Welcome to Guest Heart Thursday -
A Place to Share YOUR Heart!
(My computer is still limping along ... it is amusing me with hard drive sound effects that are a cross between a sick donkey and my coffee maker ... but has only frozen up twice this morning so far! So I will make this post short and VERY sweet!!!)
Once again "Texwisgirl" sent me a link to a most amazing heart!
This one was posted by Laura on her blog "Pretty Pix".
I can't wait to be able to visit and spend more time here!
Thank you, Laura, for sharing your heart!
Thank you, once again, Texwisgirl, for sharing the link!
I love seeing artwork being created - so when Rachel posted this Work in Progress on her blog, "Memories of Mine to Thine" ... I couldn't resist sharing it!
And I will (computer willing, of course) be checking back to see the completed piece!
Thank you, Rachel, for sharing your heart!
Pamela's blog, "Dum Spiro Spero" was one of the first blogs I ever followed.
I fell in love with her amazing writing talent (the first post I read made me cry) ... then with her amazing and unquenchable spirit.
Pamela hasn't posted on her blog for a while, but she did send me some hearts she found during her travels ... (I actually see several hearts here - do you?)
Thank you, Pamela, for sharing your heart!
always - a
huge thank
you to all who linked up
with Guest Heart
Thursday last week. I
loved seeing the delightful and
amazing hearts you found in
your world!!!
Would you like to share your heart on Guest Heart Thursday?
The rules are easy ...
The rules are easy ...
There are none!!!
As long as your post includes a heart!
As long as your post includes a heart!
you have
found a heart (or drawn a
heart, or designed
a heart, or
written a heart-felt poem, or just found something that touches your heart, or ...),
please join us for
Guest Heart
Thursday. Just link the
URL of your heart
post to "Simply Linked"! It would be
nice if you linked back to Random
Hearts ... but it's okay not
to ... we just want to see your
Simply Linked for Guest Heart Thursday is now open all week!Have you found more than one heart?
Put in more than one link!
Is your heart from a long time ago?
It doesn't matter, as long as you put the direct URL to that post! Is your heart from a long time ago?