Saturday, July 11, 2015

Jessica's Baby Shower

I'm feeling pretty grateful to be back in Utah and closer to family. Today I was able to host a baby shower for Jess. We had fun a couple nights before making all the decorations. I think it turned out pretty stinking cute. And the food that Nick's family contributed was awesome!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Our Minnesota Home

Our rental home goes on the market for sale soon. We will have to show it to potential buyers. Here are some pictures of it nice and clean. This is how I'd like to remember the house, even though I know it really wasn't always this clean. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Best Buds

It melts my heart when I catch these two doing things like this... At times they really are best friends.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Newest Family Pictures

I have the best sister who takes our family pictures. We love them!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Driving from UT to MN

Because of the issues we were having with Colten's car (needing more expenses than it is worth AND considering all the money we have put into it the past several years), we decided our best option was to upgrade to a newer car. Since we had several weeks in Utah to look around we were able to get a great deal on a 2010 Honda Odyssey with low miles. We got the car just a few days before needing to head back to Minnesota. We made the long trek Non-stop. We drove through a crazy snow storm going through Colorado and made it to Denver around midnight. But since the kids were sleeping we just kept going. Colten turned on some comedy channel that helped keep him awake. 

These pictures are only just a few things I remember from that short/LONG 26 hour trip. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mckinley's Baptism

We were lucky enough to be at Mckinley's baptism. We left for Minnesota right after! Colten gave a great talk on the Holy Ghost. He used Legos to build a model of her life and taught a great lesson about using the Holy Ghost to help you make correct decisions so that you can return to live with Him again. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

What another successful Christmas! We are all spoiled rotten and had a wonderful morning and Christmas Day. Santa arrived early on Christmas morning. We had to wake Talya up to come see what he brought. She was stoked about her Super-Hero Barbie and the watch he brought her. "He even brought me a scooter. I didn't even know that!" She loved EVERYTHING she got. I have decided that age 4 was pretty great for christmas. Ty loved everything too. Helping unwrap all the presents and playing with everything Talya got!

We had our tradition french toast for breakfast. Later in the day we spent the rest of the afternoon with the Bracken Family. It was fun to be with family during this special holiday season.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas Eve with the Hunt Family. We had Pizza Hut pizza and yummy "sticky" punch. We went to Great Grandpa and Grandma Hunt's house. She had a gift for all the great grandchildren as well as the grandchildren couples.

Our kids got to open a Christmas Eve present. Talya got Queen Elsa pjs and Ty got some Christmas Elf pjs. It is always the best night of the year. I think our kids are still just a little too little to really understand, however, Talya was pretty excited!