Showing posts with label radioland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label radioland. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2011

blues and greys

A phone call from a fellow DJ in need of a fillin means I'm playing reggae and world music here at the station and looking out the window at the swirl of blues and greys over the stark silhouettes of factory smokestacks and church spires. I wish I was out there with the camera but instead I'm providing West African guitar intricacies and apocalyptic roots reggae for the masses as the sky darkens and the rain begins again.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

live transmission

Ambitious plans for coffeeshop writing deferred for naps on the couch that turn into sleep, hanging out in the wilds of Parmastan, stopping on the way to set up for the radio station anniversary party at the Fun Wall, where I watched Cleveland's finest writers work magic with aerosol, helped set up for the big event, and found out I'd be covering the soundboard up at the station, which was nerve-wracking at first, waiting for the call to start streaming to come in, grabbing every New Order record in the music library, playing anything else I can remember that kind of fits the 24-hour-party-people/madchester era... interspersing with the Comsat Angels and Primal Scream.

So far so good...lots of caffeine, a book to read, and thankful for being part of a station that shaped my tastes for so many years.