Showing posts with label sheinside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sheinside. Show all posts

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Paisley shirt

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                                                                                                 sandals: zara,
                                                                                                 jeans: zara,
                                                                                                 shirt: thanks to Sheinside / here,
                                                                                                 watch: michael kors,
                                                                                                 bag: thanks to Oasap / here,
                                                                                                 ph. Maja

Good old pair of jeans, paisley shirt and studded sandals.
Lipstick to celebrate warm spring days.
That's it.
Hope you will like it!

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Friday, February 21, 2014


                                                                                            CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                               shoes: zara,
                                                                                               pants: mango,
                                                                                               shirt: thanks to sheinside / here,
                                                                                               jacket: zara,
                                                                                               bag: koton,
                                                                                               sunglasses: ray ban,
                                                                                               watch: michael kors,
                                                                                               ph. Jelena

Black jacket, pants, printed shirt and yellow shoes are my vision for a perfect Friday.
Hope you will like it!

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Monday, February 17, 2014

White jeans

                                                                                               CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                                  shoes: bershka,
                                                                                                  jeans: zara,
                                                                                                  belt: h&m,
                                                                                                  shirt: thanks to sheinside / here,
                                                                                                  cardigan: non branded,
                                                                                                  bag: dkny,
                                                                                                  earrings: thanks to oasap / here,
                                                                                                  ph. Masa

Cropped white jeans, chunky cardigan and printed shirt were my picks for this warm weekend. I completed the look with statement earrings and embellished belt.
Hope you will like it!

p.s. if you choose simple white pants instead of jeans you can wear it to work, and if you apply smokey eyes make up, add a blazer or leather jacket instead of cardigan you can party all night long! ;)

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Friday, February 14, 2014


                                                                                             CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                             slip-ons: h&m,
                                                                                             jeans: mango,
                                                                                             t-shirt: mango,
                                                                                             bag: dkny,
                                                                                             beanie: h&m,
                                                                                             jacket: thanks to sheinside / here,
                                                                                             rings: h&m,
                                                                                             belt: h&m,
                                                                                             bracelets: stradivarius, oasap,
                                                                                             watch: michael kors,
                                                                                             ph. Masa

I'm always in a search for a pair of good black jeans and here is my latest find. I paired them with new slip-ons which are decent substitute for leopard Celine shoe, added some accessories and my look was ready in less than five minutes!
Hope you will like it!

p.s. let me know if you find black jeans in any other stores, I would love to check them! :)

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Sunday, January 26, 2014


                                                                                              CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                                 boots: zara (old),
                                                                                                 dress: thanks to sheinside / here,
                                                                                                 coat: jovana markovic,
                                                                                                 bag: dkny,
                                                                                                 beanie: h&m,
                                                                                                 watch: michael kors,
                                                                                                 ph. Masa

Yesterday we got covered in snow, and thanks to these photos you can imagine how it was. :)
I paired old boots from Zara with coat from Serbian designer ( already wore it here,here and here) and new lace dress in black.
Do you like it?

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Saturday, January 25, 2014


                                                                                              CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                            boots: isabel marant pour h&m,
                                                                                            jeans: zara / here,
                                                                                            shirt: thanks to sheinside / here,
                                                                                            coat: thanks to oasap / here,
                                                                                            bag: michael kors,
                                                                                            scarf: pashmina from Turkey,
                                                                                            watch: michael kors,
                                                                                            rings: h&m,
                                                                                            ph. Masa

Cheetah or leopard? I spent 30 minutes deciding which animal print I wore and at the end cheetah won! :)
With flat boots, ripped jeans and burgundy scarf I made casual look for everyday, but if you pick stilettos and some statement necklace you can easily transform your look for evening.
Hope you will like it!

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014


                                                                                              CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                              boots: thanks to choies / here,
                                                                                              skirt: thanks to sheinside / here,
                                                                                              sweater: zara,
                                                                                              jacket: zara,
                                                                                              scarf: koan,
                                                                                              watch: michael kors,
                                                                                              bag: koton,
                                                                                              sunglasses: ray ban,
                                                                                              ph. Masa

Black and gray look mixed with tartan scarf was my choice for a warm winter day.
Hope you will like it!

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Olives and flowers ...

                                                                                              CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                             boots: thanks to choies / here,
                                                                                             shorts: bershka,
                                                                                             blouse: thanks to sheinside / here,
                                                                                             jacket: thanks to choies / here,
                                                                                             bag: koton,
                                                                                             sunglasses: rayban,
                                                                                             bracelet: thanks to oasap / here,
                                                                                             rings: h&m,
                                                                                             watch: michael kors,
                                                                                             ph. Masa

During the December I received a lot of clothes from various shopping websites and today I wanted to paired some of those pieces with my old clothes.
Over the knee boots, winter floral and a little bit of accessories for a warm day.
Hope you will like it!

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sheinside Giveaway ...

                                                                                               CLICK TO SEE MORE

December is the month of giving and because of that, we will start with some cool gifts on the blog right now! :)
One more Giveaway is on the blog thanks to!
You have a chance to win $100 gift card to spend on their website!
Here are the rules:
1) Register on Sheinside.(Click the following link to register on
2) Leave a comment here with the the same email address you used for registration on their website
You have seven days ('till next Saturday 21.12.) to join and participate!
Good luck!
p.s. you can save 20% OFF on the with Exclusive Code:  Chris-Blog20 at check out for your purchases, valid until 15/01.2014.


Decembar je idealan mesec za poklone, te večeras počinjemo sa pravim prazničnim darivanjem! :)
Još jedan Giveaway post je na blogu zahvaljujući sajtu! Ovoga puta, biramo jednog pobednika koji će osvojiti vaučer od $100 a može ga potrošiti na njihovom sajtu!
Potrebno je da:
1. se registrujete na sajtu (ukoliko već imate profil ne morate ponavljati ovaj korak),
2. Ostavite komentar ispod ovog posta sa email adresom koju ste koristili pri registraciji.
Igramo se do sledeće subote (21.12.), kada će pobednik biti odlučen pomoću sajta!
Želim vam puno sreće! :) 
p.s. do 15.01.2014. možete iskoristiti popust od 20% prilikom kupovine na sajtu, ukoliko na check out-u, ukucate kod Chris-Blog20! :)

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Before the snow ... (+ The Palace of Metropolitan Luxury fashion show)

                                                                                        CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                                 shoes: giordano torresi,
                                                                                                 pants: pull&bear,
                                                                                                 sweater: h&m,
                                                                                                 coat: thanks to sheinside / here,
                                                                                                 bracelet: zara (thank you Milica),
                                                                                                 bracelet: Morellto here,
                                                                                                 watch: Morellato / here,
                                                                                                 ph. Masa

Couple weeks ago, before my trip, I made several looks and this one is the last that I didn't publish. Leopard shoes, jeans in olive green and coat with golden buttons.
Do you like it?

                                                                           And great news for Serbian readers:

                                                INES atelier, Ana Ljubinkovic, Tamara Radivojevic, Dejana Momcilovic

Kao velikog obožavaoca hotela i njihovih enterijera, dodatno me je obradovao poziv za reviju koji sam dobila pre par nedelja.
Ono što nas očekuje u narednom periodu je The Palace of Metropolitan Luxury / modna revija i VIP koktel koji će se održati u januaru,  u fenomenalnom lobiju hotela Metropol u Beogradu.
Hotel Metropol Palace je vrlo brzo nakon otvaranja postao središte društvenog života prestonice, i kao takav, predstavlja idealno mesto koje može da ugosti različite događaje.
Ovoga puta, priznati modni dizajneri kao što su: Ana Ljubinković, Ines Janković/Ines Atelier, Tamara Radivojević, Dejana Momčilović,  Iva Stefanović, Jelena&Svetlana Proković/Cipele Lilu – Danijela Biškup, Ratt by Ritta Attala (grčka dizajnerka koja dolazi u Beograd na poziv Metropola) i Boško Jakovljević za Martini Vesto predstaviće svoju interpretaciju luksuza.

A jedna pozivnica (koja važi za dve osobe) za prvi red je razlog zbog čega sam rešila da sve ovo podelim sa vama. :)
Ukoliko volite modu, i želite da posmatrate iz prvog reda nove kreacije neke od naših najboljih dizajnera, potrebno je samo da ostavite komentar sa email adresom u ovom postu. Možete se prijaviti do 12.12. nakon čega ću uz pomoć odabrati dobitnika. :)

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