the details he acquired from my license card. While he was busy doing this, I told him 'Sir I know I didn't cross the rules and even you do. Please don't waste a sheet of paper for sheer 50 bucks. I can pay that to you though I can't justify myself if I pay you the money. So, you can stop filling that form'. The guy appeared quite calm and replied 'No kid. Rules should be respected and you should be given a written record of what you have done' I asked him what I did. And once again I entered the world of explanation but the man, about 60, never seemed to loosen his end of the rope. Finally, I made call to one of my school friends who brought Rs.40 against Rs.500 which the cops demanded. When I handed over the 50 buck note to the sergeant, he was completely heated up and started venting his anger on me and not even my foot cared for that. Finally, he accepted the 'BRIBE' and threatened 'I'll make sure you get caught wherever you go in the city'. I replied 'You're welcome sir. You can catch hold of me if you find me really crossing the rules unlike what you just did now'. While I was about to leave, I told the constable who caught me 'Even you know I didn't use the mobile while riding'. He replied 'You should have been fined Rs.1, 100 as per the rule book'. I told him 'No rule book would say keeping the mobile closer to the ear while driving is wrong unless we use it to speak with someone or listen to music'. When he was retaliating, I left the place, leaving my foot to listen to his mouth!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lacking the 'leopard' sense..

I am an animal lover and I can do anything for them which I won't be prepared for in the case of a human being. Millions of animal lovers would have come across this news by now. It's about an innocent leopard which was brutally killed by 100s of people. It was literally beaten to death by these people. The best part is that these people are none other than police officers who are staying the officers' quarters provided to them by the Government. They are the same people who offer advices to the public as to stay away from violence even when someone unleashes all the fury upon them and not to take law in their own hands. But, when it comes to them, the rules and advices pop like soap bubbles. The reports say that the leopard entered the quarters after losing its way in the jungle that surrounds the place. When it is called a jungle, why did the state Government allow the proposal of police officers' quarters in the middle of it? Isn't the Government supposed to allot the place for Forest rangers to keep a check on the intrusion of wild animals in the nearby village where people live? It's not fair to kill an animal just because it tried to penetrate the society where some really uncivilized animals live. I came to know that the leopard lost one of its paws due to the heavy blows opened up by the officers and it was running in pain. I understand its terrible pain. These human animals didn't stop even after the leopard finally gave up its efforts to elude back into the jungle. Then came the tranquilizer people. These people are so brilliant that they took three full dose shots at the leopard that was already down in pain and partly unconscious. The three shots of tranquilizer proved vehemently fatal as a result of which the leopard perished. Finally, the group of so called civilized animals won the brave fight. I wish God gave me an AK-47 with unlimited ammo so that I can shoot down all those people who are responsible for the tragic death of a creature that knew nothing more than running fast.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Menacing 'MAMA's in Chennai..

MAMA. That is how a traffic constable is popularly known in Chennai. I've had some terribly bitter experiences with these police officers in the past. Very recently, I had the worst of all my hands on experiences with the cops who, in an attempt to make Chennai a congestion-free city, are making it exactly the other way. Luz is a well-known place for almost everything you have been searching for so far and your shopping efforts are never in vain when you are here since you would (I bet) get anything you wished for. That is just a part of the Luz I know. There is something big behind the screens for Luz. Its the group of Traffic constables who stand right at the signal and literally pounce on the motorcyclists who don't wish to get there heads overloaded by helmets. One of the signboards in the city said 'Wear your hard hat to protect your software'. I wonder what are the hard hats they are talking about. Are these helmets really hard enough to stay in good shape even when a lorry rolls over your head while you're wearing them? I don't think so. And still these people expect us to wear it while riding bikes. Let us go back to Luz now. I had to take the left at the signal. I was unbelievably so sincere that I was waiting for the green to flash even when the board said 'Free Left Turn'. I guessed 'MAMA' would be standing immediately next to the corner and put on my helmet. To my surprise, I didn't find even a single white shirt and khaki pant. Now why should I wear a helmet? I removed the so called 'HARD HAT' and placed it on the vehicle's petrol tank as usual, without getting a clue of who was closing in behind me. It was FATE!!! Just as I removed the helmet, I found the Man in white shirt and Khaki pant raise his arm and signaling me to bring the vehicle to a halt. Finally, fate caught me. After a session of questions and replies that lasted for some 3mins, I was asked for my license. The usual Traffic police tradition. But what happened after that was something uncommon. The sergeant filled up a form with my name, address and vehicle number and asked me to get it signed by another man in non-uniform standing just behind him. After going through all the legal but senseless formalities, I was asked to pay a heavy amount as fine. Rs.50/-. I don't know why they wasted a good quality sheet for recording my crime for just 50 bucks. And they even spent their PRECIOUS time answering my queries on the CRIME I committed. I handed over a 50 buck note. He stared at me and then saw the mobile court that was standing closer to the platform. I understood what his gaze meant. I went to the mobile court and the two police constables in full khakis asked me to switch off the mobile phone. I was wondering why these people are making a big fuss for just Rs.50. They could have made me pay the fine without all these formalities like they always used to do. Suddenly, my thoughts were shattered by a voice from within the mobile court, which is actually a van, and I heard someone calling my name thrice which reminded me of those old tamil movies where the climaxes are taken to the court. I was shaken by the very arrangements within the van. It carried the look of a real court! (Though I haven't seen a real court in my life. We learn things from movies right? :-P) A Judge was sitting at one end of the COURTYARD and a man was sitting just in front of the Judge, who gave the complaint or the crime record form (Whatever....) to the Judge. I was made to stand within the cage where criminals stand in the courts (Movies depicted it that way. Can't help it). To add the court essence to the scene, this man asked me 'Helmet podama vandi otunaduthan ungal kutram. Idai neengal oppukolgireergala?' Are you thinking of something? For a moment, even I was thinking your way. I thought it was one of those funny and silly dreams. I said 'Yeah. Ok'. The constable with a rifle in his hand, standing next to me, asked me to stand properly since I had my legs crossed, mistaking them for my fingers.:-P I came out of the COURT where I was penalized for my coldblooded crime of not wearing a helmet that hampered the country's economical growth and incited a serious unrest in the city by polluting the minds of the citizens with my inhuman intentions, expecting media to interview me as soon as I made my first step out of the courthouse. Unfortunately, fate was still on my tail. All I found were few other CRIMINALS who were caught red handed, which should really be 'RED-HEADED', for not wearing helmets. The most tragic part which I still couldn't digest is that the MAMA who caught me wasn't in complete uniform. When he waved his hand at me, I thought some restroom cleaner is asking for a lift. The rule is 'Show me your slippers and I'll tell you who you're'. Slippers. Not even a pair of synthetic shoes. Unwillingly I paid the fine for my CRIME. I am now a criminal. Watch out. I could chase you down anywhere!! Thanks to MAMAs in Chennai that I am a macho now! (I know it looks pretty exaggerated. Blame it on the MAMA.:-P)

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