I haven't blogged for so long that I have lost the habit. I went for a long time feeling guilty about not blogging (which is silly) and then once I released the guilt I just let the blog go too. Once in a while I'd have a little thought in the back of my head "You should blog again" but I never did.
So, I'm wondering whether I should. I don't think anyone out there will necessarily see the things I write now as I have lost my 'followers', but I didn't start blogging originally for the readers, I blogged for me.
I'm going to give it a go again, no guilt, no stress, no plans, no format and just see what happens.
I've (tried) to format the blog to have a really clean and simple look. I'm not great with Blogger or html codes, so I'm not sure whether it has worked well or will now look a mess.
I'm at work today so I can't really spend a long time working on it, and when I get home tonight I don't really want to stare at the screen for longer, so I'll keep my finger's crossed that it worked and check tomorrow.
Such a shame to be at work today when I have so many fun things I could be doing at home *sigh*! Ah well, that's life!!