Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Pumpkin Patch

A couple of weeks ago, Eliza and I went to a pumpkin patch with our friends B and J. The kids were a little too young for some of the stuff but I think they had a lot of fun.

Eliza loved running around without having to hold hands. She headed straight for the pony ride. I tried to get good pictures but someone wouldn't be still long enough. Or smile. Or look at the camera. The wind kept blowing her hair everywhere. Don't judge me. Her hair usually looks a little less crazy. (Please reference hair comment above.)

Eliza really liked the bunny. She also liked the goats, but wouldn't pet them. I am OK with that. Then we walked over to the hayride and went out to the pumpkin patch.Eliza picked a big pumpkin to go with her small pumpkin at home. She tried to pick it up but it was a little heavier than her pumkin at home. We had a really fun time. J was so sweet to Eliza. He kept asking "Where Eliza go?" when she would fall behind. The last time we went somewhere with them, J gave Eliza his blanket in the car in case she got cold. He is so cute. I wish I had a better picture of them together. I guess we will have to hang out again!

Monday, October 24, 2011

My Little Pumpkin

At the begginning of October, I bought Eliza a small baby pumpkin from the farmer's market. She loves that pumpkin.

She likes to give the pumpkin kisses (don't worry I washed it first.)

The pumpkin makes her giggle.

She likes to carry the pumpkin around the house.

She likes to carry it around with her outside too.

She loves her little pumpkin.

And I love my little pumpkin.

This picture has nothing to do with this post. I just liked this outfit. Couldn't get her to be still long enough for a picture though.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Update: Uh Oh Spaghetti-Oh

Life has been super busy lately. Not enough time to blog. But I want to remember a few happenings of late. So here is a quick, not so well written update post.

Eliza has been changing so much lately. She repeats a lot of words. She has started her 1 year old class at daycare and seems to like it. This week she started not crying when I drop her off and she seems really excited to see her teachers and friends.

Funny Eliza events:
- I forgot to pack her nap mat sheet and nap blanket for daycare yesterday. At nap time they used an extra sheet and blanket they had. When they asked her to lay down to take a nap she looked at the sheet and looked back at them like she new that was not her stuff. They did finally get her to nap but she wasn't happy about it. She is either a creature of habit or she just really likes to nap in stylish sheets.

- Thanks to Kase's training lessons she now says "uh oh spaghetti oh" although it sounds like "uh oh spateteti."

- This past weekend I discovered that when asked she can say certain sounds that animals make. A Lion "roars" (but in a whispering voice), a cat "meooowws," a cow "mooooos," and a dog "ruff ruffs."

- I bought her a small pumpkin to learn the color orange and what pumpkins are. She loves her "puttin" and loves to carry it around the house. She also enjoys chewing on the stem. (YUCK.) She also loves to throw it. I am surprised it hasn't busted yet.

- She has certain favorite books including: Good Night Moon, Look Look (it's a black and white book), In My Tree (an owl finger puppet book), and Where's Spot.

- As mentioned before, one of Eliza's favorite books is a lift-the-flap book titled "Where's Spot." Yesterday, she brought it to me saying "Spot Spot Spot Spot." My heart about melted.

She will be 16 months on Thursday and once again, I think this is my favorite age. She is so much fun.

In other happenings, Kase went to wood badge last weekend and really enjoyed it. He will be returning in a couple of weeks to do the other part of the course. I don't really know how all that works but he is having fun.

Also, in Laura news I am changing my work schedule to where in my 2 week pay period I work eight 9 hour days, get one 8 hour day, and have the 1st Friday of the pay period off. So I will have every other Friday off. I am excited about this. Eliza and I will have some fun mommy daughter days ahead.

I am also REALLY excited it is Fall. My favorite time of the year. I already know what we are going to be for Halloween. I will not tell you but I am making our costumes (so don't laugh at them) and it is a family theme. And Eliza is going to look so stinkin cute.

Welp that is about all. The end.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Found It

I've been looking for it.

Do you see it?


Fall....It's (almost) here!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cowboys and Indians

I love fall. It is my favorite season. There are many reasons: the changing colors of the leaves, the crisp air, Halloween, the upcoming holidays, and fall clothes!

I also love all the fun activities that fall brings: camping without all the bugs and humidity, campfires, smores, hot chocolate, trick-r-treating, pumpkins, pumpkin patches, pumpkin carving, and well... I know there is more but I can't think right now. Oh yes. Fall colors. All the warm tones, Reds, Oranges, Yellows, and Browns. I love it.

We've been too busy with school to do much of the fun fall activities but last weekend we did build a fire in our fire pit on the deck. We roasted marshmellows and made smores.

Last night we went to our church's trunk-r-treat (or is it trunk-n-treat? I'm not sure) I was an indian (the native american kind) and k-dawg was my cowboy:

Isn't he cute?

Yes I do realize I look extremely pale, but hey, it goes with the whole halloween scariness thing right?

Also here are my niece and nephew. Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. They are cute:

I would post pictures of the other cute kids like the wizard of oz family or the elephant and cow, but well... that takes way too long. Anyways It has been a good week so far.

Happy Fall Ya'll!!! (no I don't really say Ya'll but it rhymes)