Sunday, September 19, 2010


My poor little Luke. For the last, oh I'd say, probably a month, he has been walking around with Billy Bob teeth. Do you know what I mean? The fake ones you can buy that are all crooked and black so you look like a redneck? Well, that has been my Luke, minus the black. His two front teeth were loose, and had the permanent teeth coming in behind them, so they literally stuck out at at least a 45 degree angle, if not more, and were twisty and crooked. We have been bribing, begging, threatening, anything we could think of for him to wiggle those teeth and get them out. Shane even pulled a Grandpa Clayson and threatened to get the pliers out, but Luke was not having any of it. He eventually lost one of them right before we went to visit Susy, and the Tooth Fairy found him there, but the other has been hanging on for more than two weeks past that one.

Again, we have been begging, but mostly threatening pliers or string around a doorknob, for him to get it out himself. Well, yesterday, he and Josh were playing soccer in the backyard. They have become little soccer nuts since starting soccer this year. Anyway, Luke suggests to Josh that they play tackle soccer. Thank the Lord for small blessings, this was what we needed. Luke had the ball, and Josh tackled him to the ground. Luke's face, and mostly tooth, hit the ball, and out it popped. Thank goodness, that drama is finally over. And just in time for school pictures tomorrow. So he will look like this:

instead of Billy Bob. I think I'll take the toothless picture.


Anonymous said...

Snag is free!!! lol