akhirnya setelah hampir sebulan kami bertiga capek2 ngurusin rumah
plus kerja kantoran dan sampai dirumah dengan badan yang letih lelah lesu dan lemah
We have new Maid !!!!!
will she be just as good as our previous magnificent Minem?
hehehehe, bagi mereka yang belum tahu siapa Minem..
Dialah orang Kebumen yang berhasil membesarkan (membuat gendut) my precious Maria Larasati.
Orang Kebumen pertama yang sangat berpengaruh menentukan standard baik tidaknya seorang pembantu bagi keluarga Nuansa Kelapa Dua blok D no. 5.
Jadi setelah berakhirnya masa pengabdian Minem di rumah,
She remains to be our Maid reference indicator.
after Minem,
Maid A was only capable of matching Minem's Cook, no to her passion to Laras or her dilligency in keeping the house clean.
Maid B.. no match to Minem at all
Maid C .. my God, she's just a dissaster
Now, the new comer came from Cilacap.
She's a friend of my friend
I beg my friend for her arrival because I could not bare this exhaustion.. I am all wear out
and she came
her name is Sagi, saginem is the full name
loud voice, with a tipical Cilacap accent
Our first maid Yes/No detector is Laras
if she's Okay, then the new maid has a chance
Fortunately, Laras is a very easy going person
Sagi passed her first test
after few talks at the car on the way to the house
we later find out that she previously work at warteg
" Oooooooh, your cooking must be good !
Said my husband with his highest hope emerged in his voice tone (no wonder for almost 1 month, I could not spoil him with any good home cook hahahahaha)
Then I take two days leave to train this new comer
I already prepare a simple manual for her daily routine
Her main and most important tasks are to take good care of Laras everyday' needs
and the rest are to handle household assignments
On the first day ... I found out
She's slow.. gee, real slow and mostly
she's unable to set a task priority, she could not decide, which job is more important to do, what is the first thing first.
later in the afternoon, haahhaha
She can't cook :)
had to write her a recipe and explain her step by step
On the second day, it's getting worse
she's lousy in ironing
her house cleaning is far below our Minem standard
and worst of all
she made me becoming a blabby person
everyday I had to brief her some list of instructions "in the morning you have to do this and that"
and in the afternoon I had to call home
provide her other assignments
"have you done this? pls then clean that"
arriving at home, I had to act like a janitor supervisor
plus provide her examples with real action hehehe..
Like ...
" you cannot call this cleaning up.. look's there's plenty of dust up in the cupboard
Laras room are still in a mess, and her toys are spread around every corner of her room"
" when I tell you to clean up, you have to make sure, everything are put in the right place
and all goods are supposely wipe out from all dusty things"
Then the supervisor showed her on how to clean up example....
in summary.. .. She's far.. far...far below our Minem standard
But I'm quite exhausted to look for other
Please God, turn her into a miracle :)