Showing posts with label Southwest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Southwest. Show all posts

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Humble Yard sign, the employee that works for you 24/7 in all types of weather.

Yard-signs: a Cleaned by Pete employee

Working hard to get the right sign before getting them printed. I like that employe that keeps working hard and gets paid very little. That describes the humble yard sign. I need to investment in some new yard signs the sun and weather are taking a toll on the old signs. Also as times change so does or views and the signs are looking dated. While working a couple of weeks ago for one of our regular customers, that we concrete clean and house wash for, they deal with buy and selling homes, an idea hit me. Seeing their sign I started to come up with this idea for a new yard sign using their sign as a guideline for my new sign.  This is their sign:

Yard-signs seem to be a great employee for me. I use them while on jobs that I'm doing, then I can leave them there to keep working. The older signs are starting to show some ware. Time to hire some new employees to stand proud and promote what I do. Working 24/7 in all types of weather what more can you ask for? These are some signs I've used over the years, some are better than others but most have brought me some good returns.

A Cleaned by Pete sign used in the past.

A Cleaned by Pete yard-sign used in the past.

A Cleaned by Pete sign used in the past.

A Cleaned by Pete yard sign used in the past, was retired after it was involved in a hit and run accident when a car ran-over it in a yard. One of or early caricatures.

Promotional sign we use for a while it still finds use at fairs and expos.

Promotional sign it still is used at fairs and expos.
But now for the new crop of employees this is the interview period I would guess. Seeing what one will be the best fit and will work for us in the future. Which one has the most promise for the company.

 Playing around and working on getting the yard signs ready for printing. As always I have do make a bunch of different formats and get the ideas down in the computer. Then get the idea of what makes the best look and what everyone likes. Then tweak them around a bit. So here are the profs for the signs so far.
We clean dirty houses, Cleaned by Pete Springfield Missouri, the areas #1 house washer.

We clean dirty houses, Cleaned by Pete Springfield Missouri, the areas #1 house washer.

We clean dirty houses, Cleaned by Pete Springfield Missouri, the areas #1 house washer.

We clean dirty houses, Cleaned by Pete Springfield Missouri, the areas #1 house washer.
Cleaned by Pete "we clean dirty houses" Springfield MO the yard-sign.
 Why did I base my sign on one of my customers signs? Well I have seen this sign in and around town and it always attracts attention and is very visible. Using the yellow color as the background, with standard black lettering I thought we'll see what it can do for Cleaned by Pete. Keeping it simple has been my advertising agenda for years.
   In any case a sign is a reflection of your company and says alot about you. You have to temper looks and messages with what you're trying to get across to prospective customers. That is what I'm trying to do. I find it relaxing and like to do things myself I know my company and area and feel I can capture and relay the message. Not brain surgery here just letting others know we did a job and can do yours. If you don't have or use this silent employee you may want to give it some consideration.
Cleaned by Pete
house washing the safe, soft washing way
serving the greater Springfield Missouri area

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Power Washer & the 3 Bears

When is it too small, when is it just right, when is it too large? Power washers are closer to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears than you would think.
This entry will not win me friends with the larger is better crowd. Nor the handy man specials that try to cut prices, only to cut quality and are gone as fast as they came. It is more about finding what is right for you and what you do as a professional power washer. Knowing and finding your nitch in the industry is what it is all about.

Our last house washing in Springfield MO found us back at school. While we were not the highest bid or the lowest we still won the bid on this home just off campus. It helped that I had done the complex just two doors down last year. I showed up with my house washing rig parked next to the home which was very dirty and covered with your normal algae, mildew and years of grime.
The house mother told me, it seems that over the last few years the "handyman" was charging for a yearly washing but the home just seemed to get that much dirtier. My rig may look a bit small next to the home but it has everything needed to do this job as well as any other house washing job, with top name and commercial quality washers and equipment.

Cleaned by Pete's house washing set-up

Cleaned by Pete's house washing rig I can do projects this big or bigger with it.

Do you need a trailer with a 500 gallon water tank? Do you need a large 4 wheel drive pick-up? Do you need a hot water skid? If we do I'll go back to the shop and get one. Day in and day out this little rig will help save me and my customers money also help out our environment. Saving gas, oil, exhaust output by the truck and the washing unit as well as soaps, cleaners and water. On the other side of the field we are a small footprint but do not lack in quality of machinery on this rig. No "big box store" or "the warehouse" sale items here. Finding the just right as Goldilocks did was the trick I have been working at it for years, finding the just right for me. Many will say a bigger power washer with more pressure and gallon flow will do this that and the other, but for washing houses is it really needed?
House washing done by: Cleaned by Pete

House washing done by: Cleaned by Pete

House washing including the upper deck done by: Cleaned by Pete

I have invested in top notch equipment and over the years, used and decided what works and what does not for us. In a discussion the other day we were discussing what size pump is needed to wash a house. As with any discussion sides were taken and defended. I took the side that a 4, 5 or 5.5 gallon pump is all that is needed in most house washings. Others said no! Less than 8 gallons to 10 for washing a home was simply a waist of time (time and speed being their total basing factor). With a larger pump, came disadvantages for me. One being that you will need a larger motor 20 hp to 25 hp motors have to be used on most of these pumps. That is a twin cylinder of some type. Two cylinders mean twice as much gas and twice as much exhaust. I run a small 5 gallon pump off a 13 hp motor with lower psi to help save gas and exhaust (my carbon offset). The second reason: I like the control of the 5 gallon pump enough and plenty of extra power to clean any house or residential need I have come across. Others say you can do it faster and in less time with larger pumps that may be. I'm out to clean / wash and not racing to see how fast I get done. That is not part of my game-plan. A third reason is that the large pump and motor will take up a lot more room and it also weighs more. With more weight comes more ware and tear on the service truck. This will add more cost in gas and maintenance too. Larger pumps just ware things out faster too, nozzles, hoses, and other parts will just ware out quicker. Size is at a premium on the S10 also bigger may not fit. The fourth reason I don't wish to use larger pumps is they need more water 250 gallons or 500 gallons in a tank you need to pull around. Water supplies will not keep up with this type of water usage. Residential homes do not have this much water pressure or flow. Transporting large amounts of water to a sight that has water does not make scene to me. Again larger trailers, larger trucks, larger motors to run the pump all for the sake of time and speed. The last big factor in my game-plan is the bigger units original cost is quite a bit more this is a big factor when you're running a business. Does getting done quicker justify the cost how much return is realized.

So is smaller better? Could be. Having just what is needed to get jobs done is what I strive to do. So is larger better? Could be, depending on who you ask. Yes I do use my larger unit for commercial cleanings. Too small is just not in the equation for me at all, consumers grade power washers do not get the job done. Could I use my house washing rig to clean a large apartment complex? I could but it would be not as efficient, this house is about as big as I go with the house washing unit. That is why I have larger units and use then when needed. The same thing should apply for going the other way. Is a big unit as efficient for house washing? Is the only drawback here is speed and time? The savings to me, my customers and helping be as "Eco friendly" as I can, out weigh that one difference. You can not judge a book by its' cover you also can not judge a washer by the size of the truck. You have to look further than truck size, what equipment is on-board, Are they using "commercial or industrial" grade equipment. Customers should ask and look talk to you the intended hired contractor. They should check them out we need to be able to answer question and reassure them the job completed will be the best possible.

Here is a new truck, it happens to be one of my competitors, I don't judge them though they have mislead some of my customers. But still that is their business tactics and the way they want to run their company. What I'm saying is look at the pick-up and the equipment. Does this big new big pick-up help to clean and wash? Then look at mine who do you want cleaning your home? The largest single investment you have. This is actual photos taken on a bid I was doing and the competitor show up with their equipment to do their bid. What and who would you like to wash your home?

   Cleaned by Pete was driving the company truck too.

Beside the dedicated unit on the service truck you can see: a 16hp motor with a gear driven Hypo pump (the blue one). This is a smaller footprint due to the geardrive replacing the belts. A direct drive AR nickle head pump powered by a 15hp motor. We needed some portable units to get around and on the roof and in some areas we could not just run hoses to. These two units are custom built for size and power with all top graded parts and pumps.
There is also a difference between a service / work truck and one you drive around for personal use on the week-ends. It shows more of a commitment to your business and to the customers. A truck will get you there but it does not help you wash a home that is all in your equipment. You can see above a "big box store" consumer grade power washer in a big new pick-up, yes this is their power washing unit. Or you can pick from the industrial / commercial grade equipment on the back of a custom built cleaning rig designed by Cleaned by Pete with house washing in mind. While it is not new, a 4x4, crew cab, and I can not drive it on a date Saturday night it does what it was made and built to do, work.

Nice truck to get you there in style while supporting your consumer grade washer, is this to small?
Cleaned by Pete's house washing and residential cleaning rig, we find it just right for our cleaning style. jobs, and the size of what we clean. Not to big, not to small but just right for the residential and commercial jobs we do.

We had a photo of a super rig here,
the builder of the rig wished it removed.
I will honor their wishes. It was sourced off
the internet without any references to 
ownership. Sorry for any uses of said 
super rig on this blog.
It now has been removed.

Special built custom rig for commercial lot and structure washing, while just right for what it was built for, could be a bit of an overkill for washing a house and most residential usage. The question again arises when is a power washer to small, when is it just right and when is it too big.

I have always subscribed to the simple fact having the best equipment, tools, and washer to do the job. I could never uses my equipment to clean a large garage or even a oil rig, nor would I want to. It is just as simple each job dictates what pressure washers and equipment needs to be used. Each job is different each job requires specialized equipment and tools. Each contractor knows his equipment and what can be done with it. There is a limitation of what one can do with a washer and on the other hand to much power is not always a good thing at times it will all depend on what we are washing. Most power washing contractors seem to find their special part of this vast cleaning field and then mold and fit their rigs and pressure washers to what they want to do. Professionals use professional equipment not a "box store washer".

That is why Cleaned by Pete has 3 service trucks and a fleet of washers. Witch includes skids to portables, hot water and cold water units, electric and gas, to meet the needs of each customer and their jobs.

Cleaned by Pete
is a power / pressure and soft washing company
specializing in residential and commercial exterior cleaning
serving the greater Springfield and Southwest Missouri area

Thank you for the visit and reading the blog, leave us a comment and you are welcome back at any time.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Don't Forget to Look for Cleaned by Pete on Youtube

Don't Forget to Look for Cleaned by Pete on Youtube

It is that time of year we need to get the word out "Spring Cleaning"  will be here soon and Cleaned by Pete is your one stop cleaner for your needs. Cleaned by Pete has several videos of his work on Youtube there are a few listed videos on the right of the page. Look for the entire listing of videos on Youtube or Cleaned by Pete Youtube (click on either link to open our page). You will see the different types of cleaning jobs we can handle. We will leave you with one thanks: Cleaned by Pete 407.459.7869

Don't forget "Spring Cleaning" will be here soon, Cleaned by Pete gives free prompt estimates for your cleaning needs 417.459.7869.

House washing in Springfield & Southwest MO Cleaned by Pete 417.459.7869

Sunday, November 17, 2013

What a power washer does

Power washing

Sometimes being a power washer takes us away from home for a time, We have been out on a job for about a week and have not had time to make an entry in the blog. I made it home last night. Just to let you know we were working here is a short video that was taken while working at the job. Yes this is proof that I was working not on vacation or sunning in the tropics. I have to catch up on work here at home this week and will hope to do some more blogging soon. Thank you for your support and visiting us here at Cleaned by Pete please bookmark us and return.

You may want to turn down the volume a bit since who took the video is standing close to the pressure washer and it may be a bit loud.

Just click on the video and watch Cleaned by Pete at work. Cosmetic cleaning on this concrete wall, watch as years of dirt are being erased with one or our washers.


Have a bit of time today after the house washing I did this morning. I thought I would post up a few pictures of work in progress also taken on this project.

Cleaned by Pete working the way up cleaning this concrete corner. Years of dirt and grime are power washed away.

Cleaned by Pete working his way down cleaning this concrete wall. Years of dirt and grime are power washed away.

Cleaned by Pete working on cleaning this concrete sill under the windows. Years of dirt. grime and pollutants are being power washed away.

Cleaned by Pete cleaning concrete walls removing years of crud.

Cleaned by Pete cleaning concrete walls removing years of crud.

Cleaned by Pete is cleaning a pavilion you can see just where we stopped while moving equipment.

Cleaned by Pete is cleaning a pavilion you can see just where we need to start cleaning once again after moving equipment.

Cleaned by Pete is cleaning the second pavilion you can see just where I stopped to take a picture and a quick break.

Pictures are after drying overnight

Nice, bright, cleaned and looking good Cleaned by Pete.
Nice, bright, cleaned and looking good Cleaned by Pete.

Nice, bright, cleaned and looking good Cleaned by Pete.

Nice, bright, cleaned and looking good Cleaned by Pete.

Nice, bright, cleaned and looking good Cleaned by Pete.