Thursday, May 24, 2012


Our softball season has ended... I thought I new the game pretty good but becoming a coach made me learn the game a whole lot better. I can't believe how much is different from when I played just a couple of years ago (okay maybe it was a whole decade ago but still...) Our team was young and we learned a lot. We graduated just one senior and are excited to have the same team returning next year. I met some great people and was able to come out of my bubble just a little.

Colten was a huge support to me throughout the season by watching Talya as much as he could and coming to our games. It was a fun couple of months but we are both looking forward to summer and our upcoming break.

Head Coach, Me, and JV Coach

Head Coach, our All-Conference Player, and Me

CHS Coaching Staff

Fun at the Park

The city of Rochester, MN has over 100 parks! It seems like there is a park on every block. Our ward does what they call "Park Days" during the summer and each Wednesday we meet and let the kids play at a new park. Last weekend, Colten and I took Talya to the park and she loves the to swing. She'd stay in the swing for hours if I'd let her.

There are also some pretty good trails for running or biking. 
We've put our bike trailer to good use over the last year. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Spring Update

April has been quite busy for us all here in Minnesota. Just a little update on us all.

*Colten just finished two weeks of a break in classes where he spent a week learning emergency skills and also a week in internal medicine. He just started up his last 6 week course of classes and then he will have completed his first year of medical school. I can't believe how quick time has gone by! When his class is over the first part of June (like two days later) we are headed back home to Utah for a 4 week summer vacation. Can't wait to see all the family again! As busy as he is, he still finds time to spend with us and he even went and played some men's softball the other night.

*I am staying busy this spring coaching softball at Rochester Century High School. I am an assistant varsity coach and am really enjoying it. (It is quite different than coaching in Utah, though.) Our team is playing well, just not winning much... but we'll get there... it just might take a couple years. :) Colten has been able to watch Natalya in the afternoon during practice and games most of the time and the other times, I have some great friends who have been so kind to watch her. Aside from softball, Natalya and I just hang out at home or go to the gym or a park.

*Natalya is a just her normal "tornado Talya". She makes a pretty good mess that I'm constantly cleaning up after. :) (Especially when dad is watching her.) She loves animals and making her animal sounds. She is learning more words all of the time and trying to say them. She loves being outside and never wants to come back inside. She'd play out there all day if I let her. She is pretty good about getting her hair done as long as she can watch a Baby Einstein.

As for other news. We are lucky enough to be moving into a real house this summer. A couple in our ward are moving and weren't able to sell there beautiful home so it all worked out that we will be renting it! We are so excited. It has a two car garage, 4 bedroom, 2 full bath, basement with space for a play room, and the best part... a fenced in backyard with a big play set. The tricky part is that our lease here ends the end of June and since we'll be in Utah until July 8th we will be moving all our stuff to the new house the day before we head home. The other family moves out the next day so it will be a little crazy that day.

Anyways here are some random pictures of Natalya...

Talya and her friend Emmy, taking turns pushing each other in the doll stroller.

Natalya at a softball game, sporting her Century Panthers shirt.

We bought this car at a garage sale for $5.00 and Natalya loves it!! 

Talya kissing on her boyfriend, Gavin.

Letting Talya feed herself was a bad idea!!