Wow I love Barcelona and the history of Rome and the Vatican is just breath taking.
We landed in Rome on Christmas Eve, spent a couple of days checking out the sights and then flew out to Barcelona.
If you have not seen it before the Roman architecture is well worth it, however I must say I would not recommend Rome as a nice place to visit. Compared to Barcelona there were disturbingly many homeless people and quite an amount of filth. Service attitudes were about on par with Finland. An Indian Australian I bumped into in an internet cafe suggested that Florence was much nicer and he too thought "Rome was a dump".
To be fair we had a great experience in a small family restaurant walking between the Colosseum and the Pantheon. Food was great and service was also great.
Its just that Barcelona was so dam good that Italy seemed to be so second in comparison.

If you happen to be a fan I assure you that you won't be disappointed. But take your time, there's lots to see.
The town of Figueres is also worth a look, with great outdoor under cover markets and lots between the train station and the Museum.
The train ride from Barcelona was simple and cost 22 euro return. From the station just follow the signs and its only a short walk to the museum. As well as what you know, theres heaps of things you may not have seen before.

We also took a quick trip up into the Pyrenees and into France via Tour De Carol by train to Ax Les Thermes, which is a lovely villiage nestled in a valley prividing access to the ski slopes.

Though as you can see, there wasn't good snow there when we were there (despite it being January).
Anwyay, for a bunch of snapshots have a look at my Flickr show here.
PS ... As Noons has suggested the Sagrada just must have a mention. If you go, you simply must visit the museum underneath it. You'll learn heaps about the history of the building ... remember its still just a construction site, so its not a church yet.

and check out the details on the interior ceiling ... its just beautiful with embedded tiles providing a golden sparkle.

You look at something and see symbolism embedded in it at every level, its just stunning.