me: babe, how do you fill up this form?
Geetha (my best friend who makes me laugh): LALATlah!
me: huh?
Geetha (my best friend who makes me laugh): LIKE THAT (pointing at something)
me: OMG so what is "like this" in your language?…. LALIT?
Geetha (my best friend who makes me laugh): arrgghhh~!!!
That's me my funny girl, Geetha!
moral of the story: Don't mess with her when she's busy, just carry a dictionary with you. We're currently in the process of editing Volume 1 of Geetha's dictionary.
Scene 2: It just happened today while I was having dinner… phone rings
josh: I think I am going to stop drinking.
me: good for you!
josh: Gotta get on the wheel!
me: I think you mean wagon. >.<
That's funny man Joshua Rao!
(disclaimer: he's actually one of the smartest people I know despite what the text about him might infer)
Now you see why I'm always so happy?! I lead a life filled with comedians.
Keep it up people!! I might be able to write a book on these things one day (after editing Geetha's dictionary of course).
❤ Claudia ❤